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movies/tv What do you think of Superman?

Fantasma Phantasm

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I'm curious of how you ponies are on the topic of Superman! I personally LOOOOOVE Superman! Hes one of (Many) inspirations and where I get some of my 'Justice' and 'kindness' morals. Now I know he can be 'Over the top' or 'OP' but hes based off a true protecter! Feel free to share your thoughts whether you like him or you don't! 


WARNING: Rules: I will not tolerate arguments unless they are clean and are devoid of any language.

Also, any insults toward a fan of a different hero will NOT tolerated! Flaming against a pony with a negative or opposite opinion will NOT be tolerated! Lastly, if you have a negative opinion, use your words wisely, do not try to rouse trouble simply because someone likes Superman and you don't.


Failure to comply with the rules will result in me reporting you to the Moderators or administration and let them handle it.


Have fun guys!



(Special Thanks to Kyoshi! For this Sig!)

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To be honest, I wasn't too much of a fan of Superman.   Just his comics/stories were just too slow for me. 


Not to go off-topic, but pretty much all of DC Universe heroes, im not too fond of b/c even though they seem dark, they flow of their stories are slow and boring.   I would prefer Marvel over DC.

  • Brohoof 1
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I’ve personally never liked Superman:


I’ve seen lots of TV shows and movies recommended about Superman and all of them have been really seriously unbearable for me.


I prefer Batman or Spiderman: I like a quirky theme to go with the characters, spiders, bats etc as opposed to being just a guy with muscles.

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I love me some Supes...which is why I hated the ever-loving sh*t out of Man Of Steel.

COMPLETELY and UTTERLY out of character.

Edited by Dattebayo


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Too Godlike and lacking in detail like most of the Justice League members. General Zod was his only real challenge and Superman always wins in every fight he had with him.


Not surprising, he was created in the 50s, a time where Gary Stu's didn't exist (or weren't labeled).

  • Brohoof 2
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Oh god, when Supes and Bats are paired up together...I love their chemistry...

Not in a ship way, mind you. x)


He's all like, showing off all the time with his near-infinite setlist of powers, and Batman is always annoyed at the whole "Big Blue Boy Scout" act.

But Superman doesn't mind, because he always knows that if there's one person on Earth he can trust, JUST ONE...it's his SBFF Batman.


It's almost enough to bring this comic fan to tears.



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You truly are the Rosa Parks of not understanding what r34 is.

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I'm not very fond of him. Too perfect and it makes him very bland. He also seems to have every super power under the sun. I prefer spider-man. Flawed but heroic is more enjoyable to me.

Twilight is best pony.


Why hello MLPForums! What have ya been up to?


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If y'all have actually read the comics, you'd realize there's alot more to him than that.

"Whatever Happened TO The Man Of Tomorrow" highlights this.


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MY TURN! :D I like Superman for what he stands for as a character. He carries the burden of the world and doesn't complain a word.

He is the apiphany of morals that I try show in my life. He goes through so much just to keep Earth, or even the universe, safe! If there one thing I love the most about him, is his sense of justice unmatched by anyone in the justice league, or the world for that matter! he tries his best to be nicest person out there even though he can a bit hard headed. His complications with power is also something I love about him! He is never aloud to go full force against an enemy lest he put people in danger, his dream is to rid himself of his powers and live peacefully on a peaceful Earth, where there is no more trouble. But he knows that can't happen, proven in Superman II. Which is why he stays Superman. To fight for those who need him whenever, where ever! I aspire to be like that! I've had complication with strength as well. I tend to not know my own strength and accidentally hurt the people around me or destroy things. And i'm happy i'm able to relate to Superman that way, in both sense of justice and maybe a little strength.  Superman wants to be able to help anyone, regardless of the problem, but he knows he isn't God. He knows that he can't be everywhere at once. and not all problems are his to solve, but he tries anyway. I want to be a Superman, to be able reconcile with people, to protect. To be able to make Superman's wish come true and bring back morality and the good of people. Always believing that things can be better. 


This is why I love Superman! :)

I'm a bit Cliché, I know, and so can Superman. But its something I truly believe.

I'm a bit Cliché, I know, and so can Superman. But its something I truly believe.

  • Brohoof 1


(Special Thanks to Kyoshi! For this Sig!)

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MY TURN! :D I like Superman for what he stands for as a character. He carries the burden of the world and doesn't complain a word.

He is the apiphany of morals that I try show in my life. He goes through so much just to keep Earth, or even the universe, safe! If there one thing I love the most about him, is his sense of justice unmatched by anyone in the justice league, or the world for that matter! he tries his best to be nicest person out there even though he can a bit hard headed. His complications with power is also something I love about him! He is never aloud to go full force against an enemy lest he put people in danger, his dream is to rid himself of his powers and live peacefully on a peaceful Earth, where there is no more trouble. But he knows that can't happen, proven in Superman II. Which is why he stays Superman. To fight for those who need him whenever, where ever! I aspire to be like that! I've had complication with strength as well. I tend to not know my own strength and accidentally hurt the people around me or destroy things. And i'm happy i'm able to relate to Superman that way, in both sense of justice and maybe a little strength. Superman wants to be able to help anyone, regardless of the problem, but he knows he isn't God. He knows that he can't be everywhere at once. and not all problems are his to solve, but he tries anyway. I want to be a Superman, to be able reconcile with people, to protect. To be able to make Superman's wish come true and bring back morality and the good of people. Always believing that things can be better.


This is why I love Superman! :)


I'm a bit Cliché, I know, and so can Superman. But its something I truly believe.


I'm a bit Cliché, I know, and so can Superman. But its something I truly believe.

Ever read the comic Red SOn, where he lands in Soviet Ukraine instead of Kansas?

Through the entire thing, he really TRULY believes he's doing the best for the world...even after he uses his powers to become unquestioned dictator of the world.


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You truly are the Rosa Parks of not understanding what r34 is.

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Not surprising, he was created in the 50s, a time where Gary Stu's didn't exist (or weren't labeled).

Firstly Superman was created in the late 30's so you are a few years off, secondly that version of Superman is indeed overpowered but the others while powerful aren't anywhere near as Popwerful as 1950's aka Silver Age Superman. And thirdly you clearly haven't heard of Doomsday, Darkseid and Superboy Prime. Doomsday is a Kryptonia eugenics experiment gone horribly wrong, everytime he gets killed he comes back and has to be killed a different time the next time. He beat Superman into a coma in this rather controversial comic series called The Death of Superman where everyone thought Superman was dead. Here is the fight Superman had with him in the movie based on that comic and they toned it way way down from the comic. In what is the underestimation of the century Doomsday beat the hell out of him.



Darkseid is literally a god with command over an army of intergalactic demons whose mission is to find the Anti Life Equasion which has the power to enslave all sapient life in the universe. Darkseid handed Superman one of of his worst defeats in Superman The Animated Series. Superman was overwhelmed and defeated by Darkseid as he and his army invaded earth Metropolis city police office Dan Turpin freed Superman but earth was only saved and Superman only survived because he was forced to retreat due to the army of rival planet New Genesis arriving to help Superman and the earth. This was Superman after he was captured by darkseid.




This is Darkseid retreating and leaving a little going away present by murdering Dan Turpin.




And last but not least Superboy Prime who is an evil and for reasons I forget a younger alternate dimension version of Superman who went on a murdering rampage after his universe was destroyed by the Anti Monitor. Superboy Prime is considerably more powerful than Superman because the yellow sun in his universe puts out significantly more yellow solar radiation and because he is from another universe he is completely immune to the krytonite from Superman's universe. He is so powerful that it took the entire Justice League, Justice Society, Teen Titans, Doom Patrol and several other DC comics teams to take him down. He easily defeated Sodom Yat who had inside of him Ion who is the being of willpower from which the Green Lantern corps draw their power.I would love to share the fight but it may be a tad too violent for this site, just do a google image search of Superboy Prime vs Sodam Yat and you will get the idea. Of course here is another awesome picture of him instead, in this one he is a bit older.



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And last but not least Superboy Prime who is an evil and for reasons I forget a younger alternate dimension version of Superman who went on a murdering rampage after his universe was destroyed by the Anti Monitor.


He found out he was a comic book character, remember?

This was during the Blackest Night arc, I believe.

Edited by Dattebayo


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You truly are the Rosa Parks of not understanding what r34 is.

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Ever read the comic Red SOn, where he lands in Soviet Ukraine instead of Kansas?

Through the entire thing, he really TRULY believes he's doing the best for the world...even after he uses his powers to become unquestioned dictator of the world.

That is my favorite alternate take on Superman, it was brilliantly written and raises a lot of important moral and philosophical issues about how far is too far.

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That is my favorite alternate take on Superman, it was brilliantly written and raises a lot of important moral and philosophical issues about how far is too far.


Gotta love kommrade Batman, anarchist extraordinaire. OOH! And their take on Bizzaro, as well.

The anti-climatic flop (in a good way, very realistic) that was the world's only resistance against Superman was hilarious... x)


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You truly are the Rosa Parks of not understanding what r34 is.

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Firstly Superman was created in the late 30's so you are a few years off, secondly that version of Superman is indeed overpowered but the others while powerful aren't anywhere near as Popwerful as 1950's aka Silver Age Superman. And thirdly you clearly haven't heard of Doomsday, Darkseid and Superboy Prime.

I was referring to the Adventures of Superman, where it really went mainstream.


Since you completely blown that way out of proportion with your fanboyism, I'll give you a brohoof in place of a cookie.

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I was referring to the Adventures of Superman, where it really went mainstream.


Since you completely blown that way out of proportion with your fanboyism, I'll give you a brohoof in place of a cookie.

Just try not to get to snarky. It tends to end badly no offense to both parties.

Edited by Fantasma Mr.Green


(Special Thanks to Kyoshi! For this Sig!)

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I was referring to the Adventures of Superman, where it really went mainstream.


Since you completely blown that way out of proportion with your fanboyism, I'll give you a brohoof in place of a cookie.

Why is it that when someone defends their favorite anything against a person with little to no knowledge of the subject they're attacking...they're labeled "fanboy"?



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You truly are the Rosa Parks of not understanding what r34 is.

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Why is it that when someone defends their favorite anything against a person with little to no knowledge of the subject they're attacking...they're labeled "fanboy"?

When you go so far as posting so many pictures and videos I won't think twice about watching.

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When you go so far as posting so many pictures and videos I won't think twice about watching.

Better than saying something half-a$$ed and retreating to insults when things get too hot, though.


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You truly are the Rosa Parks of not understanding what r34 is.

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I was never really a big Superman fan. The live action Superman movies are okay. The new one wasn't too bad. 


I do like the DC cartoon movies. Superman and the Elite, Superman: Doomsday, ect. Those Superman cartoons are pretty awesome!


Credit for the signature goes to Kyoshi

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Better than saying something half-a$$ed and retreating to insults when things get too hot, though.

Who said anything about insulting!? Things were really beginning to settle down before you came along.

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I always had mixed feelings on Superman. I personally think he's a bit too overpowered for his own good. It makes it funny that one DC icon has no super-powers (Batman), while the other icon has all of them :P

  • Brohoof 1


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I LOVE SUPERMAN!!! He is my second favourite superhero (behind Batman). C'mon, he has "Super" is his goddamn name! Meaning perfection, excellence, bravery and a million more positive descriptions!


The comics were good enough, even though I don't really like how he started off as American propaganda during World War 2. Not that I'm saying they were bad comics, but he could've had a much better debut. My favourite comic portrayal of Superman was in the Injustice comics, where he becomes a warmongering dictator who declares war on all of the other DC superheroes. It may seem far fetched, but it works pretty well.


Most of the films are outstanding. The only Superman movie I can say is bad is Superman IV (I could go on a rant about how much it sucks, but I won't). Most people seem to despise Superman III, Superman Returns and Man of Steel but I love them aswell :P. My personal favourite out of the bunch is probably the Richard Donner cut of Superman II.


Also, whether you like Superman or not, you gotta admit that the Superman theme music is OUTSTANDING

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