Scootaloo Is Best Filly 578 March 8, 2014 Share March 8, 2014 After watching the episode I thought how did Apple jack know there was a fire swamp with that lion snake goat thing living there. I could only guess 2 things either.... 1. She has been to this area selling pies before. OR 2. Granny Smith told her about it . I mean she knew that getting there would be really "Dangerous" so, I would think one of them had either made the trip before and encountered that, or someone told them about it. As for this episode, I really liked this episode to tell you the truth. Facebook: Josh B. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Anilewe 2,178 March 8, 2014 Share March 8, 2014 Why thank you, glad you liked it! I don't have a profile on EQD or anything, plus I got work now so don't really have time to post it, but if you want to feel free to post it yourself, just so long as you link it or something. I'm not trying to be an attention-whore or anything, but if people are quickly jumping to conclusions about the episode over there then by all means post whatever you think might change their minds, even if it's my post. You don't need to have a profile on EQD But I'll gladly post it there. With a link, of course. My nick on EQD is Anilewe_05, so if you want to find it later you just have to check my account, I can send you a link to it 1 Fan of Applejack? Join us! We have the best cider from Sweet Apple Acres! ORANGESEXY IS THE BEST PONY! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wind Chaser 4,768 March 8, 2014 Share March 8, 2014 I forgot about "Bridle Gossip" while I was watching the episode, but at the same time, I wouldn't rule out overprotectiveness as a part of Applejack's character. In fact, I was actually thinking more along the lines of "Applebuck Season" where, like the orchard, she would be determined to keep everything under control, which includes Apple Bloom. What I didn't really like was that Applejack's overprotectiveness was turned up to eleven and played for laughs in this episode. The whole episode seemed really desperate for comedy, but a few punchlines could have been sacrificed for a more natural buildup of Applejack's overprotectiveness. I found a real WTF moment to be when Scootaloo just randomly spoke when Applejack was in the room, maybe that was just a contrivance to get Applejack out of the house, but it makes Applejack look all the dumber. They could have had Applejack just "accidentally" touch Sweetie Belle's forehead and notice a certain something there that Apple Bloom doesn't have, but I'll just leave that as a nitpick. That said, the animation work on the chimera's scene may have stolen the show for the whole episode, and the comedy, when it wasn't intrusive, was pretty well-done for a slice of life story involving the Apple Family and the Crusaders. I'll say this episode wasn't perfect or on the top-tier, but holds up if you're willing to look past those flaws. 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Anilewe 2,178 March 8, 2014 Share March 8, 2014 (edited) I just don't see what's so interesting about her; she changes in just about every episode. Just about the only trait that's remained constant with her is stubbornness. Other than that, the writers give her a quirk based on the situation at hand. In Apple Family Reunion, she's suddenly myopic. In Bats, she suddenly rash. In Simple Ways, she brings Rarity back to her senses using psychology. I simply see very little substance to her character, therefore the writers have to pull her in odd directions whenever she lands in the spotlight. Also her level of maturity shoots up and down too. In One Bad Apple, she acts like a parent, yet in Look Before you Sleep, she acts like a filly. You can call that complexity, but I call it inconsistency. 1 .Applejack was rash in the past. In Winter Wrap-Up, when she yelled at Twilight, because she was ignoring earth ponies tradition. In Keep Calm And Flutter On, when she, Rainbow and Rarity (or maybe it was Pinkie... I'm not sure) were ready to turn Discord into stone instead of giving him a chance. 2. What do you mean by myopic? That she didn't saw that her family isn't able to enjoy a reunion with her controling everything? Kinda similiar thing happened in Applebuck Season, when she got so carried away that she refused to see how exhausted she became trying to do everything by herself and how she made things worse for everyone instead of helping. And about her level of maturity... To be honest, it's also something you can say about all of them. And her behaviour in Simple Ways... She wasn't acting like that, because she has some psychology knowledge, but because she KNOWS her friend. You know, it happens, when you know someone for so long. Edited March 8, 2014 by Anilewe Fan of Applejack? Join us! We have the best cider from Sweet Apple Acres! ORANGESEXY IS THE BEST PONY! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Moonlight 7,288 March 8, 2014 Share March 8, 2014 Where can I watch?? If anyone has a sorce please let me know. OT: I thought it was an okay episode. Seeing Applejack act like a badass and save her little sister like that from the Chimera was certainly interesting and fun to watch. Even Applejack's fear of letting Apple Bloom stay home alone for the very first time is understandable. As a mother figure for Apple Bloom, she's bound to be protective, just more-so this time. And most parents are hesitant to leave their family member alone, some sort of freak accident could occur so it was fine for AJ to be a fearful of her being alone for the first time since even when AJ was off saving Equestria, someone like Granny Smith or Big Macintosh was watching Apple Bloom. No matter, it was certainly better than the Breezies episode. 1 matching setups with my bff pathfinder Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scootie 108 March 8, 2014 Share March 8, 2014 I liked it, although Applejack acted way too overprotective that it became a bit annoying. Although there's a massive pothole in this episode. How was Applebloom able to call Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo over and Applejack call Rarity over if they never left the house? Does equestria have phones or what? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
crazitaco 596 March 8, 2014 Share March 8, 2014 (edited) 8/10 This episode was pretty good imo, with some great humor. The denied song, the hats and bows closet (which is genius!) were some great gags. Also, the spaghetti and jelly kinda made me chuckle. Seriously why was there bowls of spaghetti and jelly everywhere? xD One thing that wasn't as good was Applejack's behavior. She DID seem kinda out of character, though its understandable that she was only that way because she loves her sister. But she was just being borderline creepy :/ Atleast some humor did come out of her creepy overparenting sisterly love. The helmets on applebloom killed me every time, especially the double helmets. Also, let's all take a moment to appreciate the greatness of the chimera. Oh. my. glob. That creature is freaking epic! I love the way it's animated, the way it was designed, the fact that it could SPEAK, and the way it spoke and acted. Loved everything about it. When i saw that the creature could speak, wanted the pies, and tiger was complaining about his overbearing shoulder goat sister, I almost thought they were gonna go a different route with it. Like with Applebloom persuading the creature to leave/teaching it a lesson about overprotective sisters and Applejack realizing that she's more mature than she thought. But nope, Applejack kinda just rushed in, saved applebloom, and changed her perspective in an instant :/ Another thing, we've now witnessed some true hillbilly redneck backwater ponies O_O. Atleast that should set the record straight with some people who like to call the Apple family hillbillies. There IS a distinct difference now. All in all, i thought it was good episode that i enjoyed very much. Applejack was the source of most weakness in the episode unfortunately, but she did look pretty badass fighting the chimera. Edit: Has no one else pointed out the Jungle Book reference? Right at 15:47. Look familiar? Edited March 8, 2014 by crazitaco 2 *Click the picture to join the Nega-Bronies!* "Every cloud has a silver lining" *except for the mushroom-shaped ones which have a lining of Caesium-127, Strontium-90 and other radioactive isotopes. My OC: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
man dude man 555 March 8, 2014 Share March 8, 2014 Loved it. the "theres no time for a song" part was adorable, only thing is I would have thought Scootaloo would have been smarter to scream in a closet when they were trying to be sneaky lol. Also the part with the country folk and "now momma don't be like that" was funny. Just kind of crazy that anyone would risk treading through a flaming swamp and attempting to route a chimera to deliver some pies lol. damn, 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lomk 20,663 March 8, 2014 Share March 8, 2014 I present the theme song for today's episode: 1 I refuse to let go until you're impressed. I refuse to let go until I'm depressed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gyruss 125 March 8, 2014 Share March 8, 2014 (edited) Loved it. the "theres no time for a song" part was adorable, only thing is I would have thought Scootaloo would have been smarter to scream in a closet when they were trying to be sneaky lol. Also the part with the country folk and "now momma don't be like that" was funny. Just kind of crazy that anyone would risk treading through a flaming swamp and attempting to route a chimera to deliver some pies lol. damn, Well, besides driving the plot (and preventing Applebloom from possibly experiencing an untimely end), I think that could be explained. She had been in their so long and gotten so bored that she probably wasn't really thinking clearly. The real question is "How did Applejack manage to catch up so quickly?" I would say she took a train for part of the distance, but how did she know when to get off if so? Also, it's kinda interesting to note that apparently Applebloom is strong enough to haul the pie wagon. Edited March 8, 2014 by Gyruss Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NavelColt 22,882 March 8, 2014 Share March 8, 2014 Haven't truly gotten the chance to have an AJ & AB episode focusing on sister-bonding before, so this was full of adorable feels and good intents, as well as a great theme about being over-protective and trusting those you care about to be able to take care of themselves when they're capable of doing so. We've had a few episode in where AJ and AB's relationship played a key role, such as the Sisterhooves Social, where Sweetie and Rarity's relationship paralleled to the more ideal Apple Sister relationship, and it was around in Sleepless in Ponyville when the three pairs of sisters went camping, but for the most part, we've had no dedicated episodes centered around these two in this way, so this was a great new installment. While AJ's over-protective streak was a bit over the top at times, more so in the beginning where she was quite literally hoof-biting and abandoning her trip over simply being home alone for the day, I am reminded that, though mature and very intelligent, Aj is known to get caught up in these nervous perfectionist habits. She was just like this but in a different way in Apple Family Reunion, trading in the need to be a perfectionist there with over-protectiveness here, she was so thrown over by her pride and shame in The Last Roundup that she felt the need to banish herself from Ponyville, and hell, one could even draw parallels to her first stubborn streak episode, Apple Buck Season. So I don't think it's too out of character for her to show that same type of nervousness and need for things to go perfectly, in the form of over-protectiveness for her little sister :3 Plus, this is certainly the cutest example of that nervousness thus far. But ah'm tellin ya, I can do it! Nu uh, ah'm gonna stay here with you, and we'll read stories and cuddle and do lots of cutesy sister things, so that those bronies'll have a few heart attacks. Sound like fun? Also, 'You forgot your helmet (puts helemet on)' is new best running gag meme. And now for the other reason this episode was amazing. This glorious mofo right here. Per the usual, new mythological creatures inserted into the show are always what steals the spotlight for pony episodes. Did people remember the Stare Master for Fluttershy and the CMC's bonding? Not more than Fluttershy facing down the Cockatrice. Did people remember Feeling Pinkie Keen for Twilight's irritation with Pinkie's nonsense? Not as much as Pinkie's Pinkie sense, which turned out to be pointing at a Motherbucking Hydra. I've been wanting more Greek Mythology creatures in this show since Season 2 ended, and here we go, one of the better creatures seen so far, the Chimera. Know what else is cool? The classic Chimera, and Draconequus (Discord) are both types of Chimeras, as a Chimera is a mythological creature made up of several different animals. The headcanons that can be formed, people. Mine? Draconequus is a rare subspecies of the classic Chimera. I expect there to be epic art, and most importantly, epic fan songs about the Chimera and its' terrifying epicness. I expect not to be disappointed, fandom. We've had artists make epic songs for the Cockatrice, Hydra and Manticore in the past, and this guy is even more deadly and of a big surprise to see than any of them were. Overall, this was a terrific Apple Bloom & Applejack episode, and I'm really, really glad we got some more sister-bonding of some kind, this season. Seeing as I'm STILL waiting for my promised Scootalove with Dash, this was a nice substitute for the meantime, seeing as I'm starting to wonder if we may not see more Scootalove in the way that I'd like until Season 5 </3 9 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GhostPony750 959 March 8, 2014 Share March 8, 2014 she changes in just about every episode.What about Pinkie Pie? When she isn't the main focus, she tends to be wild. Or Rarity? Some writers are more comfortable with some characters, but not comfortable with some others, so the character might be unstable, do things that they might not do usually. For exemple, in this mess of an episode that was "It's not easy being a Breezie", you might have noticed that Applejack was a bit off. Or Pinkie Pie, in this Discord episode. Overall, when she is actually developped in the episode (like this one), AJ is an incredibly accurate character. Probably one of my favorite episodes so far. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
man dude man 555 March 8, 2014 Share March 8, 2014 Well, besides driving the plot (and preventing Applebloom from possibly experiencing an untimely end), I think that could be explained. She had been in their so long and gotten so bored that she probably wasn't really thinking clearly. The real question is "How did Applejack manage to catch up so quickly?" I would say she took a train for part of the distance, but how did she know when to get off if so? Also, it's kinda interesting to note that apparently Applebloom is strong enough to haul the pie wagon. Oh I'm glad she did find out, and well partially we have to account for apple bloom indeed treading with a cart full of pies and Apple Jack who is indeed a carrier to an element of harmony and has helped with the defeat of numerous corrupt foes, running full speed to catch up with her baby sister. I would say I could believe it. Stranger things have happened in Equestria haha but that is aside the point. I loved the episode all in all, Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
immblueversion 331 March 8, 2014 Share March 8, 2014 I wonder what creatures they'll use next for episodes with third-act-sudden-adventure-syndrome. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shawn Parks 1,798 March 8, 2014 Share March 8, 2014 Did anyone post a link yet? Here is one, just in case. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
aoEAF2FBvC0MIo2Q 3,673 March 8, 2014 Share March 8, 2014 The real question is "How did Applejack manage to catch up so quickly?" I would say she took a train for part of the distance, but how did she know when to get off if so? My immediate answer is that the scene with Apple Bloom took place well ahead of the time after AJ had found out and started the journey. We just assume that the scenes follow immediately after the other in time. Maybe a screen saying "30 minutes later" would've cleared that up but that would have seemed a little too Spongebob. I totally got the The Jungle Book reference! And more world building! Cheers! Something I found kinda funny was how AB was getting annoyed at AJ putting helmets on top of her head all the time. Although this quirk of AJ did seem to come sorta out of nowhere. It could be that this is the first time AJ really took on the task of foalsitting AB in any meaningful way and that prior to this, it was always Granny Smith who had been doing that. Although how come AJ didn't see that it was Sweetie Belle when she got as close as she did? I really don't see how AJ could not have identified Sweetie Belle when she was at arm's length... The room wasn't even dark at the time either. It's just hard to believe that AJ would pay such close attention and not pick up on the mane color not matching up. Nevermind that bright white horn protruding out of her mane. Overall though, I liked it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scootaloodle 1,623 March 8, 2014 Share March 8, 2014 I thought it was a great episode, my faverite part was Scootaloo getting caught in the waredrobe after yelling out “Applebloom be so happy” or whatever she said. The rest was good also good all in all though 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
roptiriolg 49 March 8, 2014 Share March 8, 2014 Shawn Parks. thanks but on the previous page they posted 1080p episode. For some reason Im with IE 11 and I cannot paste text or my codes do not work either like forum codes/ works with other browser but I wanna do it with IE. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nerdy Luigi 2,065 March 8, 2014 Share March 8, 2014 Absolutely amazing. Best episode this season, and one of the best in the entire series. Applejack really fit the role of caring big sister well, and Apple Bloom was well thought out and portrayed. I absolutely love this episode. Period. 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Izzle 6 March 8, 2014 Share March 8, 2014 i see that episode is a great episode i liked applejack here in the episode. i say much episode? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rocky Doo 39 March 8, 2014 Share March 8, 2014 Liked the new episode and I loved the sisterly feeling between AJ and Applebloom anyway it is a great episode! This signature is proudly made by Dark Heart! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rjrgmc28 130 March 8, 2014 Share March 8, 2014 Whew! It is that time of the weekend once again. Another episode has been put to air and with that, time for the usual post episode write up.To sum up my tweet from this morning:"Wow! The first of the sister themed episodes and it was.....great! One down, two to go."Now before I get into how I felt about the episode in general, I would like to say off the record that this episode covered an important topic that is close to me. The topic in question that was covered in this episode is siblings and family and how they work together and the differences they have.I wasn't kind to my siblings when I was younger and this episode had me having to turn the volume down on my headphones at times due to the past memories, but it was nice to see the first of three episodes based around this theme being featured this season.Anyway onto the episode itself.This episode was a great one to watch despite my PTSD wanting to flare up due to the events mentioned above. It has been a while since Apple Bloom was given an episode ever since Family Appreciation Day back in season two and the new writer Scott Sonneborn did a great job on his first time out and really told the story well.The idea of Apple Bloom gaining independence and looking after the farm on her own reflected my real world struggles with my family and how I fought tooth and nail to become independent myself during my younger years. They really covered the issue down to a fine point, even going as far as Apple Bloom showcasing what she could do when her chores were finished.Applejack in this episode was....well you get the picture and I'll let these tweets sum it up:"Oh for goodness sakes Applejack! Stop being overprotective! Leave Apple Bloom be!""What happened to the "honest" traits Applejack? I thought after 30 years that you would learn a thing or two about family!"Last but not least, the Cutie Mark Crusaders added for some cute and memorable moments in this episode, mainly Sweetie Belle sleeping (Sleepy Belle) and the song number coming to a grinding halt by Scootaloo made for both many Aww and humorous moments.Apart from that, there isn't much else to cover this week. Overall the episode was a great one to watch and being the first of three sibling themed episodes this season, this has set the stage to cover the issue as a whole.I also have written my full thoughts on the episode itself on my blog, which can be viewed here. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Whatevs 377 March 9, 2014 Share March 9, 2014 (edited) Well, I've been hanging on an imageboard, which I normally avoid for the sake of not having my opinion colored, however I did this after watching the episode twice and wanted a fresh opinion before giving mine. However, nothing changed my mind as they seemed to feel the same way. I did not care for this episode too much, nor did I dislike it. I felt the overprotective AJ was overexposed and became boring. Outside of the chimera nothing interested me. But nothing irritated me either and I did like the idea of the episode even if I think there's better choice for the overprotective mum role. Largely because she's done it before and it works with her personality more, being neurotic and persnickety. But I don't let that gripe bother me, and it in no way influenced me. Edited March 9, 2014 by Whatevs Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
roptiriolg 49 March 9, 2014 Share March 9, 2014 (edited) This is what nice episodes do! I have AJ as my 3rd fave from the Mane 6 that is still something but generally I am not as huge fan of her as of Fluttershy or Rainbow Dash. This means that I do not expect to get excited or interested in episodes with them. However, when an episode is great, then it is great and can go further than anything. For me this episode was better than Fluttershy's previosu episode, and just because the previous one about Breezies featured Fluttershy, it was nowhere as cool as that one! I did not expect an episode featuring Apple Bloom/ AJ to be really that interesting. I am fan of adventure episodes and encounters and having to deal with such creatures, it looks like a quest and I love those, that's like my favorite theme in MLP episodes. It significantly raises the degrees of likeness for the episode! At first the episode started as if we would be seeing Apple Bloom doing something in the house and the episode was gonna be about that - this would have made the episode a bit boring but the whole adventure part was lovely. Not only because of the quest theme this episode had but also the way Applejack dealt with them. And for MLP not being much of a girly show... I would take that any time than episodes in which nothing happens. Hasbro are already aware they may do smth for the rest of the community/fanbase as well. not just for little girls... I thought people got used to that fact? I liked this episode, not from the best ever or smth but it was a very good one, more like this one. And I don't pay much attention to the characters development, yes this was not the typical AJ but it can happen, I am not too deep into what each of the Mane 6 is like to care that AJ was not her pure self here. Edited March 9, 2014 by ImtR Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rainboom Dash 1,056 March 9, 2014 Share March 9, 2014 One of the best of the season! A great look at AJ and AB's relationship. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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