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Who do you think is richest out of the Mane 6(You can include side ponies too)


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Probably Twilight. She's a freaking princess and she was raised in Canterlot which seems to be a rich town. 


Second would probably be Rarity since I feel her job would pay the most and she always seems to be buying her friends tickets (like to Manehattan)

Oh you wanted richest in those 4 things


Career: Rarity she not only has a steady career, she also meets celebrites and always seems to go on the big trips (Canterlot, Manehattan, etc.)


Property: AJ has a farm enough said



Skills: Aj or Twilight I guess


Family: I guess Twilight since they always seem to be hanging out with royalty. 

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I think Equestria seem quite communistic.

None of the mane 6 seem more loaded that the others.

And if you compare Applejack with Pinkie Pie, they seem to have the same amount of resources. Despite Pinkie Pie works less and, in our world, a lower rank job.


The only thing contradicting this is how there are markets and bartering.

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Twilight is from Canterlot, and that's a pretty fancy place.



It's a high society city, but that doesn't inherently mean it's a wealth place:


the aggregate of people living together in a more or less ordered community.
"drugs, crime, and other dangers to society"
synonyms: the community, the (general) public, the people, the population; More
"a danger to society"
the aggregate of people who are fashionable, wealthy, and influential, regarded as forming a distinct group in a community.
noun: high society
"a society wedding"
synonyms: high society, polite society, the upper classes, the elite, the smart set, the beautiful people, the beau monde, the haut monde;
informalthe upper crust, the top drawer


Tho apparently it can.

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It's a high society city, but that doesn't inherently mean it's a wealth place:







the aggregate of people living together in a more or less ordered community.

"drugs, crime, and other dangers to society"

synonyms: the community, the (general) public, the people, the population; More



civilization, humankind, mankind, humanity

"a danger to society"

the aggregate of people who are fashionable, wealthy, and influential, regarded as forming a distinct group in a community.

noun: high society

"a society wedding" synonyms: high society, polite society, the upper classes, the elite, the smart set, the beautiful people, the beau monde, the haut monde;



informalthe upper crust, the top drawer


Tho apparently it can.

I know what a society is. You didn't need to define it, but thanks.

I'm just basing my theory on what we already know about Canterlot. From what we've seen, the houses and living quarters are very nice and appear to be owned by wealthy citizens.

That's what I meant when I mentioned Twilight. She is from Canterlot, so that leads me to think that, at one point, she was wealthy.

Right now she isn't, but her family probably is.

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Twilight's brother is part of the... Guard and twilight personally knows princess celestia, cadence, and Luna. She is from canterlot,and with her knowledge, she could potentially have a high paying job. Though she doesn't have a job and lives in a library. Pinkie pie is out of the question. Rarity has a high paying job, but I don't quite remember her house or family. Apple jack has financial troubles so she is out too. I would say fluttershy is too cuz who is actually paying her. So just like most people, I would say twilight is rich and doesn't quite show it, and rarity is snobby but not quit swimming in cash.

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Twilight Sparkle, she's a Princess and best pony.




Really though, either Rainbow Dash or Rarity. I can explain both, Rarity usually has some jobs for really famous people, and even princesses at times. Then Rainbow Dash's house, self explanatory, right?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Twilight and Rarity are probably the richest in terms of monetary wealth. Twilight has connections to royalty and her brother rules the crystal empire along with Cadence. Rarity has a fashion business which has expanded into Manehattan. 

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Well, as everyone else has said, Rarity and AJ, obviously, because of their business and stuff. I mean, if you pay attention in Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000, AJ's family is pretty much responsible for a lot of food for Ponyville, so yeah.

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Rarity. I she finds the gems in the ground, right? With her magic, right? And then makes lovely dresses with them? At least one mare in Equestra wants gem embroidered dresses, don't you think? So if mares want gem dresses, and gems are valuable, you get lots and lots of bits. Hence, Rarity is most rich. I think second would be Pinkie; ponies want treats. And treats go with parties and there must be so many parties in Ponyville. But also, does Pinkie buy the stuff from herself (random thought ok?) or does she buy them from the Cakes?

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Rarity and Applejack seem to be the two with the most secure careers and cash flows. Applejack, on paper, would probably be richest as she has a minimum one-third stake in Sweet Apple Acres though that doesn't by itself translate to cash flow and they are reliant on good harvests. Rarity, on the other hand, would probably have more of a cash flow and more money in liquid form (bags of bits and gems), but she's still working on expanding her business, clientele and reputation and may well be making payments on the boutique, still. Between her skills at clothing design and her knack for locating gems, she will probably end up as the wealthiest of the Mane 6 later in life, eventually surpassing Applejack.


Next two would be Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash. Fluttershy lives quite modestly by comparison, so her expenses probably aren't as much and she can afford her little cottage quite easily on her income from helping care for Ponyville's pets. Rainbow Dash, on the other hand, lives in a cloud. She probably was able to take advantage of her pegasus heritage and simply build her own house out of spare clouds. Not like she had to buy the land it hovers over, so her expenses are also pretty low, as she works her job as Ponyville's main weather pony.


Bottom of the list would be Twilight and Pinkie Pie. At least until Twilight gets her royally-granted powers of taxation on her vassals, she's still living the life of a university student. Remember, she doesn't own the library, Celestia just arranged for her to stay at it while she was in town. I'm not even certain she's actually being paid to act as Ponyville's de facto librarian, because it would be entirely like her to simply volunteer while she was there among all those books. Pinkie Pie, well, she has a job, a boss, and pays rent on an appartment. She's your average working girl who hasn't made huge career strides yet.

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Rarity is totally rich, she just doesn't show it because she doesn't want to show off to her friends. Why would she have to do that when all of her designs are being shown off by celebrities.



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Rarity is totally rich, she just doesn't show it because she doesn't want to show off to her friends. Why would she have to do that when all of her designs are being shown off by celebrities.




I don't really see someone who represents generosity being wealthy. Those two are mutually exclusive.

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I don't really see someone who represents generosity being wealthy. Those two are mutually exclusive.


People who are rich can be generous. In fact it's very common. Don't see why you have this opinion. Many, and I mean almost every single celebrity donate a large percentage of their earnings to charity and such. They also buy friends and family mansions and other crazy stuff they would have never ever gotten otherwise. I see her as semi-celebrity in Equestria. I feel like she will always stay in Ponyville regardless of her wealth. She's one of those friends come first ponies. She may put a lot her earnings back into her creations but just because she doesn't live in a mansion doesn't mean she isn't better off. Also in "Rarity Takes Manehattan" we see she tips like everypony that helps her quite often... like every time  :lol: 



Edited by Scoots and Dash
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Career-Rarity does commissions and fashion stuff for a living. 


Property-Rainbow Dash's house is pretty amazing.


Skills-Rarity.makes dresses and such for famous ponies. (Sapphire Shores.) I'm sure she made a ton of bits by doing so.


Family-Applejack. her and her Apple Family. She has family in Manehatten who appear to be quite wealthy after all.


I think in the end Rarity is probably the wealthiest.

Edited by Mikami
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I would have to say it's a tie between these three;


Twilight even without being Princess Celestia's protege, her family seems pretty well off considered the fact that they could afford to send her to Celestia's school for gifted unicorns and her mother is a novelist as well as the fact she runs the library in Ponyville.


Rarity because of the materials and gemstones she uses for her dresses must be pretty expensive, plus there are the important and wealthy clients she deals with like Sapphire Shores and Hoity Toity.


Rainbow Dash because her home appears to be a mansion both on the interior (Read It and Weep, Daring Don't) and out on numerous occasions.

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People who are rich can be generous. In fact it's very common. Don't see why you have this opinion. Many, and I mean almost every single celebrity donate a large percentage of their earnings to charity and such. They also buy friends and family mansions and other crazy stuff they would have never ever gotten otherwise. I see her as semi-celebrity in Equestria. I feel like she will always stay in Ponyville regardless of her wealth. She's one of those friends come first ponies. She may put a lot her earnings back into her creations but just because she doesn't live in a mansion doesn't mean she isn't better off. Also in "Rarity Takes Manehattan" we see she tips like everypony that helps her quite often... like every time  :lol: 




Not really, a rich person giving away 10 grand when they have over 2 billion that they keep to themselves is not a generous, they're just doing an act of generosity to make themselves look like they're not greedy. I, however, see through their bullshit. The only way a wealth person can be generous is if they give enough of their money away that they cease to be wealthy. Hence, why being wealthy and generous is an oxymoron. If you're rich, and there are people who need your extra cash, and you don't donate enough of it to actually help as many as you can, you're a douchebag.


For example, if you and I are lost somewhere, and I have a total of 6 sandwiches in my bag, and you have none because your bag of sandwiches fell off a cliff, and both of us need approximately 2 sandwiches tonight to survive, and I give you 1 fourth of one of my sandwiches, would you say I'm generous?


Tho, poverty seems to be non-existent in equestria, only middle and upper classes from what's been shown. However, there are charities, according to one guy from Sweet And Elite. I have a hard time imagining a poor class existing in Celestia's kingdom....just seems....not right.

Edited by Sir Wulfington
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Not really, a rich person giving away 10 grand when they have over 2 billion that they keep to themselves is not a generous, they're just doing an act of generosity to make themselves look like they're not greedy. I, however, see through their bullshit. The only way a wealth person can be generous is if they give enough of their money away that they cease to be wealthy. Hence, why being wealthy and generous is an oxymoron. If you're rich, and there are people who need your extra cash, and you don't donate enough of it to actually help as many as you can, you're a douchebag.


Tho, poverty seems to be non-existent in equestria, only middle and upper classes from what's been shown. However, there are charities, according to one guy from Sweet And Elite. I have a hard time imagining a poor class existing in Celestia's kingdom....just seems....not right.


Rarity still has plenty to give around. As shown from "Rarity takes Manehattan", which i referenced. Rarity definitely grosses the most out of the ponies seeing as she makes deals with celebrities and such. There's nothing bad about being rich so I don't see why your treating it as if it's a bad trait. In all honesty rich and generous are not an oxymoron. Rarity didn't win the lottery, she doesn't necessarily have finite funds. She has clients who always go back to her, so she is constantly making up for what she spends and invests. Rich doesn't have to mean she's got 2 billion, just that shes got enough to go around. Being generous also does not apply that you have to spend every penny you have for charity or for others, but that you are considerate enough to do so. If someone needs money, then by all means if the cause is just then you can help them out. But there's no need to go crazy and put too much into it. Rarity runs a business, she has to keep it running. She may be generous but she ain't no ATM.  

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Twilight Sparkle: A Librarian, not a whole lot of money going through that business.

Rarity: A fashion designer, few expenses, with high profit margins. Of course, she never knows when her next job might come, making advertising a big part of her day.

Pinkie Pie: A party pony, we never see money exchanging hands but I assume she has accounts with all of her suppliers.

Applejack: A farmer, A lot of constant profit, but a lot of expenses too, most of the money incoming probably goes right back into the farm.

Fluttershy: A vererinarian, doesn't look like she makes a lot of money from this being as most of her clientele come from the Everfree forest.

Rainbow Dash: Weather Captain, sounds like an average job, keeps her afloat.



TS: As a princess, she can commandeer anything in Equestria when she needs it. 

R: A Medium sized house as well as supplies for her and Sweetie Belle

PP: An upstairs apartment in Sugarcube Corner

AJ: Does anyone know the acreage of her land?

FS: a small cottage.

RD: A mansion. 



TS: Magic, magic, and collected knowledge.

R: Grand Seamstress, Skilled enough to keep High clients happy

PP: Break the fourth wall

AJ: Farm Skills, All around handymare

FS: Biology, Anatomy, High charisma.

RD: Fly fast.



TS: Rich Canterlot family enrolled her in Celestia's schools as well and a brother ruling an empire.

R: Her parents seem to have enough money to keep them in constant vacation.

PP: Rock farmers... Probably not millionaires by any means

AJ: Cross continent connections everywhere.

FS: ...

RD: Anyone?


If we are counting Twilight as a princess with all her powers therein... She is so OP. 

Then if we are counting profit margins, Rarity wins

Finally Applejack seems to have the most constant stream of income out of the lot.

Pinkie Pie probably doesn't even care for money.

Fluttershy leads a simple life and probably likes it that way.

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I'm seeing a lot of Rarity :D

I'm personally going to say Rarity simply because her talent leads to wealth. She can find gems at will :D

She DOES put a lot of that into her work, though, and she doesn't use her talent for personal profit outside of achieving her dream :D


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One gemstone buys a pretty nifty hairdryer.  Rarity can, on one outing, come back with a cartload of gems or a saddlebag full of a SPECIFIC rare gem.  She doesn't need to care about money because she can get as much as she wants whenever she wants.


Twilight can duplicate rarity's gem-finding spell but it has not occurred to her to increase her royal stipend with that level of gems.  If she really REALLY needed money for some reason she probably could.


The apple family owns a lot of land, but it seems to me that Sweet Apple Acres runs on a shoestring.  I mean if they lost simply the majority of the cider business they would lose the farm.  This kind of shows that taxes must be somewhat substantial because I do not see a whole bunch of workhands on their farm. 


Fluttershy looks poor as dirt.  All of her money goes back to the animals.


Rainbow Dash until recently had nothing much to do with her bits.  I mean she goes to wonderbolts shows etc, but only recently has she been using her wealth to buy first edition daring do novels.  It is so bad now that she is down to having to trade a rusty horseshoe for stuff at a trade faire rather than something more substantial.


Pinkie Pie has stashes of coins placed all around ponyville, for party supply emergencies.  Where she gets them from, no pony knows but the joke and party supply shops in the town couldn't survive without her.  She doesn't think about it in that way though and if you asked her if she was rich, she would say she is the richest pony in the town by virtue of her friends.

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