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Here's a thought!


All of the "keys" in S4 that opened the Tree's chest were gifts! Generosity is a binding force by which we can all thrive!

  • Brohoof 1
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Interesting that Fluttershy won after all. Good thing the duplicate votes were caught, not because I have anything against Luna, but because I do think it should be fair. Oh well. Instead of a Nightmare race, we get kindness vs. generosity. Once again, I love 'em both, but I had to give a slight edge to Rarity, for the same reason I voted for her before. If you want me to be honest, I don't dislike any of the characters in this World Cup thing, but, like everyone, I do have favorites. This one was especially close for me though. Maybe not quite as close as my Rarity vs. Discord vote, but I'm still rooting for both ponies.

  • Brohoof 2
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Rarity will break through all defenses with snuggles. Cold hearts shall melt ... and love her.




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Probably my fault Flutters is winning - I know a lot of people dislike me, and they're probably not voting for Fluttershy, but voting against Rarity because of me.


I'll just see my way out.


Good luck, Rares!! :D Hope you can win it!! :D




The people who would do that will do it weither you post here or not. So post away, so says I

  • Brohoof 1
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Probably my fault Flutters is winning - I know a lot of people dislike me, and they're probably not voting for Fluttershy, but voting against Rarity because of me.

I don't hate you. I wouldn't vote against a pony for the sole purpose of distressing another member  :)

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Thread is moving so dang fast.


Anyway, I doubt Fluttershy would want the spotlight associated with being a finalist. So, voting for Rarity is like doing Fluttershy a kindness. Maybe. A little bit.


Just vote for Rarity, k? I've already lost Applejack and Zecora. This is all I have left!



Can't slow her down. Tooo much Fabulosity ... galactic structure barely holding.



  • Brohoof 2
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Showed my poster for the quarterfinals. Showing it again on this match: 


Now admire the fabulous Rarity drawn by me, how can you deny a vote to her?





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Rarity has roused the Celtic militia to aid in her cause! But this fight is far from over! Vote for Rarity! For honor! For glory! For Fabulosity!



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The pony of Generosity vs the pony of Kindness... these 'defining traits' of theirs aren't all that different, but in the end there can only be one. :D


This will be a tough battle for both sides here for sure, but hopefully we can all get along in this round anyway eh? :)

Let your support run as red hot as fire though! In this case though, as white/purple hot as the spirit of generosity! GO RARITY!!! :yay:

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Let's assume for a moment that this poll has an effect of adding one focus show. 


Which do you want?  A fluttershy scared of something episode?

Or A Rarity episode?


The Fluttershy scared episodes are getting old for many people.


And like a fine wine the Rarity episodes seem to be getting better with time.

  • Brohoof 3
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Thanks @@KokuraiNoSenshi and @@Cyan Blue


Like I said, both ponies are awesome and as someone with major decision anxieties, this is very much a coin toss :blush:


In the end, this has made me go with Rarity :) Along with @@PinkieAlliPie's beautiful poster :D






Good luck to both and may the best pony win  :)

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