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Anyone else annoyed by the minimum of 20 characters?


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Firstly: It's a character minimum. Get your diction straight.


Secondly: I honestly wish it was more.


Thirdly: The minimum is there for a reason.

Easy now, you could get your point across kindly. I myself have no issues at all with the character requirements, and believe it probably helps prevent spam.

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It can be a slight annoyance if you're trying to make a quick quip, but it does do a lot to stop individuals from spamming a thread with a billion incessant replies. It makes you elaborate more than a couple short words. In today's texting society, it's a miracle that people can actually still use more than 20 characters at a time! This forum is helping defeat the disease that texting has brought upon our communication skills!

Edited by PE Brony
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Easy now, you could get your point across kindly. I myself have no issues at all with the character requirements, and believe it probably helps prevent spam.

Sorry, while I could have been more gentle in my post, I saw no point in doing so. I was simply being blunt, and I made no statements that were malicious or otherwise antagonistic.


He asked for our opinion on the character [minimum], and I gave it.

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I like this a lot better. Before, you had to type a lot, but now, you really don't.


Before was worse because you could type some things and could not figure out what else to say in the topic. I ran into that problem, SO i had to ramble on...lol

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You're kidding, the maximum was changed for exactly the same reason. Anything less then 20 characters wouldn't be good and even the 20 character maximum is almost too little. It's to make sure that when you post it's something more then "that's cool". So yeah, I'm not annoyed by it I think it's fair.

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I like it for a lot of reasons, the main one being that when people find a post funny or agree with it, they can broohoof it instead of quoting it and saying "lol" or "yeah". Some message boards I am a member of have threads that are cluttered with "lol" posts. It makes every thread longer, yet adds nothing. 


I suppose in some cases you might have to add a few characters to a post to meet the minimum, but I am a naturally loquacious person with a large vocabulary, so it doesn't really bother me. 

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Back when we had the 100 character minimum it was an occasional annoyance to me so I can understand a lot of peoples complaints with that but come on 20 characters is practically nothing. 

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It's there for things like spamming, which is much more annoying than any character minimum.


It doesn't bother me at all, I personally hate when people post short little posts in places other than Forum Games. People usually do it to gain a higher rank, which the mods don't like. And neither do I for that matter.

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Firstly: It's a character minimum. Get your diction straight.


Secondly: I honestly wish it was more.


Thirdly: The minimum is there for a reason.

I will second Aged Rain's phrases.


There is a reason that there is a minimum: it prevents trolls from easily spamming the site with one-character posts. Personally, I think the minimum should be fifty (50), but that is just me.


There's a website I moderate that requires 100 WORDS before posting, and believe me when I say, that's not a burden.

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As everyone stated before me,there's a reason of the minimum's existence(Anti-Spam),but I like to think on the minimum on another way.


Think about it,we're on the communication age,and,nowadays,we're used to give just quick messages like,per example,"Ok","Good",and others..


I like to think that the minimum is a way to avoid that stereothype om this forums,making you to write more than 3 or 4 words before making a post.


Or would you like to seea forum without character minimum,where everyome could be spamming just "Ok"'s and "Good"'s.


Personally,I respect the limit,because it helps the people to learn that there's more communication than a few words

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It's worse when I use a phone. It's always 100 characters.


The 20 character minimum is good enough, though. It keeps the spammers out, though you can easily beat it by filling a line with arbitrary letters or sentences.

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Pppfftpfpfptptt, 'anyone else', he says. Nah, bro. Pretty sure we've never recieved a single complaint about the character minimum.


All seriousness though, I believe everyone else has explained it throughly. 20 characters is not asking for much, and the staff has laxed up a lot in various sections specifically, as well as in general, when it comes to the character minimum :)

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Generally, I find that any post that requires fewer than 20 characters is either in Cloudsdale Colosseum (such as Forum Games) where there is no minimum, or can be substituted with a brohoof. Personally, I was happy with the 100 character minimum (though I admit, I sometimes had to mess with my wording to get an extra 6 or 7 characters), but it received complaints, hence the drop to 20. 100 was good, but I'd even settle for 50-75.

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Honestly, I prefer it to the previous 100 character minimum as not everything that needed to be said required that many.


But, I think that the minimum is necessary to avoid pointless spam and while this is subjective, I don't think there is very much that can be said in under 20 characters that really adds to a topic.

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It gets annoying when I just wan to post the perfect reaction pic, but eh...

What are you gonna do?


Sorry, while I could have been more gentle in my post, I saw no point in doing so. I was simply being blunt, and I made no statements that were malicious or otherwise antagonistic.


He asked for our opinion on the character [minimum], and I gave it.

Nay, friend. I'm blunt.

And this...

Firstly: It's a character minimum. Get your diction straight.

Is just being a d*ck.
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YES!!!!!! and you can't even repeat much because they don't count what you repeat as a character like just simple letters for example XD .___.


The character minimum is not a game. It's not a challenge you're supposed to "break". If you acknowledge and embrace the spirit in which it was implemented (encouraging substantive posts), it will give you absolutely no trouble. :)

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It's 10 now! I think that's..... A little low now. I thought the minimum was different for different forums here? 100 is reasonable for when your discussing something, but generally the forum lounge and "informal forums" shouldn't need to have a high minimum. I'm fine with 20, even though sometimes like it's asking for quantity over quality (then again, quality can't be 20 characters long, can it?)


He hey it's feld0 :comeatus:. Did you change the limit?


I like how he says it's not a game to beat or challenge lol.


*sees character minimum*


"Challenge accepted."

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You're not alone, but there's a reason the Staff has set it to be this way, or even a limit at all. Basically to prevent people spamming topics with short phrases like "cool" or just "oh okay", or things like that, they set a minimum so the member actually has to think something out to type in a response. Pretty much so their post count won't go up for all the wrong reasons. Hops this helps! ^^ (\

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