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Which came first? The chicken or the egg?

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  1. 1. Which came first the chicken or the egg?

    • Chicken
    • Egg

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Actually, that's sort of incorrect! O: The Bible states that God created every creature, specifically human was created in his perfect image


"Then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature." [Genesis]


“Worthy are you, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they existed and were created.” [Revelation, I think]


With these two quotes, we can discern a couple of things:

  1. That, just as humans, all other creatures were created from a recipe of Earth and God breath :P
  2. That everything we know to exist was created once and only once

The Bible doesn't have anything about evolution in it, only the sudden creation by God.


"For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse." [Romans]


Implies, mostly, that everything was created by Him in the way He wanted them to be from the start. He used his invisible attributes (his power and divinity), then probably said something like, "I'm going to make a chicken" and hence, he made a chicken.


So, in conclusion:


Creationism: Chicken came first


Well, I myself am a creationist, so ^this.

  • Brohoof 2
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First the chicken's ancestor(probably something that would, were it still alive, be part of the family phasianindae) existed. Said ancestor continued to mutate repeatedly and through natural selection eventually became a new species(so different from the original species that it can no longer interbreed with it's ancestral species. This new species is called the red junglefowl and still exists today in asia. Humans then got involved in the picture roughly 5,000 years ago and selectively bred the red junglefowl to be more and more docile and have a larger breast. Eventually, after many generations of selective breeding, we ended up with the modern chicken, a new species. This process is called domestication and is essentially human-fueled evolution. Every single species that has ever been birthed from an egg started as an egg.

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I'm gonna narrow down the question to "what came first? The chicken or the chicken egg?" Now you can't say "oh egg because dinosaurs laid eggs before non-hostile animals came to power."


I am quite on the side of the possibility of the egg coming first because an ancestor could've laid a chicken egg.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If there is a god, then I believe he would have created the chicken first, just as others have posted above. It is like saying: What came first, The human or the fetus? You have to have a human that can produce the fetus first. Which, if evolution is right, then the chicken evolved from another creature first. So technically, the chicken came first, but it wouldn't have been possible without the eggs of other creatures.


It's confusing because there is proof for both sides.

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I'm gonna narrow down the question to "what came first? The chicken or the chicken egg?" Now you can't say "oh egg because dinosaurs laid eggs before non-hostile animals came to power."


I am quite on the side of the possibility of the egg coming first because an ancestor could've laid a chicken egg.

If you narrow it down like that, you have to define "Chicken Egg". If you say an egg that hatches into a chicken, then evidentially the egg comes first. If you define it as an egg that a chicken lays, then the chicken comes first. Either way, you would need to find the point where the "proto-chicken" become a chicken, which is impossible.

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Either a dinosaur (read: weird chicken) laid a chicken egg, due to evolution, so therefore the egg came first.


Or else a dinosaur had a mutation, which lead to it becoming a chicken, so the chicken came first.


A chicken is a dinosaur. Otherwise, it'd be like saying "a human was birthed from a primate". While technically true, a human is not separate from primates, and nor are chickens separate from dinosaurs. However, yes, the egg did come very much before the egg and evolution brought us tasty extra crispy from their Mesozoic nonavian ancestors.


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A chicken is a dinosaur
Birds are what we call Avian dinosaurs. Non Avian dinosaurs are the dinosaurs we all think about.


The problem with this question is that it has an answer but whether you are for religion or evolution is what determines what you decide to choose. I am in support of evolution, meaning the egg came first, because it comes with a complete answer that can be fully explained. Religion however stops at the words of "Because of God". That doesn't answer the question because you can't examine that as an answer. You can choose to believe in it, but it is not an answer.

  • Brohoof 2
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The egg, reptiles have been using eggs long before the domesticated chicken rolled around.


There are some pretty big evolutionary benefits, for one, the animal doesn't have to carry around the babies inside her. That's especially important for animals that can't afford to be weighed down. The other big benefit is that it's more secure. Eggs can be hidden in warm areas and if the parent gets killed by a predator, the descendants still have a chance of survival and the "egg genes" roll on.


There are also some interesting articles linking a relationship between the Tyrannosaurus rex and the chicken. I'll probably give it a good read later, but the chicken's origins, along with the other birds, are almost certainly reptilian.

Edited by Celtore
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The Questioner, on 15 Feb 2014 - 1:08 PM, said:


And what did the chicken's ancestors hatch out of? That's right, eggs. Eggs came first.

No, because evolution created/evolved the bird that could shit eggs.

The bird then laid eggs and other birds came out form those eggs.

Edited by Onylex
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@, @,  @@@Pat.Rio.T.,


As all these people have stated, I personally believe that the chicken came first. My reasons, as simply as I can put it is this: the origin of information necessary for life had to come from somewhere. 


Funny seeing many like-minded people here.  ^_^

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No, because evolution created/evolved the bird that could shit eggs.

The bird then laid eggs and other birds came out form those eggs. 



Yes, birds evolved from reptiles. Eggs were being laid and hatched long before any avian creatures (including chickens) evolved.

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Yes, birds evolved from reptiles. Eggs were being laid and hatched long before any avian creatures (including chickens) evolved.



Nope. The egg has to spawn form somewhere...

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I think you are missing the point. How the egg evolved is irrelevant. It was around a long time before chickens.

Mayn, is u igss-nit? 


I didn't say how the egg evolved I said that the chicken came first because it evolved fare enough to lay eggs...



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Mayn, is u igss-nit? 


I didn't say how the egg evolved I said that the chicken came first because it evolved fare enough to lay eggs...



Ok, let me state this simply. The chicken DID NOT EVOLVE TO LAY EGGS. The chicken evolved FROM SPECIES THAT WERE ALREADY LAYING EGGS.


Hell, eggs were in use since the first vertebrates evolved. Not all hard eggs, but eggs none-the less. Eggs were around before life left the oceans.

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Ok, let me state this simply. The chicken DID NOT EVOLVE TO LAY EGGS. The chicken evolved FROM SPECIES THAT WERE ALREADY LAYING EGGS.


Hell, eggs were in use since the first vertebrates evolved. Not all hard eggs, but eggs none-the less. Eggs were around before life left the oceans.

So you're saying instead of the animal that made it possible to even lay eggs, it was the egg who came first...? -__-

I dont understan how that makes logical sense, its like saying people were alive before the big boom that created everything...

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