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if unicorn's actually existed, would there be any left alive today?

Twilight Mist

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More then likely...at least until the animal activists start a war against it, then it spreads to the media, and gets annoying after seeing it for a year straight, because the media loves to dwell on it.

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Yeah but not all would likely be lost idea idea long maybe even cave years they may of actually lived and yeah you know killed or had (regenerated?) into horses very likely that is what happened it has been a rare sighting of a skull of a slender horned horse likely they had already of been killed off long ago but if not so they would now too yeah and if their is ANY in this world my life in complete... 

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If they have magic powers they would have been killed way back around 1600 or something. If they managed to survive then and exist today they would have been killed by drone strikes because magic can be really dangerous if it exists...

Edited by TheWiseHippo
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Of course they'd exist! We are talking about magic here and magic is dangerous. Those unicorns would probably ruling the world or something if not for the fact that horses are idiots. So that means unicorns would be a bit stupid and wouldn't someone have tried to use them for evil by now? Just saying that there'd be to many things wrong with unicorns not being extinct already, but let's say they weren't. Let's say they were just really smart but kept to themselves until now. That would be a problem. Why didn't they come out until now. Or why possibly are they coming out anyways? And if the media got ahold of that, then animal conservatives or whatever wouldn't be able to stop the rush of people trying to buy and sell and cook and skin those poor things. And if you pit magic against our technology who would win? I'm serious. Would the unicorns win or would we win. Or would it forever be a tie?  Or if they were stupid, then they'd be using their magic all willy nilly, like "Hey, I want that apple, oops, accidently tore out the whole tree. Oh silly me that wasn't a tree, that was a building. Better shake out the people to get them to safety. Do dee dum." Or something like that. Sheesh, unicorns would be an issue. Gosh, this is the longest sentence I've ever written.

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I offer for evidence the Hearth Waming Eve episode,
Unicorns were one of three warring factions and held their own quite well, In fact, they controlled the motion of celestial bodies.

If unicorns existed, they would handily deal with uppity humans and would be a world power today.
Do not underestimate Equestrian unicorns.

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In medival times, people did think unicorns existed. Pegasi also. In modern times, people think the closest thing to a unicorn in a rhino. Or an elephant. Closest thing to a Pegasus, I don't know.

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I doubt it. Unicorns aren't defenseless, since they have magic and they have powers beyond their wildest dreams so they know how to handle themselves in a situation like that.

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I think if unicorns were real I agree they could easily defend themselves with the magic they possess.


Who knows maybe humans already tried to hunt them to death so they opened a portal to another dimension to live freely with other's of their kind.


Then hear me out what if one day a certain unicorn made it's way back through the portal to find a human who could foster in human/ Unicorn etc relations.


That person being Lauren Faust!...who now is working on building a relationship between both horse/pony kind and humankind in hopes one day both realms may return and live in.....~Gasp~ Harmony!!!


Am I Dangerously close to blowing anyone's Mind?


Or am I just jumping at shadows scared like this?..


Edited by Its_Rainbow_Dash
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I offer for evidence the Hearth Waming Eve episode,

Unicorns were one of three warring factions and held their own quite well, In fact, they controlled the motion of celestial bodies.


If unicorns existed, they would handily deal with uppity humans and would be a world power today.

Do not underestimate Equestrian unicorns.

Point of order: Magic doesn't matter when your head is being blown to pieces from a mile away. Humans have been practicing killing each other for upwards of 3 thousand years, and we've gotten VERY good at it. Do not underestimate terrestrial humans.

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