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Jan animations shut down by hasbro/C&D

M'aiq the Liar

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Sorry not to sound rude, but it's not the copyright that they actually risk losing rather it's the trademark. They are two different things. Copyright is valid until the period of time which it is valid elapses. Trademark on the other does revert back to the public if it is proven that adequate steps have not been taken to protect the Trademark.


I didn't understand a lot of that.


But okay. ^^ (\

  • Brohoof 1


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SLAGGIN HOOFERS! Why are they taking all the good stuff. Anpyony know if there are any petitions both for this and molestia? How dumb can hasbro be. All these parodies and sod are making them money by introducing more non brony friendly pony stuff.

Molestia perverted the image of MLP, I'm glad it was taken down, despite how humorous it was to some people.

“I am quite sure now that often, very often, in matters concerning religion and politics a man’s reasoning powers are not above the monkey’s.” — Mark Twain

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While I am not up-in-arms about Hasbro protecting their IP. 

y u no up in arms!?!? violence only way now! i go destroy copyright laws now!! they shall burn!!!

  "I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by."

- Douglass Adams​​

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Just a question. How is STEALING another artist's styles and character designs encouraging or expressing creativity? Last I heard, that's called plagiarizing.


When you said "I'm aware they're in the LEGAL right.", that's pretty much the logical end of the conversation. You just acknowledged and admitted that you know Hasbro is legally correct in what they are doing. The fans producing the content Hasbro doesn't want, are legally WRONG. The C&D's are justified. If you don't like a law, you call your congressman and try to have him change it. You don't just totally ignore the law and hope for the best. 


I'll be honest. I'm nearly finished a ten part MLP:FIM epic clop parody. If Hasbro sends me a C&D, (Highly unlikely for a text story) I'll take it right down, no arguments or questions asked. I know they have the legal right to shut it down. Just as I know I would be furious if someone stole one of my many TOTALLY ORIGINAL stories or characters. I don't count any one of my THREE fanfics as me being creative. They're just for fun. That honor goes to the nearly one hundred totally original stories, situations, and characters I have created in my short stories (erotic literature, mostly) over the past ten years.


Legal does not equal morally or ethically sound. Copyright law in the US as reached a point where it goes beyond protecting the content creators and is just used to abuse fans and consumers now.


I also did not say ignore the law, I said it needs to be reformed and people need to stop bitching about the symptoms and go after the broken and outdated laws that are the route of the problem.


Also, fanwork isn't "stealing" because no-one claims the characters or locations to be theirs.    

  • Brohoof 1



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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I say that we go on a strike. We keep taking this BS from Hasbro. They don't understand that plushies, fan animations, and ask Tumblrs are actually good and free marketing for the show. It's like we're sponsors for the show. It's dumb that they do this. They have made the same mistake as Nintendo has and look where they are now. They really have to look at how Jeb has handled the Minecraft fan videos and let's-plays. (And I hope someone stops Digibrony. He's really gone down the gutter with his reviews)

If every single brony stopped watching, and stopped buying officially licensed Hasbro MLP merchandise, it would cause only a slight ripple in their bottom line. For every one brony, there are literally THOUSANDS of little girls watching the show. That is the demographic  Hasbro is aiming at.

Legal does not equal morally or ethically sound. Copyright law in the US as reached a point where it goes beyond protecting the content creators and is just used to abuse fans and consumers now.


I also did not say ignore the law, I said it needs to be reformed and people need to stop bitching about the symptoms and go after the broken and outdated laws that are the route of the problem.


Also, fanwork isn't "stealing" because no-one claims the characters or locations to be theirs.    

How is Hasbro protecting THEIR OWN PROPERTY abusing the fans? Fanwork actually is stealing. I admit I stole ideas from Hasbro, and built upon them in creating my own little efforts. If they come after me, I'll say "Oops, sorry." and take them right down. Hasbro is in the driver's seat. Do you think the law should be changed so nobody owns copyright to characters and stories they create? If a show is popular, the owners of the copyright should just ignore people taking their property and turning it to their own means? That's a very childish and naive viewpoint. If anything, the laws should be tightened up BECAUSE the internet made it possible for anyone to create content for a series they like.


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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If every single brony stopped watching, and stopped buying officially licensed Hasbro MLP merchandise, it would cause only a slight ripple in their bottom line. For every one brony, there are literally THOUSANDS of little girls watching the show. That is the demographic  Hasbro is aiming at.

How is Hasbro protecting THEIR OWN PROPERTY abusing the fans? Fanwork actually is stealing. I admit I stole ideas from Hasbro, and built upon them in creating my own little efforts. If they come after me, I'll say "Oops, sorry." and take them right down. Hasbro is in the driver's seat. Do you think the law should be changed so nobody owns copyright to characters and stories they create? If a show is popular, the owners of the copyright should just ignore people taking their property and turning it to their own means? That's a very childish and naive viewpoint. If anything, the laws should be tightened up BECAUSE the internet made it possible for anyone to create content for a series they like.


Because removing fanwork isn't "protecting" anything, as I sad above: no one has ever been able to give me proof of fanwork hurting profits. 

  • Brohoof 1



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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You may think it is stealing, when one copies style and character from others. However I would say it is practicing. Most people don’t just copy pictures and that is it, many draw their own stories and invent their own characters in MLP-style. I see creativity here. 
Not anypony thinks, copying is something bad, actually people learn through copying, and I think it won’t be that easy, to invent your own style, since there is already so much. When I think about Japan, people see it more as a honor, when people copying them style. And one can also see for example Fairy Tail which kinda remind to One Piece from the style. All the doujinshis in Japan shows, how different they see, copying character and styles. I just want to throw that into, that there are different views, what one may could thinks about copying.

Just want to throw that into. I see the problem, when people start to earn money through fanart.

When I think about copying style, I think here it is difficult, people to stop. When I think about for example filly, they have a similar like the old MLP and one could easy confuse these products for the original MLP. (And I won’t be surprised, when some people, do confuse them, for example parents, who may know, that their children like ponies and think they are the same.) 
Seems, like at least with copying style, it is not that easy, to stop people. Regarding to fanworks, this may mean one would have no trouble, with own pony characters and selling stuff with them. 

Here an example, how fillies looks like: 


Before MLP started to become popular again, one hardly found any MLP merchandise and instead only a lot of the filly stuff. 

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Because removing fanwork isn't "protecting" anything, as I sad above: no one has ever been able to give me proof of fanwork hurting profits. 

Like I said before. Why does anyone need to prove anything to you? Hasbro owns all the rights. It doesn't matter if the fan work doesn't make a penny, If they do not like the content, it is their legal right to order the content removed. In the case of "Fighting is Magic" Hasbro did not want the series linked to a big video-game competition. The C&D only was issued went out that Fighting is Magic would be featured in the competition. Button Mash, in turn, was beginning to become "too big". Hasbro had no control of that content, so decided it would be for the best to just put a stop to it. Yes, Button's mom was an original character, but it was in the character design and universe Hasbro created. Button himself actually appeared in an episode of the show. Jan just STOLE the character design and slapped on a (Very cool) name. 

  • Brohoof 1


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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Like I said before. Why does anyone need to prove anything to you? Hasbro owns all the rights. It doesn't matter if the fan work doesn't make a penny, If they do not like the content, it is their legal right to order the content removed. In the case of "Fighting is Magic" Hasbro did not want the series linked to a big video-game competition. The C&D only was issued went out that Fighting is Magic would be featured in the competition. Button Mash, in turn, was beginning to become "too big". Hasbro had no control of that content, so decided it would be for the best to just put a stop to it. Yes, Button's mom was an original character, but it was in the character design and universe Hasbro created. Button himself actually appeared in an episode of the show. Jan just STOLE the character design and slapped on a (Very cool) name. 


Because that's the way laws are supposed to work, there has to be a valid reason to enforce them. 



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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Because that's the way laws are supposed to work, there has to be a valid reason to enforce them. 

Then what's the problem? Hasbro had a valid reason, nd the backing of the law when they sent Jan the C&D.


Perhaps my views are so strong, because I actually did have a story of mine stolen a few years ago. Someone took the text, and used MSWord's Find/Replace to change the character names. Everything else was exactly as I wrote it, word for word, including typos. Then they wrote a couple pages at the beginning, and a couple more at the end, to make what I wrote appear as a flashback. No doubt also to make the plagiarizing less noticeable. I am still grateful to three of the fans of my original work who contacted me via email to draw my attention to it. I never would have known if they hadn't. Thankfully I was able to prove I had posted MY story at two different sites, more than a year before this person posted theirs. They were banned, and the story deleted from the site. The "author" actually made the claim that they did it because they liked and wanted to honor my work. Sound familiar?

After that mess, I see nothing wrong with anyone protecting the rights to what they created. 

(or commissioned to be created, in the case of Hasbro)


Oh, and I just want to thank you for not turning this into a flame fest. I do like a good debate.


Edited by cuteycindyhoney


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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Then what's the problem? Hasbro had a valid reason, nd the backing of the law when they sent Jan the C&D.


Perhaps my views are so strong, because I actually did have a story of mine stolen a few years ago. Someone took the text, and used MSWord's Find/Replace to change the character names. Everything else was exactly as I wrote it, word for word, including typos. Then they wrote a couple pages at the beginning, and a couple more at the end, to make what I wrote appear as a flashback. No doubt also to make the plagiarizing less noticeable. I am still grateful to the three fans of my original work who contacted me to draw my attention to it. I never would have known if they hadn't. Thankfully I was able to prove I had posted MY story at two different sites, more than a year before this person posted theirs. They were banned, and the story deleted from the site. The "author" actually made the claim that they did it because they liked and wanted to honor my work. Sound familiar?

After that mess, I see nothing wrong with anyone protecting the rights to what they created. 

(or commissioned to be created, in the case of Hasbro)


Oh, and I just want to thank you for not turning this into a flame fest. I do like a good debate.



and that WAS actually stealing because they lifted your work wholesale, and as I said: Legal doesn't mean right, People have abused copyright law to get reviews criticizing them or their work taken down(one of the more infamous cases is Tommy Wiseo having all the reviews of his movie that used footage from it removed from the net) 


Fanwork isn't stealing because it makes no claims to own the content. 

Edited by Shoboni
  • Brohoof 1



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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and that WAS actually stealing because they lifted your work wholesale, and as I said: Legal doesn't mean right, People have abused copyright law to get reviews criticizing them or their work taken down(one of the more infamous cases is Tommy Wiseo having all the reviews of his movie removed that used footage from it removed from the net) 


Fanwork isn't stealing because it makes no claims to own the content. 

People have abused copyright laws, but I really don't see what Hasbro is doing as abusing the system. Like I've mentioned in the past, they're being remarkably lenient with what they are allowing. You have got me curious though. I hadn't heard of Tommy Wiseo, and googled him. Now I want to watch "The Room."



                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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I'm gonna try to multitask and tell you all at once. ^^


In a nutshell, if you looked a little further into the situation and legal facts, you'll find that if Hasbro didn't send Jan the C&D, then they seriously could have had a very strong chance of losing their copyright to MLP.


Know what that means?


No. More. MLP.


Know the worst part?


No more Twilight Sparkle </////////////////3


If Hasbro didn't do this, they would have been screwed.


I honestly don't think they would have done it if there was another way.


Hasbro loves the Bronies, and they wouldn't hurt us like this unless that absolutely had to.




I hope that helped clear up a few things. ^^



Hasbro misspells "Scootaloo" literally all the time.


In the episode "Flight to the Finish", they spelled her name wrong in the description.


They're silly. xD

That or that is the official spelling and we have been spelling her name wrong. :umad:

People have abused copyright laws, but I really don't see what Hasbro is doing as abusing the system. Like I've mentioned in the past, they're being remarkably lenient with what they are allowing. You have got me curious though. I hadn't heard of Tommy Wiseo, and googled him. Now I want to watch "The Room."



People have abused copyright laws, but I really don't see what Hasbro is doing as abusing the system. Like I've mentioned in the past, they're being remarkably lenient with what they are allowing. You have got me curious though. I hadn't heard of Tommy Wiseo, and googled him. Now I want to watch "The Room."


Oh Hi Mark  :umad: sorry had to say it.

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People have abused copyright laws, but I really don't see what Hasbro is doing as abusing the system. Like I've mentioned in the past, they're being remarkably lenient with what they are allowing. You have got me curious though. I hadn't heard of Tommy Wiseo, and googled him. Now I want to watch "The Room."



I consider it abuse to remove things that are no threat to them.


Yeah, The Room is pretty entertaining if you're into watching absurdly bad movies for the humor value. He even covered his ass by backpedling and saying it was meant to be a comedy to begin with and bad acting and writing was intentionally part of it. 

  • Brohoof 1



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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That or that is the official spelling and we have been spelling her name wrong. :umad:


Oh Hi Mark  :umad: sorry had to say it.

Who's Mark? I don't understand why you quoted my post twice.

I consider it abuse to remove things that are no threat to them.


Yeah, The Room is pretty entertaining if you're into watching absurdly bad movies for the humor value. He even covered his ass by backpedling and saying it was meant to be a comedy to begin with and bad acting and writing was intentionally part of it. 

Have you ever watched "Manos: The Hands of Fate"?


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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Who's Mark? I don't understand why you quoted my post twice.

Have you ever watched "Manos: The Hands of Fate"?


No, but I actually saw some DVD release of it out in the wild at Goodwill and was tempted because it so weird seeing such an infamous movie sitting on the self in front of me. 


Mark is a character in the Room. There an infamous seen where Tommy cuts out of a badly acted rant and gives a flat "oh hi, Mark" out of nowhere when opens a door and sees him. 

Edited by Shoboni



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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That is actually stealing, taking something, just change some details and claim it is yours. But most fanart, don’t do something like that, they take the style yes and maybe the characters, but then they make their own pictures, stories about it. Compared to your story, it would have been more like, when the thief did wrote a story based on your story. (But that’s not what he did. Ok if he would have done it, he still would have need to say somehow, that it is based on your story.) 

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That or that is the official spelling and we have been spelling her name wrong. :umad:


I would doubt that, since it's been wrong several different times in different ways. ^^"


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I can understand why they did it, protecting copyright and all that, but it still sucks. JanAnimations was one of the things that got me to actually take part in the fandom instead of just watching the show by myself. It does worry me a bit as to what they could go after next though, if Dr. Hooves and Assistant got a C&D I'd probably be completely crushed. That was another thing that got me here AND got me to take an actual interest in Dr. Who. Hopefully this sends a big enough wave out though so that creators who have large works will take a moment and send a request for permission to Hasbro. Without permission it's just a big game of who's next, and that sucks for everybody

When the mob and the press and the whole world tell you to move,
your job is to plant yourself like a tree next to the river of truth, and tell the whole world
"No, you move."

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Who's Mark? I don't understand why you quoted my post twice.

Have you ever watched "Manos: The Hands of Fate"?

Wait I quoted you twice? Because one of those quotes were meant for someone else, also I saw you said you might check out "The Room'' and the quote ''Oh Hi Mark'' is just a memorable phrase he says in the movie.

  • Brohoof 1
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I saw this, and chuckled. Not sure if too soon, but still :P



  • Brohoof 9

Feel free to add me on steam if you want to play something. Also don't be afraid to message and talk to me. I've had bad luck when I start a conversation, so I more then likely won't start one.

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Ugh, why does Hasbro have to ruin our fun? :(  And I was looking forward to Pony Rock Anthem, too. >_>

Wait I quoted you twice? Because one of those quotes were meant for someone else, also I saw you said you might check out "The Room'' and the quote ''Oh Hi Mark'' is just a memorable phrase he says in the movie.

That was one of the strangest movies I have ever seen :blink:

  • Brohoof 1
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I think that would make the problem worse. -_-

If you send it, yes.  


I just kiiiiding.




That has "bad idea" written all over it. ^^"

I hope you're being sarcastic.

I was. However, you can send appropriate oriented hate mail with respect of the publisher of the product. It doesn't have to be rude.


Wouldn't that make us just as bad as the haters who condemn us for liking ponies. We'd be condemning Hasbro for doing something that is actually pretty reasonable, just because while we don't like the decision. Haters condemn us for doing something that they don't approve of. I get what both sides are trying to say: Hasbro doesn't want people using their property and making the character popular with HB having nothing to do with it. The fans on the other hand, are already in love with the character and don't want to have to see him change in any way, shape, or form. Fans don't like the change, and, like I said a million times, I don't like it either. Since I don't know how to put this in a way that's clear and not rude, I'll be blunt: Fucking deal with it people! It's not the end of the goshdamn world! (I don't like saying The Lord's name in vain)

I feel sorry for the person who had invested their time in making something great for other fans. A fraction of people join the fandom because of additional fan works. Which was taken from JanAnimations, and other people who can no longer appreciate their work.  I mean that sucks doesn't it? 


I agree it's a company that has the rights to secure any illegal use of characters and or content, but is that really something you're glad knowing they have the control to determine if they see fan-made content to stand or not?



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IMHO, it would be best if they took down stuff like Cupcakes HD and Smile HD. That would annoy less people, because lots of people know about those two without liking them, whereas Jan is known about AND liked.

Is that i can't understand....i can't!!
Hasbro erases those videos,who doesn't harm nobody...
But the R34???
It doesn't"harm nobody" -_-

R34 dosen't harm anybody who dosen't look at it. The same can be said of normal human R34 or things like Cupcakes. Hell, the first time I saw R34 was when I was looking for it.

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