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mega thread What are you thinking?


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On 2023-01-03 at 2:26 PM, Pandora said:

thinking if i can make my brothers gf smile tomorrow, i'm very nervous about this.
idk what we'd talk about etc, i'm not a very social person ; A ; yay social anxiety. <3
Anyway, i think it'll be okay.

Lotsa head worries for nothing most likely


*Thinking* I hope everything went well, Bestie. :lookup:

I also think my Bestie @Savygriffs might need a bigger pony shelf sooner rather than later. :wau:

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I've done a good job /not/ getting sucked into the whirlpool. Let's keep it up.



Also I find it ridiculous that people expect you to have a "good attitude" in an industry that'll bleed you dry after it ripped your limbs off for many years or will do so if it hasn't yet. Cut us some dam slack. Not all of us feel that way because we "suck as people" but because the reality of it is stupid exhausting and expensive and it's eaten us up.

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When you said “I bet she’ll be targeted to hurt him,” I was so close to screaming, “She’s not, but someone else is! And yeah, it’s that one! Someone you keep claiming he doesn’t care about!” 

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3 hours ago, Tropical Melody said:

What's missing from the brohoof line-up now? Currently 9, including 'lunahoof' (default) – what was just to the right of 'hug'? Can't remember what it was... :yeahno:



Interesting, the old reactions are not showing in the reputation page, only the active ones:


New reactions like "party!" have very low count because it is a new thing, at least I think it is. But what was what previously, I don't remember.

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51 minutes ago, Sparklefan1234 said:

@Kyoshi Weird question: Is it "acceptable" to skip cutscenes in a video game if you've played through the game already? 

Absolutely! I always do, unless the story is one that always pulls me in. 


As for my thinking? I am thinking about all the stuffs I ordered. Got one package today and it makes me happyyyyyyy. :pinkie:

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2 hours ago, Kyoshi said:

Absolutely! I always do, unless the story is one that always pulls me in. 


Thank You, BFFFF!

I LOVE the story for "The Last of Us" but (I think) the cutscenes for "The Last of Us 2" were a bit too long & I've been skipping them. 

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