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Is Bronycon safe for kids?

Rarity Paige Belle

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I was planning on going to Bronycon for the day and taking my 12yr old cousin with me. However, after what happened at Babscon, I'm beginning to have second thoughts. What do you think?

Edited by Rarity Paige Belle
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The event at babscon was blown far out of proportion that it should have, and they are still trying to find any evidence that it did happen. And it is as safe as any other large public gathering, as long as you do not let your cousin run around alone in crowds it will be fine. And I'm sure after what happened, all vendors at bronycon are being taught to inform security should they see somthing wrong, not just blog about it on tumblr later.

  • Brohoof 6
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Pretty sure it could be safe for a kid, I wish I could go to the place, too bad all of my relatives don't understand what a brony is... oh well, I guess I'm just not the deserver of one of those families...!

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Apparently a perv tried to get a girl to come with him into his room, but staff intervened.


Or at least someone described such a story at her Tumblr. Later the story has been removed. I haven't seen it confirmed anywhere yet.

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 It is like every other convention and trade show. 

 There are people there who are not good people, that just comes from the odds because so many people go, you are mathematically going to hit some un-good people. 

 That being said it is no less safe than it was last year or any other comic con, gun show, etc.


 There are rules that people just have to remember when going to events like this.


 1. If you have minors with you, they have to stay with you. You don't have to hold hands but they shouldn't wander off without saying anything to you. Also a big one, don't assume they heard you over the din of the crowd, if you want to go to the plush booth tell them, and have them acknowledge it. So often people wander off assuming those they are with will know to follow along or that the person left at all.

 2. Keep some money aside in a special pocket or place separate from your spending money in case you need a cab or something else comes up and don't just assume everything will be fine and buy that t-shirt.

 3. If everyone owns cell phones, make sure they are on, and most likely on vibrate as there is a better chance you will feel it vibrating over hearing it in the dealer's room.

 4. And this is a big one people seem to not pay attention to, keep electronics and money in a secure spot...I have seen so many people at the conventions I have worked crying to security because the money they kept pulling out and stuffing back into their bulky coat pocket has gone missing, or the 3ds they had sticking out of their back pocket suffered a grab and run or they just held their wallet in their hand, then they put it down on the table so they could sift through some buttons and then it was gone!

  • Brohoof 5
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Apparently a perv tried to get a girl to come with him into his room, but staff intervened.

I've heard that story was false, though. Actually, the thing I've heard most about that story was that it isn't true :D


You should be good, bro :D

  • Brohoof 1
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 There are people there who are not good people, that just comes from the odds because so many people go, you are mathematically going to hit some un-good people.


The probability that some of the passengers in a plane has a bomb is 1:1000000.

The probability that two passengers in the same plane have a bomb at the same time is 1:10000000000.

What does a mathematician do to decrease the odds that some of the passengers flying with him at the same plane will have a bomb?

He takes his own bomb with him :)


Conclusion: You can decrease the odds of meeting a perv at BronyCon by taking some perv with you :)

Edited by SasQ
  • Brohoof 1
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Just have your kids with you and have them stay with you. There is no innate danger in having your child attend a bronycon but there is an innate danger in having your child run around unsupervised in a hotel.

  • Brohoof 2
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It is no more dangerous than any other convention just follow the common sense suggestions a lot of people have already suggested such as making sure any minor is with you at all times for example and chances are everything will be fine.

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