Sir.Flutter Hooves 2,953 January 25, 2014 Share January 25, 2014 THEY LIED!!! FLASH/BRAD IS IN S4! WTF!!!?? They said he wasn't gonna be a CHARACTER in season 4. Meaning he won't have a major part or a talking or acting role in the season. He was a background pony, nothing more, nothing less. 3 This fantastic signature is made my by awesome friend Rainbow Skywalker! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FirestormCAN 246 January 25, 2014 Share January 25, 2014 He's back, alright. Flash Sentry is back on duty. Damn you, Jason Thieesen~! Thanks for making my point in the Save Flash thread completely irrelevant. XP Anyway, this was another fun episode. And why wouldn't it, considering we've got Discord on troll duty? His shenanigans were a lot of fun to watch, especially during his one and probably only number. John De Lancie, you wonderful wonderful man. Come back soon! The more I see Cadance, the more she grows on me. I mean I liked her before, but once again she shines as a big sister. In-law. She's so calm and collected, and even acknowledges she's up for something exciting for once. She's still nowhere near Luna as my favorite, but she's getting really close. Solid and fun to watch. 1 Vector Production ~ Friends: YES | Public Requests: TBD | Commissions: NOBronyCAN 2016 Head of Publications - Email of PM for questions Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
crazitaco 596 January 25, 2014 Share January 25, 2014 Omg Discord is such a jerk! I love it xD Discord is a strange ingredient to put in any episode, that's for sure. I love how jealous he gets when it comes to attention. Also, as much as I despise chad sentry, I didn't really care about his presence nor do I worry about it. That was just a cameo, doesn't mean anything significant. *Click the picture to join the Nega-Bronies!* "Every cloud has a silver lining" *except for the mushroom-shaped ones which have a lining of Caesium-127, Strontium-90 and other radioactive isotopes. My OC: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Winona the Dog 1,984 January 25, 2014 Share January 25, 2014 I thought the episode was pretty good, enough so I watch the whole thing without taking a break, a new record for me. Pros: 1.Mi Amora Cadenza 2.Discord 3.Discords first song 4.References galore 5.A new creature to add to the list, regardless if no name was given. Cons: N/A You're forgetting the one con. Flash Sentry Cameo was completely unnecessary. Glad it was just a cameo and nothing more. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Antismurf9001 1,271 January 25, 2014 Share January 25, 2014 Discord's song was amazing, but just one question... What's a breezy? Supposedly it's a creature from G3 of MLP. After a quick search, it seems like they're little pony/butterfly hybrids. "Ceterum censeo background ponies delendas esse" - Stellafera Credit for the Octavia vector goes to the awesome Harmonic Revelations Credit for the creation of my avatar and signature goes to the amazing Wubsie Once again, thanks! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SomariFeyWright 776 January 25, 2014 Share January 25, 2014 ... While this episode was a very good episode, it pushes all the wrong buttons for me. When I watched the season 4 premiere episode back when it began, my primary complaint was the portrayal of Discord as the jackass friend who only does enough good to get by. I know this dynamic works for most people, but for me, it felt really mean-spirited in a show that focuses primarily on light-heartedness and friendship. ... And, of course, they didn't improve anything here. This episode centered primarily around Discord being a completely uncaring ass to Twilight and friends. Throughout the entire episode, he fakes a sickness and does little more than give them hell for it. The musical number wasn't even all too worth it for me because all it did was show me that he had no concern for anypony but himself. And the sad thing is, I think it was a very good, very fun musical number. I want to love it, but I hate the context. Discord's my primary complaint, but what about everything else? Well, this is easily one of the most forced episodes I've ever seen, in terms of the ponies it can fit in. I mean, Rainbow Falls doesn't even COMPARE to the sheer effort it must have taken to force these various ponies to get speaking roles. The entire Mane Six, Spike, Cadence, and Discord. That's nine significant characters people. NINE significant characters. Not even counting the brief return of Flash Sentry. And how many of them were needed? Three. MAYBE four if you count Fluttershy needing to be written out somehow, but that's still a bit of a stretch. And even WITH that, that means over HALF of the characters were entirely unnecessary. And here's the thing: Not even the mane focus of the episode was fully needed. By that I mean, there was literally no reason to make it Cadence. It could have been any of the Mane Six. It could have been Spike. It could have been the Manticore or the Cockatrice for all it mattered! Sure, her being a Princess helped matters a lot near the end, but that's not enough to make it feel like she was a necessary entry into the episode. And the moral... I admit, I kinda liked the moral. "Stick with your friends when they need you, through thick and thin"... I can accept a moral along those lines. I was worried throughout the whole episode that it was going to be another "Just say no" episode, which would've been pretty weak, but the end result was okay. Overall, this episode probably sits directly in the middle of love and hatred for me this season. It had its good moments, it had its bad, but overall, it was at least worth the time. If nothing else, it DID give us a better insight into their portrayal of Discord and what's to be expected of him in the future, better so than the premiere. ... Looking forward to Weird Al next week, though. SERIOUSLY, IF HE ISN'T THIS SEASON'S SAVIOR I'M GONNA Awesome signature made by Tromino. My OC: Want to join a romantic crossover RP to celebrate the Month of Love?: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ReverseFaller 2,484 January 25, 2014 Share January 25, 2014 That was a great episode. I think it's cool that we got to find out that Breezies are in G4. Also, that Discord song was amazing. Credit for the signature goes to Kyoshi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shandesa 14 January 25, 2014 Share January 25, 2014 @Tyler Blu Gunderson At least he didn't talk, or have twilight show any reaction to him. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Razzmataz 37 January 25, 2014 Share January 25, 2014 Overall I liked the episode. The song, like in Bats! was a lot like Danny Elfman's work. Sounded a lot like Jack Skellington singing in some of the parts.So many references! Pretty awesome. Liked the Risky Business reference Discord made. The overreactions about Flash Sentry being in it for a whopping 3 seconds are incredibly painful to read though. Really wasn't that big of a deal... 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ninjamon102938 222 January 25, 2014 Share January 25, 2014 Did anyone that Twilight was wearing Rarity's glasses? special thanks to Lunia for this AWESOME signature MY OC: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sir.Flutter Hooves 2,953 January 25, 2014 Share January 25, 2014 Was I the only one who loved the friendship necklace that Discord gave Twilight? XD 10 This fantastic signature is made my by awesome friend Rainbow Skywalker! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~StatesTheOblivious~ 1,795 January 25, 2014 Share January 25, 2014 Well, that's what you call a good episode. Humorous, no predictable end, Discord sings... Genius! But... *hisses* Brad. OMG! THIS SHOW IS RUINED FOREVER! DON'T BELIEVE HER LIES! I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF THIS! WHY DOES THIS HAVE TO HAPPEN! ARGH! Drama! Okay, I hope that no one takes this too seriously. And that no one actually quotes me, thinking my jimmies are rustled. Because they're not. :comeatus: 4 "If men define situations as real, they are real in their consequences." - W. I. Thomas & D. S. Thomas Signature by Kyoshi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Winona the Dog 1,984 January 25, 2014 Share January 25, 2014 Preliminary thoughts: I really loved the episode, mainly for Discord, because I love Discord. That being said, I think the moral was a little weak. I'm not entirely sure whether the moral was lend a hoof to a friend in need even if they're a jerk that you are only friends with to prevent the destruction of Equestria or if it's sometimes things can go right even if they go wrong... either way I think the moral was a little watered down and forced and not something you could take and put in your day to day life. That being said, even though I don't think it really gave me any moral lesson, I liked the Discord character building. Even though he was a jerk in this episode, it was kind of nice to see an episode focused on him actually caring about their friendship in his own little way. Even though a lot of people were saying during the stream that it made them dislike Discord, it really made me like him. In my eyes the episode was about how he really wanted to have true friends and not just people that called him friend for the sake of keeping him in line, so he wanted to see if they really cared enough to go all out for him. And I liked that Twilight wasn't unrealistically happy with him. Normally I'd expect one of those, "Of course we love you you're our friend and you never have to wonder if we'll go the extra mile for you" speeches, but I think it's more realistic that she'd just be annoyed that he lied. Overall I really liked the episode... I think it did little to advance the overall plot or morals of the show, but it did give us a little bit more of Discord's character and I really liked all the humor in it. Definitely one of the better episodes of the season imo. I'll probably post some more thoughts after I watch it again. Well said. I suppose Discord is really trying to make more friends but in his own way. Being nice just isn't his style which is why he can easily come off as a jerk when he really isn't. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ghostfacekiller39 23,860 January 25, 2014 Share January 25, 2014 (edited) Please tell me i'm mot the only one to catch "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" Discord You most certainly were not Alright, shall we move forward with my review? "Well, I have no problem saying it! You got what you deserved!!" - Rarity That's one of my favorite Rarity lines so far Applejack set it up, Rarity knocked 'em down Annnyyywayy... Three's a Crowd: 9/10 Well, the only thing preventing it from a perfect score was the lack of Rarity; it's a personal code of one of the most subjective show viewers on this site that if his best pony doesn't get a fair amount of screen time, then it can't be a 10/10. However, I will say My Little Waifu kicked ass when she was around, per usual (Except in Powell episodes; those take place in an alternate universe, though. Not canon, just shite.) I can go on about the Flash Sentry thing and how l8me it was, but yeahh, it was lame. I think the writers threw him in there just to troll us, so they could play the role of Discord to us Bronies for an episode. Pinkie...I worry about you, most sincerely. What's wrong? I'm worried you've gone past the point of no return...yet another poor performance from Miss Pinkie Pie Hopefully Weird Al can save that poor pony... As for the rest, it was an interesting story, a nice Twilight/Discord episode that saw her play the role of a princess for once, even if it was just a little. Discord made me chuckle every now and again, which, in all sincerity, is good; How many times do you actual laugh out loud when you say "lol?" That's what I thought It was a damn good episode that kept me interested in the best season so far Now, on to Weird Al and, after that... *shudders* ...Simple Ways Edited January 25, 2014 by Champion gfk39 5 He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!! Check out the Rarity Fan Club! "Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity" -Jacob G. Rosenberg Signature by @FadedSkies Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Simon 4,557 January 25, 2014 Share January 25, 2014 Honestly Flash is an MLP character now whether you like it or not... it makes sense for him to be escorting Cadence places when she leaves the crystal empire. I'd rather have a character I'm not particularly fond of be in the background than to have him drop off the face of the Earth without explanation. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Noodles 109 January 25, 2014 Share January 25, 2014 ... While this episode was a very good episode, it pushes all the wrong buttons for me. When I watched the season 4 premiere episode back when it began, my primary complaint was the portrayal of Discord as the jackass friend who only does enough good to get by. I know this dynamic works for most people, but for me, it felt really mean-spirited in a show that focuses primarily on light-heartedness and friendship. ... And, of course, they didn't improve anything here. This episode centered primarily around Discord being a completely uncaring ass to Twilight and friends. Throughout the entire episode, he fakes a sickness and does little more than give them hell for it. The musical number wasn't even all too worth it for me because all it did was show me that he had no concern for anypony but himself. And the sad thing is, I think it was a very good, very fun musical number. I want to love it, but I hate the context. Discord's my primary complaint, but what about everything else? Well, this is easily one of the most forced episodes I've ever seen, in terms of the ponies it can fit in. I mean, Rainbow Falls doesn't even COMPARE to the sheer effort it must have taken to force these various ponies to get speaking roles. The entire Mane Six, Spike, Cadence, and Discord. That's nine significant characters people. NINE significant characters. Not even counting the brief return of Flash Sentry. And how many of them were needed? Three. MAYBE four if you count Fluttershy needing to be written out somehow, but that's still a bit of a stretch. And even WITH that, that means over HALF of the characters were entirely unnecessary. And here's the thing: Not even the mane focus of the episode was fully needed. By that I mean, there was literally no reason to make it Cadence. It could have been any of the Mane Six. It could have been Spike. It could have been the Manticore or the Cockatrice for all it mattered! Sure, her being a Princess helped matters a lot near the end, but that's not enough to make it feel like she was a necessary entry into the episode. And the moral... I admit, I kinda liked the moral. "Stick with your friends when they need you, through thick and thin"... I can accept a moral along those lines. I was worried throughout the whole episode that it was going to be another "Just say no" episode, which would've been pretty weak, but the end result was okay. Overall, this episode probably sits directly in the middle of love and hatred for me this season. It had its good moments, it had its bad, but overall, it was at least worth the time. If nothing else, it DID give us a better insight into their portrayal of Discord and what's to be expected of him in the future, better so than the premiere. ... Looking forward to Weird Al next week, though. SERIOUSLY, IF HE ISN'T THIS SEASON'S SAVIOR I'M GONNA smacks a bit of I don't like discord so I am going to complain about the episode. of course discords a bit of a jerk at least his plan to ruin a friendship failed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cimarronboy 248 January 25, 2014 Share January 25, 2014 (edited) That's one episode I can never watch again. If I see that again I might not survive. Still cracking up. Mainly pinkies attention span got to me but the rest was pretty comical as well....except discord gettin aj and rare sick but that was kinda as predictable as the whole episode. Loved the crystal train design, seeing flash and rare tellin discord off. Song was ok and most references were obvious Edited January 25, 2014 by Cimarronboy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
King Sejong 859 January 25, 2014 Share January 25, 2014 After last week's haphazard episode, we get redemption, it is also a slice of life episode with an adventure, I am liking this change of pace. Just like we finally got Derpy back, we get Princess Cadence and the reappearance of Discord, who nearly stole the show, showing up in a hue of blue, claiming he has a cold, he apparently is a pen pail to Fluttershy, whom wrote to Discord that Cadence was going to Ponyville to visit Twilight Sparkle, and knowing Discord he makes a nuisance of himself, and the rest of the mane six sort of wonder off. Twilight Sparkle wanted to show Cadence the Starswirl the Bearded exhibition, which is the first time he is referenced in season four, plus Twilight wearing her costume from "Luna Eclipsed" nearly made me do a spit take, to be fair I have seen cosplay at historical exhibitions before, when I was in an exhibition for the Battle of Monmouth there were people in eighteenth century fashion. We have a plot devise, a flower that Discord says could cure his cold, so Twilight and Cadence embark on a fetch quest, after pulling out the flower we get a carnivorous plant emerging, to see Twilight and Cadence battling was epic, and the animation was pretty cool, only to reveal that Discord was malingering, testing Twilight on her friendship with him, but it also tested her friendship with Cadence, after doing boring things we want excitement so it balances out, and that is the moral. I also nearly did a spit take on the cameo appearance of Flash Sentry, so I guess it is separate from Equestria Girls, as if it never happened, but I have some foreboding we will be seeing him again, possibly around the finale, I have some more foreshadowing but I will wait to see if it would amount to anything, next week we get Weird Al Yankovick in "Pinkie Pride", same pony time, same pony channel. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Castle Bleck 19,384 January 25, 2014 Share January 25, 2014 (edited) The "Big Bads owned by Cadance's barriers" list: 1. Chrysalis. 2. Sombra. 3. Discord. Edited July 19, 2014 by A.V. 1 By @Emerald Heart.↑ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Radiance64 7,053 January 25, 2014 Share January 25, 2014 (edited) One of the most hilarious episodes of the series! Even before Discord came along Pinkie and Rarity were bringing the funny(used patio furniture, duck), but when he (literally)came crashing in, no house or tissue(seriously, the flying house, I'm dying lol) was left unfloated, nor any pony left untrolled- even the audience, I think we all saw you-know-who when Cadence arrived, thanks ffor not bein' a truther Meghan McCarthy... :okiedokielokie: Also, Discord had a song! It's kind of a blur to me atm since it went by so fast, but there were definitely a lot of subversive references in there, just all-around greatness. John De Lancie killed it there and throughout the whole episode. If I had to knock the episode for anything, it's probably be predictability- when Cadence and Twilight lifted that huge flower up, you just knew something was gonna come out of that hole, and I think just about everyone figured Discord wasn't really going to be sick- but still, at least these moments led to things like a new worm-villain-thing(good lord it was ugly lol), some sweet moments with Twilight and Cadence(they both really needed some development lately, and I think this episode gave us that), and Discord actually getting sick by touching the worm- what a twist! The rest of the Mane 6 could have been around more I guess as well, but oh well, what can you do with a trolling draconequus around. Overall, an amazing, hilarious episode, I can't think of one moment where I wasn't enjoying it. Just absolute greatness. 9.5/10 Edited January 25, 2014 by Radiance64 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Winona the Dog 1,984 January 25, 2014 Share January 25, 2014 By that I mean, there was literally no reason to make it Cadence. It could have been any of the Mane Six. It could have been Spike. It could have been the Manticore or the Cockatrice for all it mattered! Sure, her being a Princess helped matters a lot near the end, but that's not enough to make it feel like she was a necessary entry into the episode. Hmm I kind of disagree with you. It's obvious it needed to be Cadence because she and Twilight are childhood friends and the obviously want some time together when the world of Equestria ISN'T hanging in the balance. Since Twilight is always with her friends + Spike I think making it any of them wouldn't have mattered because they could literally spend time with each other any other day. Was I the only one who loved the friendship necklace that Discord gave Twilight? XD Nope I totally want one!!!! 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Anilewe 2,178 January 25, 2014 Share January 25, 2014 (edited) As a Applejack or Rarity episode it was really awesome They were on the screen only for a while and still managed to make me laugh XD And Discord, of course, the best troll in all of Equestria. But to be honest that part of the episode with Twilight and Cadance was disappointing and only Discord saved it. Edited January 25, 2014 by Anilewe 1 Fan of Applejack? Join us! We have the best cider from Sweet Apple Acres! ORANGESEXY IS THE BEST PONY! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Buttonmash1973 1,026 January 25, 2014 Share January 25, 2014 (edited) I watched the episode in the Twilight room on Bronystate. After waiting for months for a new Discord episode that was all worth the wait. Edited January 25, 2014 by Ulrik Raben Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scootaloodle 1,623 January 25, 2014 Share January 25, 2014 Are there any links up yet so I can see the episode? Thanks Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Simon 4,557 January 25, 2014 Share January 25, 2014 Are there any links up yet so I can see the episode? Thanks Watch EquestriaDaily... they're usually pretty fast about getting the episodes up and the links posted on their site. But the episode just finished a half hour ago so it'll be a little while until it's up, especially if you're waiting for HD. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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