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S04:E14 - Filli Vanilli

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S04:E14 - Filli Vanilli  

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I liked this one, it was the best episode focusing on Fluttershy since Putting Your Hoof Down and I even enjoyed Pinkie Pie in it. She was bordering on being Creepie Pie, what with the walking up the wall and her sinisterly grinning face popping up and down at the turkey call. Her "You kinda sounded like a dude" got a LoL from me too.

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This episode was AWESOME. My new fave of the season!!


One reason why I love Fluttershy so much...her singing voice! It is just so beautiful. And this episode delivered! In more ways than one. There were Flutterguy songs and Fluttershy songs. I was surprised at first hearing Flutterguy sing. Also hearing Big Mac actually sing for the first time was pretty amazing too, was NOT expecting that, at all.


Rarity was a peach this episode too, helping along Fluttershy. Though I kinda hated Pinkie this episode...she made Fluttershy cry...TWICE. But the other 3 were alright. they actually tried to help her and complimented on her singing at the opening.


I also love the continuity in this episode, going back to the Poison Joke. And how they actually acknowledged Fluttershy as "Flutterguy".


Another thing I caught was the "Cute-cenera" I remember DT Singing a line about it in "Pinkie Pride" and then this new character(who's name escapes me at the moment) asks Rarity if they would perform for her "Cute-cenera" What is a Cute Cenera? Is it like a baptism or Barmitzvah?



I can really relate to this episode too. I get stage fright as well. I hate performing anything in front of anyone. Even speeches and presentations in  High School and the like.


OverallI give this episode a 12/10. My fave episode so far.



It is basically a party to celebrate a pony getting his or her (probably mostly her) cutie mark


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I LOVED IT, nuff said.

Started out a little slow at first but it quickly picked up. About half way through when fluttershy first performed in big mac's place i was surprised because I thought that the conflict had already resolved itself. It picked up really quickly when i realized where they were going with it.

So many good ol' callbacks in this one. Flutterguy's glorious return, the crazy cat pony from Apples To the Core, i think i saw Cranky and Matilda, possible flutterbat callback moments (at one part she hangs from the ceiling, and others were speculating that Fluttershy refused to sing at Applejack's farm because temptation from the zap apples might make her turn batty)

I'm always pleased to see Zecora in an episode, and ermahgerd FLUTTERMAC ship fuel!

Big Mac singing is possibly the greatest thing ever. My love for Big Mac grows even stronger this season.

Speaking of singing, is it just me or did Fluttershy totally sound like Tay Zonday (i know it wasn't though)


Pinkie's behavior surprisingly didn't really bother me. She's acted like that in the past, such as during Nightmare Night or when she pointed out Cranky's severe baldness. She really didn't say anything actually mean, just pointed out the obvious in a really loud voice. Dunno, maybe i just have a slightly mean sense of humor but i laughed so hard.


I have to say....this season has thrown me through a loop. The episodes are alternating from really meh to really WOW, and its left me so confused about what to think.

Edited by crazitaco
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Howdy all!


Saw the episode and its pretty good.


Flutterguy returns and I was like :yay:


Poor Flutters reminded me of her going :(  In Hurricane Fluttershy.


And Pinkie was being Pinkie. :lol:


(Though I woulda :lol:  if the other girls yelled: PINKIE!!!)


Big Mac was pretty cool in this episode as well.


And Cheerilee swooning over Big lug was cute.


(Similar to Rarity doing the same thing when The Flim/Flam Brothers sung back in season 2)



Fluttershy's best episode since Hurricane Fluttershy In my book. B)


Daniel Ingram does it again with great songs :yay:


See ya!


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It was cool to hear Big Mac singing like that.  Then the return of Flutterguy - wow!  That was something I totally did not see coming.  So awesome!  And I like that they didn't have Fluttershy completely conquer her fear of public performance.  This was a great episode, in my opinion.


It is funny how Pinkie Pie loves to make others smile, but she can also be totally oblivious when she is having a negative impact.  On the plus side, her insensitive antics are usually pretty hilarious.  What she did to Fluttershy in this episode, she also did to Princess Luna, Rainbow Dash, Cranky Doodle Donkey, and probably others that I can't think of right now.  Of course, I don't think that she would ever do anything to intentionally hurt anypony.  I still totally love her, and she is still my favorite character.


It wasn't just Pinkie Pie that was being insensitive in this episode.  When the others were asking Fluttershy why she didn't want to perform, I was thinking:  "Duh.  Have you never met Fluttershy before, or what?"  I guess sometimes in shows the characters have to temporarily forget things that they already know for story purposes.  

  • Brohoof 1

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This episode was pretty good (By the way I was sick so that's why my review is only coming now)

It had some funny moments like Applejack finding out and the way she said. It was also nece to see Flutterguy return and the stage fright story was nice.

The only flaw I have was Pinkie being a jerk. Could she have at least been a little easier on her. (Though I snickered when she said you kind of sounded like a dude)



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Great episode. I like how there are no dislikes yet. At first when I read a tiny bit about it, I was not sure how great it will be and the start with the song confirmed that until the rest of the program. Well constructed and good humor as well as a flashback to bridle gossip with flutterguy. Everyone played their part well especially pinkie. The wall climing, I laughed. Anyway loved it

  • Brohoof 3


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The favourite episode of the season for me keeps changing with each one that goes to air and this morning, this was no exception.

So with that said despite this write up being a bit shorter than usual......

"Another great episode is in the history books! One word, outstanding! Especially with @AndreaLibman's voice work. Well done!"

It has been a while since a single episode centred around Fluttershy has been done and when this episode went to air this morning, it did not disappoint.

Now just for curiosity's sake, the Ponytones name for me is actually a play on word of Australia's very own Delltones (link) who for those aren't in the loop are a rock and roll band who were very famous in the 70's and 80's. The Ponytones in this case aren't actually rock and roll performers like the Delltones but are actually a singing group like a barber shop quartet or mini choir and they are really good as per this tweet below:

"Catchy, toe tapping and actually pretty good! These Ponytones are outstanding!"

Hearing Big Mac sing for the very first time and also the return of Flutterguy also made for the outstanding musical performances in the episode itself and seeing Fluttershy in the Ponytones outfit towards the end of the episode and performing on stage actually to be honest, got me a bit teary eyed knowing that she finally did it and overcame the odds once again.

Another part of the episode which also struck a chord is the reference to Hurricane Fluttershy when she was exposed during one of the performances and her anxiety kicked in resulting in her running from the stage in tears.

Seeing Fluttershy being upset, especially towards the end where Pinkie pushed her to the emotional limits got me a bit teary. I know what it's like to be pushed to the limit and have my anxiety and stress levels tested to the breaking point and eventually breaking down in tears, so I can easily relate to Fluttershy's situation as a whole.

Apart from that, this episode is a high ranking one in my books. The story was also well written and the lesson at the end was also a nice touch.

I also have written my full thoughts on the episode itself on my blog, which can be viewed here.

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I don't have much to say about this episode. It was alright, there just didn't seem to be much of a point to it. Highly unmemorable, unless you count the massive, hulking fanservice machine that is Flutterguy.

  • Brohoof 2

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Sorry I'm late to the party, had to take a 3 hour SAT class.


Anyway, time to share my thoughts on Filli Vanilli.


It was a decent Fluttershy episode, I knew what I was expecting when I started hearing about the episode and I'd have to say that I loved it even with Pinkie Pie's rambling causing Fluttershy to feel uncomfortable at times. Other than that, the Quartet was very in sync when it came to their singing together and since Fluttershy had to fill in for Big Mac it caused her to accept anypony's booking for performing at special events.


Overall, I loved Fluttershy in this episode and the episode as a whole was enjoyable. Give it a try!





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This episode was mediocre at best. It was already off to a pretty bad start by having the other five ponies act like they've never heard Fluttershy sing in their lives, even though I could make a sizable list of the songs she's sung along in. There was literally no difference between how she sung in the opening and in any other song.


Then, for plot convenience, Rarity and Big Macintosh are all of sudden part of a quartet. While I thought the song was pretty groovy, it's probably the episode's only strong point. The episode's use of old plot devices was okay, but the problem is that I had predicted this during the commercial break. I knew by the time Big Macintosh lost his voice that Fluttershy would infect herself with poison joke and during a performance kick down the curtain and reveal herself. The latter is an overdone concept with fiction in general. But, no! Everyone cheered Fluttershy on for committing a total fraud and deceiving everyone. The 'love and tolerance' in Equestria can sometimes make absolutely no sense. At the end of the episode, the status quo is reset by telling everyone that she must take baby steps, rather than having some sort of commitment to performing in front of a bigger audience to fully overcome her fright in the future. 


Unlike Simple Ways, I could make it through this episode without palming my face in disgust and grief. Doesn't mean this episode was very good, either. I thought it was cliché and predictable.


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I'd actually pick an intermediate option between I liked it and I LOVED IT!! Great Fluttershy episode, though I can't say it was totally tubular!!...or maybe I can, I'm not sure!


There wasn't a lot of things that surprised me as they came along (the name of the title gave it away that there would be some faking). Fluttershy not wanting to sing --> looks like she's probably going to sing because someone is going to lose their voice (haha, turkey call?! Dat Pinkie Pie). Good to hear Flutterguy's voice once again.


Other things I liked:


-Discord Whooves appears (when the curtains fall, he's in the audience)

-Gummy is eating a turkey!

-No rainbows! (overused)

-Fluttershy's voice is awesome!!....if that's ok with her..


I almost think Pinkie Pie is growing jealous and cocky.. and devious! (that face when she poked her head behind the stage). The way she always unintentionally put Fluttershy down with how the stage would or could react to bad singing, almost as if she's trying to keep Fluttershy from singing  :blink: .


Sig by Wolf, Handwriting by SparklingSwirls

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Quite the interesting episode :3 Flutters still remains least interesting pony for me, even after noting such triumphs as reforming Discord, but this was a greatly formed episode for her character regardless where she falls on my personal list for Best Pony. She's shy, but on her own and more importantly, with her animals, she's (literally) in her Element, and as such her shyness, anxiety and nervousness are all non-existent. The problem of stage-fright is relateable to most people, minus a few type A personalities like Pinkie who thrive in the spotlight in front of others, so I found the theme to fit perfectly for Fluttershy and the scenario she's placed in.




Big Mac, you're breaking the joke and turning it on its' head. You put Granny Smith's efforts to keep it going in Pinkie Apple Pie in vein. Big Mac. Stahp D:


Pinkie was funny, this episode. What she did in the beginning was bitchy but, eh, I find it ironic more than annoying seeing as it's the same voice actor talking to themselves, and that, I would honestly expect Pinkie to come off as more annoying and loud and whatnot in a Fluttershy episode of all things, seeing as they're complete opposites.


Rarity may be one above Fluttershy for me, but I enjoyed this episode thoroughly more than the last one. The only interesting thing in the last episode for me was the nicely done theme of 'Don't change who you are for the approval of others', but I enjoyed pretty much most of this one in general.




Other notes:

  • Oh wow, kudos to you Zecora, I was not expecting that continuity flashback & plot device. Very nicely done.
  • Oh god, did she really just say 'Flutterguy' XD Oh god, it's canon.
  • Which I'm fine with, of course. Flutterguy is hilarious.
  • Bon Bon, why are you playing head ball with Cheese's seal from two episodes back?
  • Yes, crazy cat lady returns :P
  • More callbacks, fainting Cheerliee you sly cougar.

This episode is probably the epitome of evil for those who can't stand pandas, but, who cares :3 I've never found anything wrong with a show adding things to the show for the fans; most fanbases would love it if their show did that, so people really should quit their pointless bitching and enjoy things, if you'd like my blunt opinion. It won't ever happen, but that's why I enjoy continually pointing it out ;)

  • Brohoof 4


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I really liked this episode. I've recently been forgetting that Fluttershy is apart of the Mane 6 because she doesn't get a lot of screen time. An episode focused entirely on her is definitely most welcome.


The story really gave new potential for Fluttershy as a character. Her voice IS very sweet and hearing her sing was a real treat. The plot was nice, sharing Fluttershy's growing enthusiasm for the stage life (which would ultimately end in tragedy). I imagine this message speaking very well to people who are shy of their true talents who, regardless, want to show them. Also, it is good to FINALLY see Zecora doing something useful because I was afraid she had disappeared from the series.


But among the few problems I have with this episode is Pinkie Pie. She's not only crazy, but she's also inconsiderate and creepy. This is strange for Amy Keating Rogers, who normally writes Pinkie as being very happy and likable. But all in all, this was a fun slice-of-life episode with that classical feel-good message like from that golden age of movie makers who did The Sound of Music and The Music Man. I'm probably reading too much into it, but I thought this Fluttershy episode was very sweet and charming.



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Good execution of a stale premise.

Being Fluttershy she's going to receive too much credit for this fact so let's deal with that.


1. You can't claim this is character development. Because we don't know if it will stick and with this character in this show that is a valid concern.


2. Shut up about Pinkie Pie. There was nothing malicious about her actions. She was just being obnoxious at worst. I know it's customary to hate anyone who harms poor precious Fluttershy in any way but that's dumb.


Especially when poor precious Shy is somehow blameless for PYHD


Now a few things nobody else will pick up on.

-Rarity stole the episode. She really moved the plot and her role as Fluttershy's emotional rock was more interesting than Shy being shy.


-Fluttershy does not have the bestest voice ever.  Kazumi Evans' singing prowess is far superior and is far more suited to being the lead singer than Shy's was at the end.


But all in all, as good as the "Shy is shy" plot can be.

>inb4 Hurricane Fluttershy

most people liked that because of Dash no longer being mmdw-ified. It was all people talked about.

wow this is probably one of the most impressive turn outs for fans liking the episode. Literally no one hated the episode.

both Manehattan and Pinkie Pride are more liked, and more deservedly so. 

Edited by Whatevs
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