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Everything posted by Forsooth

  1. "Oh, uhh..." Schola looks around the shop, observing the various items before looking into his coin pouch. One bit. "Uhh, what can I get with this" he says nervously before holding up a single coin. "Please let there be something that costs only this amount so I can stay" He thinks to himself.
  2. That moment when you realize that you have twenty hours to start and finish your twelve page Ethics final (Topic: Plural and Conflicting Values: How conflicts are possible in Monistic and Pluralistic systems [along with a lengthy section on Akrasia, the professors dissertation topic]). The only thing keeping me from a breakdown right now is MlP:FiM. Why is this show so darn calming for the stressed student?
  3. "Confound this cold, how can a sensation be so obtrusive!" At this point Schola wishes he would have kept his cloak, the loss is felt more in his lacking the tactile tie to his old university more than the actual pain of the cold. He passes by a shop where some ponies are chatting inside. After a brief consideration he dips inside for a brief reprieve of the cold. "I hope they won't kick me out for not buying anything, what do they sell here, tea?" He sits by Yellow Dumpling, largely ignoring his surroundings while rubbing his hooves together in an attempt to warm them.
  4. "I am terribly sorr-" Schola begins but then looks at who he ran into. He gazed down at the pony laying on the ground, half covered in snow half inside his house. "This pegasus must be mad" He prods his side trying to force him to wake up. "Are you alright? Are you mad? you could die out here!" After a moment realizing that he is not-respondent Schola lays his scholars cloak over the pony and travels back to his own warm home and goes to sleep.
  5. Schola walked through the snow lost in thought, he mumbled to himself as he walked. "If I have to make it all the way home I must first make it half way home do I not? But then is there not also another half way point to be crossed between that and my goal? If this is the case I will never make it though this snow to my home as I should have to make it past an infinity of these half-way points!" As he was lamenting the fact that he found it logically impossible that he should ever be warm again he walked smack into a random pony.
  6. 1. Twilight Sparkle 2. Applejack 3. Fluttershy 4. Rainbow Dash 5. Rarity 6. Pinkie Pie This list, however, should not be taken as indicative of any sorts of negative feelings, there are none that I dislike outright. There are only ones that I like more than others.
  7. If I am still in the first five I would like a blue astrolabe for my OC Schola. He is an astronomer of sorts. Very appreciative.
  8. After seeing how much you have to do I feel better about my small course load. I only have two exams and 8,800 words worth of papers to write. Best of luck with all that,
  9. The more I look around the more I read the laments of students like me who are dreading their final exams. This gives me hope because that means I am not the only one here instead of studying! List your exams or final papers that all may wish you luck with them! Best of luck to all of you, and to all I wish bonne chance! My exams-- Latin Ethics Metaphysics History of Medieval England
  10. Now I want to see a video montage of people critiquing this video, which would inevitably be followed by a critique of its own. Then this could go on ad infinitum and all would be well.
  11. I chose this because it has been my standard username for years and years. But to be honest the only reason why I used it in the first place is because it sounded cool and it wasn't taken yet on whatever program (the memory of which is lost to time) I was using at the time.
  12. Come on everypony! We are only $400 away from me having to submit a paper that if accepted would be the first publication of my professional life. This would follow me on my Curriculum Vitae until the end of my days. Not to mention the special thanks I would give to mlpforums. I give my personal guarantee that it would be a top notch paper. [pending the approval of Zoop]
  13. A Pony for All Seasons Sir. Thomas More: Twilight Sparkle Duke of Norfolk: Applejack William Roper: Pinkie Pie Richard Rich: Rarity Cardinal Wolsey: Fluttershy King Henry VIII: Rainbow Dash
  14. I get gifts on St. Nicholas Day which is on December 6th so my gift giving season is already over. I got The Discarded Image: An Introduction to Medieval and Renaissance Literature by C.S. Lewis. It is awesome
  15. If we make it to $2,000 I will write a ten page (3000 word) academic paper titled "Comparisons of Justice in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and Plato's Republic". I will post this paper in the forums and submit it to at least three academic journals for publication. If it is accepted for publication this forum will be credited formally.
  16. I thought the same thing, I really enjoyed the letters and hope that they return. But eventually they will run out of things to say. https://i.chzbgr.com/completestore/12/12/5/kXuG93Oiek6R3qgCG889-g2.jpg
  17. The notes people have made about the writer being new makes sense, but if we think it odd for her to act in such a way I would expect a writer-to-be to feel so as well. The Rarity whose virtues were exemplified in the first two episodes was not the Rarity in todays episode.
  18. Don't... tempt me SorenWolf! I dare not take it. Not even to keep it safe. Understand, SorenWolf. I would use this amulet from a desire to do good... But through me, it would wield a power too great and terrible to imagine.
  19. You here made a VERY good and needed elucidation. Trying to find reason and order to Discord? What was I thinking? It seems like I forgot from the very beginning the nature of the beast. Good point my friend.
  20. I am very open, yet this is a more recent development. I just tonight told my coworkers that my plan for the Winter Break is to rewatch MlP:FiM from episode 1 for the third time. They thought it was pretty wierd but I am a-ok about it. Why would one hide what one felt was not shameful?
  21. I would disagree, it seems like the "id" and "super ego" is left alone while the "ego" is the one changed. I do not fully understand these terms as I have never read any Freud before, but I do know that he got these ideas from Plato's logisticon, thumos, and epithumos (super-ego, ego, and id respectively). One’s passionate self (thumos) and basic animal desires (epithumos) are left the same while ones rational self (logisticon) is radically altered such that they are reversed in some ironic way. An example I will use here is Rarity, she still desires diamonds (albeit in a slightly more radical fashion), no mention to base animal desires are mentioned, yet she is unable to recognize (an action of the logisticon) the rock for what it actually is. As to what mine would be, I think that I would scorn education to some ridiculous degree. I would also be an outgoing and fun person who did not care at all for the university and its ways.
  22. Freaking out over my papers due on Monday.

  23. I think that the answer to this could be found in two places, the Meno by Plato and An Essay Concerning Human Understanding by John locke. In the Platonic dialogue the question whether virtue is innate or taught is discussed, it is a real interesting read and would at least make clear this problem of whether base skills are innate or taught. Personally it seems to me that these things are taught, 'natural skill' is merely a disposition to do a thing in the first place, not to have skill in knowing it. To say that a skill, let us say drawing, is innate brings a host of problems with it. To answer this objection one could look at John Locke's An Essay Concerning Human Understanding. In this work he puts forth his famous theory of tabula rasa (or blank slate)
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