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Why Is Luna Loved So Much?

Hive King

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Why do people love Luna love so much? I don't mean her character, that's a matter of opinion and I actually like Luna's personality, I mean why the fans constantly paint her as the better of the royal sisters while Celestia is a tyrant. 


Let's look at their canon feats


Luna: Attempted Genocide

Was upset because ponies slept


Celestia: Refused to fight Nightmare Moon even when it was clear that Nightmare Moon wasn't her sister

Didn't bust out the Elements until she had no choice


Now, if you like Luna, that's fine, I like her too. My problem lies in those who justify her actions and glorify her as only misunderstood and that Celestia was evil. 


So yeah, discuss what you think of Luna's actions and her fanbase's reaction to them


  • Brohoof 4

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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I completely agree with you. Just gonna say right now the flash backs should have been it's own ep but that is irrelevant. As we saw in those flash backs Luna was mad and it genuinely hurt Tia to banish her only sister when there was no peaceful option. Yes it's sad that Luna felt unappreciated in her sister's shadow but blocking out the sun and creating eternal night was not the way to go. If Luna wasn't banished the world will still be covered in darkness and Luna wouldn't be the character all of her fans have come to adore. She would still be nightmare moon she would not be the remorseful, adorable dork she is now and we wouldn't have those adorable scenes of her trying to reconnect with the world in Luna Eclipsed. I love Luna but her banishment was justified and made her a better mare.

  • Brohoof 8


This adorable ball of glorious fluff that is my avatar is the creation of the glamorous Laika

Hey so Johari

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Great post, just one little detail. According to the story book in episode 1, Luna was upset because "Ponies slept through her beautiful night". It's highly possible that she was respected and worshipped, the problem was that she wanted her night to be played in and for ponies to ignore sleep. A bit greedy, but it both makes her more and less sympathetic somehow, more because she seems to be more innocent for just wanting ponies to play in her night, less because she comes off like a psycho telling ponies to screw sleep

  • Brohoof 3

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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True. The story is kinda ambiguous with just how under appreciated she felt she was. For all we know you're right and she could've been just as respected and loved as Tia but the constant feeling of not being as loved as Tia blinded her to how much she may have been truly adored by her subjects regardless of whether the slept her nights away or not. She is more relatable  there as show me how many people have perfect judgement and reason when emotions are involved. Again though I am not against her banishment no matter how much it sounds like I'm trying to justify it Xd

  • Brohoof 2


This adorable ball of glorious fluff that is my avatar is the creation of the glamorous Laika

Hey so Johari

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It's all about fanon, people love to imagine her in other ways than she really is. Also, you have to keep in mind that she was never truly evil, but became corrupted and had little control of her own actions. It might be her personality, her character design, or simply people making up for a lack of development on her part in the show over the years.

  • Brohoof 2


"You must never give in to despair.  Allow yourself to slip down that road, and you surrender to your lowest instincts.  In the darkest times, hope is something you give yourself.  That is the meaning of inner strength." - Uncle Iroh

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It's all about fanon, people love to imagine her in other ways than she really is. Also, you have to keep in mind that she was never truly evil, but became corrupted and had little control of her own actions. It might be her personality, her character design, or simply people making up for a lack of development on her part in the show over the years.

Her little "THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE PRINCESS!" tantrum took place before she was infected, the Nightmare just made things worse so that she was beyond reason. The Nightmare didn't change her all that much since Luna was already screaming like a toddler before being infected

  • Brohoof 2

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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Well I mean, seeing where she came from. Everypony adored her older sister, because she provided the sun. But they could not show appreciation to her night, withought night the land would overheat, ponies would not be able to sleep. Yes she only noticed ponies sleeping in her beautiful night but there is no canon proof that these ponies tried to show appreciation for Luna's night. I for one love the night the cold it brings the tranquility, and the smells. But I do not obsession with her. She is also a lot cuter.

  • Brohoof 1



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She is percieved as a social outcast, somehting many bronies can identify with.






And she has a nice flank.

  • Brohoof 2

"There is no such thing as innocence, only degrees of guilt."


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I think that the show, hasn't dealt with subject yet.


We don't know anything about what happened 1000 years ago and that flashback in Princess Twilight was a waste of time. Of course, they probably did it so that new people watching the show could understand the importance of the Elements of Harmony and they couldn't invest too much time in that scene). My point is that I would never make it so simple as "Luna was sad that the ponies slept through the night, so she had a temper tantrum blocking the sun with the moon and them attempted sororicide not even thinking that her actions would doom Equestria to death by starvation and other means of slow and painful death".


If the producers for the show even care about this subject ad thought about it for a second, much as the intro from the first episode implies, all of this was a long and slow process. Luna probably went insane seeking validation from her subjects. Probably comparing herself to Celestia. Thematically, Celestia is more radiant, more "visible" than Luna, so the smaller one tried to show that she was as good as her sister and lost it along the way. Maybe she was not being ignored or thought of as "less than Celestia" as she thought she was. But she was blind because SHE thought of herself as inferior, regardless of what the ponies thought of her. All of this being internal to Luna, it would be justified for Celestia to not notice all this until Luna exploded in her face as Nightmare Moon.


In the background to all this, Luna should be "tempted" by this "evil thing" that possessed her, making her dwell even more in her insecurities instead of seeking help.


This is not so difficult to make in the show. Even if you keep it down because of the age of the intended audience. It just need to be well done, and not rushed in 2 minutes of flashy stuff.


TL;DR: the problem should not be what the ponies thought of Luna, but what Luna thought of herself in relation to her sister.


EDIT: By the way, THEN Luna would be justified in being seem as the underdog the way the fandom sees her, and not like the spoiled child the flashback made her out to be.


Another EDIT: I lost myself in what I was trying to say and went a bit off topic.  What I'm trying to say is that people will prefer the underdog. Their opinion of Luna was made by the first episodes and by Luna Eclipsed. If I'd seem that flashback first, I'd have thought that Celestia shoud have given Luna a spanking instead of using the Elements....

Edited by moonlightavenger


For dumb, self-important fics about mythology, ponies and fascist griffons that can't figure friendship out.

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I don't know about others but I love Luna for her design, backstory and personality. There is just so many places she could go. Her backstory is one I have seen a lot lately (Ex. Loki) and it brings a smile to my face every time I see it. The younger sibling getting jealous, but some force (In Luna's case, it was the Nightmare) that takes those feelings and pushes them to a higher point then it was. It's a belivable backtory that makes you feel sorry for her and wanting to give her a hug or two.


And her personality and redemption is adorable, and don't get me started on that kickass mane. I just love everything about her.

  • Brohoof 4

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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I don't know about others but I love Luna for her design, backstory and personality. There is just so many places she could go. Her backstory is one I have seen a lot lately (Ex. Loki) and it brings a smile to my face every time I see it. The younger sibling getting jealous, but some force (In Luna's case, it was the Nightmare) that takes those feelings and pushes them to a higher point then it was. It's a belivable backtory that makes you feel sorry for her and wanting to give her a hug or two.


And her personality and redemption is adorable, and don't get me started on that kickass mane. I just love everything about her.

For me, its not just everything said above but much like Rarity, I love her eyes.


The eyes are you the most prominent feature in all ponies but theirs just strike the keys which is one of the main reasons I'm drawn to both Luna and Rarity

  • Brohoof 1
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Well, many just like her color scheme better then Celestia, i personally do. Some like her because she is a bit awkward and some can relate to her that way, or that she just doesn't feel like she fits in sometimes. 


It may be that Celestia also feels to some like she doesn't get as much development since shes just kinda there and hasn't had an episode like Luna really.


And some it may be they just don't like Celestia for whatever reason. Although many don't dislike Celestia, they just prefer Luna for one reason or another.


I personally prefer Luna, mostly because i really like her color scheme, but i don't dislike Celestia.


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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I don't know about others but I love Luna for her design, backstory and personality. There is just so many places she could go. Her backstory is one I have seen a lot lately (Ex. Loki) and it brings a smile to my face every time I see it. The younger sibling getting jealous, but some force (In Luna's case, it was the Nightmare) that takes those feelings and pushes them to a higher point then it was. It's a belivable backtory that makes you feel sorry for her and wanting to give her a hug or two.


And her personality and redemption is adorable, and don't get me started on that kickass mane. I just love everything about her.

You pretty much hit the nail on the head for me, but why stop at two hugs  :comeatus:


Also love her personality in the comic. It goes deeper the after-grief she feels from her time as Nightmare Moon, and provides comedy relief in the later issues.

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I think luna is loved because of the idea of what she is.


Any character that carries the title of "Princess of the Night" is usually badass in one way or another. :D

  • Brohoof 3


My OC's:  MalinterRahl, Vengeful impact & alias-the-marked-one

First fic i've written since forever here

Skype: Malinter@Outlook.com

"Defeating a sandwich only makes it tastier." most legendary quote ever.

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Holy crap, this thread got popular. Keep in mind everybody, I'm not asking why people like Luna, I'm asking why people justify her actions and have her as the good to Celestia's evil


Indeed, but we all just need more clarification on exactly what happened before Luna's coup. We don't know if ponies worshipped her or did something else. 


That's fine, but she also went completely insane over attention issues, even before the Nightmare. 


Luna was already acting like a raging toddler before the Nightmare. Recall her smashing the balcony?

  • Brohoof 1

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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Why isn't Luna loved so much?

Well If your not asking why people like her I will keep my list on the chain.

I'm guessing the ponies loved and respected Luna, the moon is just as important as the moon, maybe a tiny bit less Important. This idea could've popped in her head at some point and start the slow decline of hatred and jealousy. The ponies shouldve((And I'm guessing they did)) Worship her. However, seeing ponies play and have fun and doing mostly everything in her sisters light, while sleeping and not doing much in her light, which she thought was just as good (And is)) would've caused even more jealousy most likely.

If your like trying to ask why people put her up as good as Celestia and forgive her, it clear she's sad about what she did, and Celestias sad about what happened. Luna did make mistakes, I think people rule out Celestia as evil because they feel like it and she ruled for so long. I like Celestia. She's not evil or anything.

~PL :3

Edited by Princess Luna~<3
  • Brohoof 1

Don't be a dweeb


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I don't hate Celsestia. I just like Luna more.


Also my favorite color is blue.


That's all.

Edited by ~Sadistic Luna~
  • Brohoof 1

I refuse to let go until you're impressed.
I refuse to let go until I'm depressed.
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Put yourself in her shoes.


For thousands upon thousands of years, nopony acknowledged her, everypony loved her sister and she was just ignored and probably hated due to bringing the darkness. Now, due to the alicorns being presumably immortal, think about if you had to deal with being second best and hated for thousands upon thousands of years. Also, the Nightmare was whispering in her mind of a promise to be appreciated, to actually be acknowledged for once. If you had a "promise" that you would be respected and better then your sister instead of her being #1, or the other option and for the rest of eternity be hated, ignored, and just generally shunned, which option would you choose? I'd choose the 'respected' option.

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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I haven't read the any of the comics, so forgive my ignorance xD


But just base of what i seen in the show, its seems there is more than just Luna's envy, and that pony's sleep thru her beautiful night, after all she can enter everyponys dreams and see what they sleep about, i doubt everypony dream of playing in the day and doing stuff during the day, also to me her "There can only be one princess" shout may have been influence by something (aka Nightmare Moon) and the fact she raise the moon was more of a power intimidation than actually bringing eternal night.


Since she has the power of entering dreams to me it seems odd she couldn't interact whit other ponies, again stretching a bit but coulndt she make a place in the dream world were everyone can come and be interact whit her? just a thought, in the end we dont really know the true power of luna, we know that she is more powerful then celestia, battle wise at least.


As for why celestia seems like an evil tyrant, i can argue about it some stuff, if the mane six actually destroy the darkness whit in luna, why couldn't Celestia, cause in the end i doubt the mane six were trying to save luna if anything they were trying to stop her, which wouldn't that have meant turning her into stone like Discord, Why exactly did celestia banish her to the Moon when she could have Turn her temporarily in to stone in order to calm her down, and its not like she didn't know how, afterall they did turn discord in to stone not to long ago and turn him back to normal whit the same elements so yeah that kinda ticks me off, but yeah i dont celestia is a tyrant just incompetent in some situations xD


Again maybe the comics have explain something i dunno but im just saying of what im based of the show, as for why i like luna? Design, Character, Name, I always love anything Moon based specially luna it reminds me of Sailor Moon's Cat also call Luna  :yay:


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We don't know if ponies ignored or even hated her, the wording in the pilot is important. The exact wording is "The ponies relished and played in the day her elder sister brought forth, but shunned and slept through her beautiful night.". The problem was that ponies are not nocturnal and thus could not play in the night nor appreciate. It is highly possible that they did like Luna, just that they didn't play in the night. Not to mention that overthrowing a benevolent ruler while laughing like a lunatic and committing genocide wouldn't win her any fans. 

@@Dark Heart,

 What? How do we know that Luna is a better fighter than Celestia? The dog fight doesn't count, Nighmare Moon gives a power boost and Celestia wasn't trying to fight back anyway. 


As for why Celestia couldn't save Luna, we know that using the Elements alone is not optimal, that explains it. Turning Luna to stone would be the same thing as sending her to the Moon. 

  • Brohoof 1

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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We don't know if ponies ignored or even hated her, the wording in the pilot is important. The exact wording is "The ponies relished and played in the day her elder sister brought forth, but shunned and slept through her beautiful night.". The problem was that ponies are not nocturnal and thus could not play in the night nor appreciate. It is highly possible that they did like Luna, just that they didn't play in the night. Not to mention that overthrowing a benevolent ruler while laughing like a lunatic and committing genocide wouldn't win her any fans. 

@@Dark Heart,

 What? How do we know that Luna is a better fighter than Celestia? The dog fight doesn't count, Nighmare Moon gives a power boost and Celestia wasn't trying to fight back anyway. 


As for why Celestia couldn't save Luna, we know that using the Elements alone is not optimal, that explains it. Turning Luna to stone would be the same thing as sending her to the Moon. 

How do we know That nightmare moon gives Luna a power boost? and how can i be sure that luna was more powerful the Celestia, simple cause Celestia had to use The elements henceforth she knew she wasn't strong enough to either defeat her or subdue her, All hero battle systems are: If the enemy is stronger than you either:

1. Get Friends and beat him up together, or 2 Use ultimate attack or weapon  :lol:


Again it hasn't been explain whether the Elements are optimal in a group or just by 1 or by a few, so yeah i still believe that Celestia had a better option than banishing her to the moon, and if we use logic banishing her to the moon wouldn't mean she was seal anyhow, cause if she was send to the moon in her normal stage wouldn't just made sense to come at whatever time she wanted? why wait 1000 years for the seal to weaken? ill tho debatable we can still say that Celestia did seal her in some way or form, and like we learn From Discord Being turn to statue doesn't make you deaf, So there could have been option to calm her down, or at least find a solution to her Evil Part, in the end we havent find out if nightmare moon is actually just a transformation created out of Luna's own heart of if Nightmare is a true villain in it self and took possession of luna's body, Either way sending her to the moon seems a bit heartless specially if its your sister when you could have done something else.


But again just my opinion, like i said i don't think Celestia is Evil or tyrannical after all she did make ammends in the end whit her, i just think she is incompetent some times xD


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I think both Celestia, and Luna are awesome. My headcanon is that it wasn't entirely Luna's fault. The nightmare forces are also to blame. When she was Nightmare Moon, she wasn't really herself. Also, she should be forgiven. It happened a 1000 years ago, and that's a long time to hold a grudge against her.


I never thought of Luna as good, and Celestia as bad. They're two equal princesses in my eyes.

  • Brohoof 1


Credit for the signature goes to Kyoshi

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