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S04:E22 - Trade Ya

Yellow Diamond

S04:E22 - Trade Ya  

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This was a really great episode. An awesome way to illustrate how people are worth more than objects. Oh sure some objects are very valuable to us, but people are worth everything, because they are our friends. 

  • Brohoof 1
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Why is Pinkie again being written has hyperactive and insensitive? I know she gets caught up in her own actions sometimes, but she's been shown to be very empathetic at times. For example, in Griffon The Brush Off she refused to prank Fluttershy because she was worried about upsetting her. But in this episode and Filli Vanilli she's been completely dense to her friends feelings.


Also, I can understand that Rainbow really wanted the book, and that's fine. But she's not dumb enough to agree to a trade like that. I liked the storyline of the episode but the way these characters were written was frustrating.

  • Brohoof 10

Signature by Lacerna | You should fill out my Johari Window. All the cool kids are doing it.

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Rainbow Falls looks lovely. I loved seeing the ponies doing stuff in the background. It's something I've been missing in latter episodes. And I've seen crystal ponies. Kinda missed them.

Twilight on official royal duty. I'm not sure how I feel about ponies ignoring that Twilight is a princess unless suddenly they remember it. But I think it can be said that Ponyville is just giving Twilight her space... And Manehattan... Just... Doesn't care? Well, I still think that it was better that ponies didn't just give Rarity the taxi because she is Twilight's friend. I don't know. I'm just glad Twilight finally did something that needed a princess. Not to mention that Twilight hiding with her wings was adorable.
I noticed that the pegasus foal that asked Twilight for her autograph was... Wagging her tail? What is she part dog?
Pinkie just annoyed me in this episode. Again. Not that her part was bad. Just overdone. She is more "insane-crazy" than "happy-crazy". But I guess it was better than if the episode just left Twilight there and brought her back up so she could... Do nothing... To solve Rainbow's problem. But I still like that Twilight was there in an official capacity.
Applejack and Rarity... I don't know. I think that their conflict dragged on and on. They felt like filler while the actual episode was worried with Rainbow and Fluttershy. Cooking a pie 5 seconds faster? Sorry AJ, but this is just stupid. You are being as dumb as you think Rarity is.
There were some funny facial expressions in this episode. My favorite was when the pony with the book told Rainbow she didn't want the orthros anymore and Twilight's smile when the ponies welcome her.
The Orthros... I love it. And I also love the beast handler pony AND the pony in with the "wheelchair" cart. This character drew my attention for some reason. Maybe because I just didn't expect it.
And the Discord lamps.
Discord. Lamps. Completely meaningless, but so awesome.
The conclusion... Well... It concluded... And that is all it did. I guess the episode did the right way? I liked it. In the end, Applejack and Rarity felt a bit unnecessary for me, but It wasn't so bad that it prevented me from "loving" this episode.
  • Brohoof 2


For dumb, self-important fics about mythology, ponies and fascist griffons that can't figure friendship out.

And I'm just getting started.


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I kinda just assumed she got distracted, I mean, everything up to that point was so urgent, and the resolution happened so fast. Once she actually registered what had actually happened, and fixed it, without really thinking about the book. It didn't even matter to her once Fluttershy was on the line. That's loyalty. 

  • Brohoof 4
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Heh. I just realized that I'm the only person to vote "I hated it" :D




I kinda just assumed she got distracted, I mean, everything up to that point was so urgent, and the resolution happened so fast. Once she actually registered what had actually happened, and fixed it, without really thinking about the book. It didn't even matter to her once Fluttershy was on the line. That's loyalty. 

Yeahh. Still, that incompetency was downright frustrating; she's so much better than that. Also, the fact she was flying in circles and hopping up and down in excitement when it was made clear that Fluttershy would have to go with the lady was more than a bit irritating.


Rainbow Dash is smarter than that; I'd like to think that it'd register with her quicker. She's not a fool, but that was just outright foolish of her.

  • Brohoof 2


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

Signature by @FadedSkies

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Heh. I just realized that I'm the only person to vote "I hated it" :D




Yeahh. Still, that incompetency was downright frustrating; she's so much better than that. Also, the fact she was flying in circles and hopping up and down in excitement when it was made clear that Fluttershy would have to go with the lady was more than a bit irritating.


Rainbow Dash is smarter than that; I'd like to think that it'd register with her quicker. She's not a fool, but that was just outright foolish of her.


This season hasn't exactly been spot-on with character writing, and this scene was close, but not really accurate. You kind of just have to intemperate in an accurate way I guess :/

  • Brohoof 1
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The daring do book issue could of been resolved in seconds. In previous episodes twilight said to rainbow that she had every daring do book. So really Twilight should of been the first person rainbow should of went to for the book. And better yet, she would of got for nothing....

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This season hasn't exactly been spot-on with character writing, and this scene was close, but not really accurate. You kind of just have to intemperate in an accurate way I guess :/

Yeahh...I think it's been good for Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, and Twilight (I'm weird, I know) but inconsistent for Pinkie and just bad for RD. Poor Rainbow :(


Of course, putting Powell in charge of one of her episodes certainly didn't help her cause...Powell can't write ANY character consistently, it seems :D


This episode was a bit better than a Powell episode, though :derp: I will give it that.


  • Brohoof 1


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

Signature by @FadedSkies

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This episode was pretty good....despite Rainbow's actions near the end.




Fluttershy was pretty awesome this episode. I mean Fluttershy was willing to trade her bear call for something to give to Rainbow. The two of them for the entire episode were pretty awesome up until the point where Rainbow trade Fluttershy into slavery.  I'm rather upset with Rainbow for that...She traded Fluttershy into slavery, not cool. That's some "loyalty" Rainbow. But, at least she realized her mistake and got it resolved.  She was just so obsessed with that book, that she literally traded her friend, for a BOOK. Like I mean come on,seriously?  For shame Rainbow.



As for Rarity and AJ, well. they were just arguing over who was the better friend for most of their screen time. They needed someone to interject to mix things up. I'm surprised Spike didn't pop in....seeming he was nowhere during the entire episode except the beginning and ending.But they still traded their own stuff for something else. Which, I don't see why they didn't just do that in the first place. I mean pooling stuff together like that to get one thing,  hardly ever works out.



I found Pinkie to be rather annoying and irritating this episode, I mean she was trying to sell off Twilight's books for the best thing possible. She wasn't thinking of what Twilight wanted, which is what a good friend should do. She scared off a little colt for Celestia sake. In the end Twilight kept her books.


But in the end, everything got resolved, everypony went home happy. And Spike is a nerd.



Other things I noticed:


I now know Fluttershy can cook, good trait to have, for a waifu ;) Yep. definitely chose the right waifu, everypony loves a mare that can cook. :squee:


All those Discord lamps...how? and why? I sense a nod to bronydom here.


I was kinda hoping Flutters would have gotten to keep the Othoros at the end, but she got a bird call instead. Though at least she's not going to Manehattan anymore. :yay:


Also, this episode has me pumped for my semi-annual visit to a certain Flea-market that's near me twice a year. It happens every Spring and Fall. :squee:


Over all, I didn't mind this episode....despite certain actions on  a certain somepony.... 

  • Brohoof 1

Fluttershy's lover, she's my waifu. I'm in love and obsessed with her, she's given me shyabetes. *Hnnnng*


Yellow Pink Squee Blogs | Ask one of Fluttershy's biggest fans | Official Fluttershy fanclub page


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Yeahh...I think it's been good for Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, and Twilight (I'm weird, I know) but inconsistent for Pinkie and just bad for RD. Poor Rainbow :(


Of course, putting Powell in charge of one of her episodes certainly didn't help her cause...Powell can't write ANY character consistently, it seems :D


This episode was a bit better than a Powell episode, though :derp: I will give it that.



It's like they forgot about the whole 'flying' thing and just decided to focus on her being a nerd or trying new things for... some reason. There's still so much stuff they could do with her, but I guess they don't care.  >_>

  • Brohoof 1
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Personally, I found this episode really enjoyable. I think I was smiling the entirety of the episode.

Pinkie Pie & Twilight Sparkle: bestshipbye

  • I found it funny that Pinkie Pie didn't come to trade anything, because it'd be so like her to have a booth full of crazy things.
  • However, I was really glad she stayed with Twilight. I love their straight man/wise guy duo they have going on.
  • Pinkie's whole auctioneer get-up was cute.
  • Though Pinkie's attitude could have been less... rude? She wasn't really listening to Twilight's feelings on the matter of her books being traded at all.
  • When Twilight was preceding over the trade with the Daring Do vendor and Rainbow Dash, and I saw her mallet I automatically thought: "OH MY STARS IT'S HER KEY" even though I knew Twilight wouldn't get her key in this episode.  :(

Applejack & Rarity:

  • Not very much to say about this duo. 
  • I loved their fighting scene: "NO I'M A BETTER FRIEND!!!!"
  • I thought it was sweet that they bought each other items at the end (a tin for Applejack, a pin for Rarity)

Rainbow Dash & Fluttershy:


  • I'm really starting to love Fluttershy more and more. She was so in character the entire time.
  • I don't care what anyone says- that whole trading scene was the best. (GIVE ME A CHICKEN STATUE FOR A LAMP)
  • I really loved all the new characters they introduced!
  • Rainbow Dash, once again relearning that she's the element of loyalty.  >_>
  • And in the end, she's just happy with that stupid paperback? That was such a lame ending.
  • I'm happy Fluttershy got her bird caller, I was so bummed she dropped her bear caller.


Random Notes:

  • Love the crystal ponies in the background!
  • Was the pony in a wheelchair? The fact that he was just there without anypony feeling sorry for him or treating him differently was amazing.
  • I'm happy Spike got his comic book! The summary made it seem like it would be a Spike episode though.


So overall... I give it 9 woohoos.  :lol:

  • Brohoof 5


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This episode was alright.

I liked the Rarity/Applejack scenes because its funny to see how they interact together.

The Rainbow Dash/Fluttershy scenes were fun too, I like to see the types of things that Rainbow will do in various situations she's interesting! (Fluttershy didn't get her bear call back D:)

Although when it came to the Pinkie Pie/Twilight scenes, I felt they were a little... meh :/ I would have rather seen Pinkie have some strange, random item that she wants to trade.

I try to keep an open mind about season 4, because it seems like this season has been weird because of whatever they're building up to at the finale, but I did like this episode.


I also thought it was weird when Rainbow was blocked by a crowd of ponies while trying to get her book.... she has wings, couldn't she have flown over them?

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I knew the lesson was going to be about friendship being more important than getting an item, which of course they demonstrated in three different ways. I've noticed that this show has trouble juggling more than two characters, and using all six at once must be a challenge.


It's nice to see that the girls are getting along much better with their opposites. Compare these three duos to how they interacted in season 1 and you can see they've come along nicely with each other.


I like how Applejack was interested in something for it's usability as opposed to Rarity wanting something simply because it was valuable. Also funny how they ended up arguing over who was the more generous friend. I think it's appropriate that they both ended up compromising, although I would have prefered for them to realize it together.


Always love watching Twilight and Pinkie Pie hang out. As usual they have trouble handling each other due to one being introverted and the other extroverted. It was nice how Pinkie inadvertently opened Twilight's eyes to how special her books are as momentoes from Celestia. I also think it's sweet how Pinkie didn't bring anything to trade and wanted to just chill with her friends.


Great to Spike have a happy ending and avoid being abused. Hopefully he'll get some good treatment in the next two episodes.

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So I just finished watching this after missing the stream because I am a forgetful fool. I should do that more often - makes me less inclined to switch tabs in the middle of the stream to voice my thoughts at the same time as everyone else. Also feels more complete given the lack of commercials.


As a whole, I thought this episode was pretty solid. From within the first few minutes, I was impressed with one thing in particular - they're finally paying some real attention to Twilight's duties as a princess! She went and did what someone royal would do, away in Rainbow Falls, and that gives her status a lot more definition. Good on the writers for putting that in while still not losing sight of the episode's premise.


Speaking of the premise, I thought the whole trading idea was very interesting. It was fresh and new, and it didn't feel contrived or as if they were running out of episode concepts. It gave them a lot of chance to put the character's personalities into a totally new situation (I'll talk about character accuracy in a mo' actually) as well as teach the audience at home a thing or two about the importance of fair trade and the potential pitfalls of the market. Reminds me of how they should've taught those sorts of applicable life skills in school - guess kids these days have to go to their TV shows to know of their existence! Good on the writers again for thinking of that one.


Pinkie Pie, for the most part, was a very pleasant and enjoyable character, as always :) I saw a little bit of my father in Pinkie Pie this episode; my dad has a lot of proficiency in knowing how to get the best out of deals and turn situations in his favour. With Pinkie having the observational skills to reap some value out of Twilight's collection, I really smiled and said aloud "Smart girl!" I also like how it linked in continuity with her general aptitude at drawing a crowd's attention, speaking and captivating masses is a great skill that they're not afraid to bring out with her. Oh, and another thing I enjoyed about Pinkie Pie's role this episode is how she actually failed to properly entice the crowd and they ended up walking away. I think that was very important. It shows that you're never going to succeed at every undertaking you do, no matter your expertise. I really did nod my head in approval at that. On the friendship side of things, I gotta admit, I wasn't too distracted by how Pinkie continued her auctioneer act despite Twilight not wanting anything for her books. For me, that's just Pinkie Pie seizing an opportunity and simply mistaking Twilight's reluctance for modesty. She was always out to get something nice for her friend Twilight, simply because she's a kind soul, and I think that's what matters.


I guess my only gripe(s) about the episode were the other two arcs. The Applejack-Rarity perspective on the market came off as very flat to me. I felt as if the writers were feeding the characters the words... they both said "I'm honest" and "I'm generous" rather bluntly and without a lot of inspiration, in my opinion anyway. Then there was the Rainbow Dash/Fluttershy perspective and I facepalmed a lot during their quest for the book. It's as if Rainbow Dash lost 92% of all her integrity. She seemed like a total ditz this episode, from carelessly breaking the chalice to her general naivety when it came to the final trade. Definitely felt sorry for the poor Flutters! I suppose on the bright side, it could be seen as a commentary of overly obsessive fans of anything - remember to chill out if you're overwhelmed by desire! :P


On a whole? Solid 7, possibly an 8. This episode was a welcome addition to the series, and I appreciate it for what it managed to cover. I'd still ideally liked to have seen it a little more well-rounded when it came to keeping all the different character timelines in check. It's very easy to go off the rails - in terms of pacing and character accuracy - when you've got to manage more than one angle. They did it superbly in The Best Night Ever; should've brought it here! That still doesn't detract from how plenty of moments in this episode made me laugh, made me think "Good stuff" and generally pique my satisfaction. I'd certainly watch this episode again! :)

Edited by Flipturn
  • Brohoof 1
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This was a pretty good episode. We got some great Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash interaction. Rarity and Applejack fighting was a little expected, but they resolved their problems in a nice way. Pinkie acted a little strange when helping Twilight, but that's Pinkie Pie for you. Strange. As much as I liked this episode I would've like to see some new conflicts as opposed to ones we've seen already (Applejack against Rarity, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash, ect.) Also, some of the Mane 6 acted a little off.


  • Pinkie Pie was actually kind of annoying in this episode. She didn't want Twilight to get screwed over, but she took it a little too far.
  • Rainbow Dash. The element of loyalty ditches her friend. Whaaaat?
  • Rarity wasn't so generous. She wanted her thing more than Applejack's. However, this one was at least resolved in the end when she got Applejack her pie tin.

Anyways, one of my major thoughts while watching this episode was "Poor Fluttershy!".

Edited by Mikami


Credit for the signature goes to Kyoshi

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You see anything in this episode, like they've trading other things that do honest. ;)

Princess Twilight Sparkle always do legendary stuff with magic in Equestria. Time to blast from the past.

The V.I.P., The Legendary

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Okay, I thought about it and in some way it was "Bats!" and "Putting Your Hoof Down" all over again. Fluttershy's fans are probably going to hate me, but how many times exactly will she agree to do something she doesn't feel comfortable about? In my opinion, she was as much her "fault" as Rainbow's. And I'm kinda dissapointed how this episode turned out, because it was a good occasion to deliver a lesson that people should love themselves more than others, if they want to be respected and truly loved. Actually, while a lot of people already said that Rainbow was selfish and stupid, I was more annoyed by Fluttershy's actions. She reminds me of wifes of alcoholics, who believe that their love will help their husbands and someday they'll just quit drinking. But you know, it almost never works like that. "I love you, so I'm going to do everything for you. Our love will be a medicine for everything"... I'm sorry, but HOW letting my friend trade me for some book is a good example for little girls? How is it an example of being a good friend? Her reaction for Rainbow's actions was just unbelievable. It reminded me of people, who are manipulated or kids, who are to naive to see the world how it is. 



Since the beginning of season 2 Fluttershy is becoming more and more boring and just bad written character for me. Yeah, she had some good episodes in the last 2 seasons, but in the end they all where about the same things and I didn't learn anything really new about her (the only episode who actually let me know something new was 'Filli Vanili', I knew that she likes to sing, but not that it means so much for her). She started to be more assertive, but the really small amount of writers seem to actually acknowledge that fact. It's not even Fluttershy's fault. More like bad writing. I hope the next season will be better for her...

Edited by Anilewe
  • Brohoof 2

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I voted 2/5 ("I didn't like it")


I am the 1.89%


Brohoof to Ghostie for having the guts to hate it.

Having the guts to hate it? Don't forget it's all about taste. ;)
  • Brohoof 2
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Why is Pinkie again being written has hyperactive and insensitive? I know she gets caught up in her own actions sometimes, but she's been shown to be very empathetic at times. For example, in Griffon The Brush Off she refused to prank Fluttershy because she was worried about upsetting her. But in this episode and Filli Vanilli she's been completely dense to her friends feelings.


Also, I can understand that Rainbow really wanted the book, and that's fine. But she's not dumb enough to agree to a trade like that. I liked the storyline of the episode but the way these characters were written was frustrating.


I'd say they both got caught up in reaching their "endgame". Usually I'd leave it at that, but there's more to these than meets the eye.


Pinkie prevented Twilight from performing an "illegal" trade. When she scanned around to make sure nopony saw, that filly raised her hoof xD  You could say she was protecting Twilight...then, there's the "princess merchandise".


Twilight: "Pinkie, I appreciate your help and all, but I'm not sure I'm comfortable with this. No pony should trade for my books just because I'm a princess. I'm not better than anypony else."


Pinkie addresses that concern by confirming that she knows Twilight isn't better than anypony; thus, there's no longer an issue. And the auction intensifies. DOUBLE PRINCESS!!! xD  Twilight did say she appreciated the help, so she continues auctioning the books. Ahhh, that interpretative twist  :lol:


As for Rainbow, she's an avid Daring Do fan who's been working towards the complete (first edition) set. After a long day of leaping through hoops to acquire the Orthros, the pony says she doesn't want it....the frozen smile on Dash's face says it all 




Subsequently collapsing into a coma until the Orthros resuscitates her. She's even drooling like the Orthros after awakening- signifying how base instinct has taken over. With everything building up to it, a momentary lapse in judgement is almost expected.

Edited by Starlight Sky
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This episode was kinda meh for me. Not as bad as some, but I felt the resolution ended way to fast. And am I the only one that found it kinda odd that RD would really think she could get anything of value from an old rusty horseshoe? I get that she did, but even then, while it was very predictable where the whole thing was going (Want item x so you get item y, but to get item y you need item z etc. etc.) I wish at the end RD would've found a way to put her rusty horseshoe to good use in getting the items rather than simply somepony all "Oh I just happened to want a rusty horseshoe"; seemed awfully convenient.


Having Twilight have part in an official princess duty was indeed nice though. I personally feel they could have expanded upon it though by focusing on her doing her royal duty through out the episode. I am sure it could have had some funny jokes with Twilight having to mediate many of the trades.



Edited by Azureth
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Wow, Fluttershy was amazing in this episode!


I didn't like this episode that much. Especially the rarity/applejack combo.. ugh...


Twilight/Pinkie Pie combo was kinda cool. I felt like it was a nod to the community's complaint about Twilight not being acknowledged as a princes. Where Pinkie Pie abuses this fact so much   :lol:


The last combo is where it's at for me. Because it has changed my favorite mane 6 list.

The Fluttershy/Rainbow Dash combo. Rainbow was just awful here, while we have a clear opposite right next to her all the time.


Fluttershy has never caught my attention much, and has been down to a 6/5th place on my list. Now she jumps up to the 3/4th place, rivaling Twilight!


While Rainbow dashes down to last place together with Applejack.


So if interested, my new list!


Pinkie Pie

Twilight / Fluttershy
Rainbow Dash / Applejack




(Drawing by Digiral)

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