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Pick a Flaw: The Micro-Series, Part 2 - The Other Cast & Overall Series

Dark Qiviut

Which flaw or weakness stood out most?  

4 users have voted

  1. 1. Cutie Mark Crusaders

    • Expository dialogue
    • Pacing in parts or all of the narrative
    • Treatment of the CMCs to Imp
    • Quality of the comedy
    • Execution of the moral
    • Other (explain below)
    • I haven't read the comic
  2. 2. Princess Celestia

    • Treatment of Inkwell by Canterlot elite
    • Honey Boo Boo reference
    • Quality of the concept
    • References to current pop culture
    • Quality of the art, coloring, and/or composition
    • Other (explain below)
    • I haven't read the comic
  3. 3. Spike

    • Overall execution of the conflict
    • Spike's character exploration being played too safe
    • Spike being told the moral by a third party
    • Spike's naivety lasting too long
    • Quality of the characters' anatomy
    • The "Sea Beasts" concept
    • Other (explain below)
    • I haven't read the comic
  4. 4. Princess Luna

    • Quality of the premise
    • Luna's characterization
    • Celestia's characterization
    • Quality of the comedy
    • Pacing in some or all of the story
    • Other (explain below)
    • I haven't read the comic
  5. 5. The Micro-Series altogether

    • Quality of the characterizations
    • Quality of the premise/story concepts
    • Quality of the artwork
    • Executions of the morals
    • References to current pop culture
    • References to the core brony fandom
    • Lost potential in some or most of the comics
    • Overall dialogue quality
    • Other (explain below)

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Note: For the collection of other "Pick a Flaw" episode threads, head over to the "Pick a Flaw" blog portal (which'll be updated periodically) or check the list at the bottom of the OP.


This is the other half of the "Pick a Flaw" series, which covers Issues #7-10 (in order: Cutie Mark Crusaders, Princess Celestia, Spike, Princess Luna) along with a poll picking a flaw of the Micro-Series in general. If you want to "pick a flaw" for the first six issues (the Mane Six Micros), head over here.



Following the Rainbow Falls PaF thread, Pick a Flaw expanded into The Micro-Series (Part 1 already published on the Forums), one met with an overall mixed reception. The best received are Luna, Rarity, Pinkie, and the Cutie Mark Crusaders. The worst received are Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and (especially parts of the analysis community) Fluttershy.


To quote from "PaF: Micro-Seires, Part 1":


For those who know about these threads, you know how they work. But to those coming to one of these threads for the first time, pick ONE of the possible flaws above and explain why it bothers you the most. If it's not any of the options above, if you can't choose just one, or if you find (nearly) every flaw above equally bothersome, click "other" and explain why. Also, since filling out the poll altogether is mandatory, each has an "I haven't read the comic" option available at the bottom to those who haven't read at least one of the six issues.


Along with the first four polls, there's another below asking you to choose A flaw of the Micro-Series in general. The choices are self-explanatory. "Other" follows the same structure, and if you feel you don't have strong conviction in your feedback, you can hit "other" as your choice.


If you haven't read the first six Micro comics, they're available through these links:

  1. Twilight Sparkle
  2. Rainbow Dash
  3. Rarity
  4. Fluttershy
  5. Pinkie Pie
  6. Applejack

And because this thread is about the last four, here are the rest:

  1. Cutie Mark Crusaders
  2. Princess Celestia
  3. Spike
  4. Princess Luna

Two things to know and remember:

  1. "Other" does NOT stand for "this comic is (mostly) flawless."
  2. These threads don't mean this person dislikes the story. But as "Pick a Flaw" is NOT a rant-free zone, don't be surprised if you're going to see people rant about a certain issue or two.


Cutie Mark Crusaders: This is tied with Pinkie's as my most favorite Micro comic because of its great choice of art and mostly well-done approach to the conflict, moral, and resolution. I'd rather read this over almost every CMC-centric episode in the show. But if I have to choose, it's the exposition. It's a little too heavy-handed and bogged down the pace early. It didn't start picking up until after Imp's identity was revealed.


Princess Celestia: I mentioned this in my blog, and I'll show it to you:











In the two pictures above is a filly name Honey Sweet, a satire of Honey Boo Boo, a child celebrity from various reality TV. The dialogue, action, and overall reference was made partially to mock her (evident by her frightened state), and it spoiled the mood. There's a fine line to referencing current pop culture. The HBB bashing crossed it more blatantly than the jokes in the Twilight comic and brony pandering in the Dash comic.


Spike: Twilight, Fluttershy, Angel, and Spike are in character. Spike's desire to find a new pet is rather convincing. The karmic humor he suffered was deserving, yet not so blunt to make it mean-spirited. The art is pretty good. And the moral itself is decent. There are two obvious problems: Spike's character growth doesn't approach new boundaries and resets, and the moral's execution is lazy. On a personal level, I went with the moral, because although he used the advice to his advantage, he never figured it out himself.


Luna: I don't know about you, but I hated Luna's portrayal. Rather than the cordial relationship with her sister presented in the main series, Luna was far too bubbly and annoying, relying on incompetence and flanderization of her "playful" side to drive the story. She was mostly one-dimensional here.


As for the Micro-Series altogether, it's the quality of the characterization followed by the pop culture references. In most of them, the characterization is very hit or miss. Dash's had the worst dialogue of them all, and she behaved really off. While Rarity was very in character, Flax Seed in Rarity's comic got old halfway. Praiser Pan is shallow and helped hammer in an egotistical moral. The Pinkie and CMC comics' characterizations are extremely solid. You get the drill by now.



Season 1:

Season 2:

Season 4:


  1. The Micro-Series, Part 1 - Mane Six
  2. The Micro-Series, Part 2 - The Other Cast & Overall Series
Edited by Dark Qiviut
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