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Everything posted by n1029

  1. Perhaps she didn't like it because it felt like they were stealing her idea
  2. I'd really like to see the show get some more emotional moments out of her this last season. Obviously they need to resolve the Scootaloo arc somehow, but also I'd like a scene where she just really breaks down and gives in to all the waves of emotion she tries to suppress. I feel like she's the Mane pony who up to this point has sacrificed the most for her friends' sakes, and has come to deeply value their presence in her life even as much as she tries to deflect that sentiment with her boasting. She really does hate being all alone and I want to see her actually confess that to them.
  3. MLPFIM may be ending, but its creator has a new project out that hopefully will help feed the community's fix. The MLP influence is very evident in the character designs and personalities. There are a bunch more shorts up on its YouTube channel if you want to get more of a feel for its tone.
  4. Honestly, I'd be okay with that. We know it's the last season, so at least it'll make the wait for the next gen shorter. In any event we have the shorts and the Rainbow special in the summer to tide us over.
  5. Now that we know this is the last season, I hope they don't waste time introducing new characters and/or lore. Focus on using these last 572 minutes to bring the personal arcs of the myriad of characters we already know to satisfying ends.
  6. I'd venture to guess that everyone who has already responded to this thread probably cares a lot more about what film critics say than most, despite their efforts of insisting to the contrary. Everyone has an opinion on a movie and it's not a critic's job to ensure their opinions match the consensus to a T. But whatever anecdotal evidence you can pull to "prove" they have no "credibility", they do tend to match up with the general public's perception more often than not; even if it does mean they're "biased" toward Disney movies. No one likes it when critics trash their interests, but you have to learn to be ok with some people disliking the stuff you like and not take it personally.
  7. I think the fandom will have enough gas left in the tank to get through the hiatus up to the next movie; especially if this final season provides a lot of juicy character moments to chew on. But beyond that it probably depends on how well they take to the new series and/or how connected it is to G4. Hopefully it's not too much of a departure canon or tone wise. Worth noting we still have the rough equivalent of the Lord of the Rings trilogy to go in Pony minutes, not including the Rainbow special.
  8. The show may be ending but there's still a lot of unanswered questions; both pertaining to the show itself and what future plans are. I need to find something else to preoccupy my time.
  9. I wouldn't mind a new cast, but I'd like the M6 still there in some capacity, older and wiser. They were the hook of this series and I feel like anything that tries to follow should at least acknowledge their existence. Sort of like the new Star Wars movies. -And before anyone says anything, I thought The Last Jedi was great and will not have any argument rebuttals based on the fandom reaction to that movie alone.
  10. Oh, please forgive her for having the NERVE to seize an opportunity to advertise what she's currently working on. She's not trying to take anything away from FIM ending, just reminding her followers that there's something else to look forward to. Whatever happened with PowerPuff Girls, I don't imagine oversensitive fans did it any favors either.
  11. Much of the crew has already moved on to other projects. Hard as it is, just have to trust they know what they're doing.
  12. Bronycon's probably going to get a lot of press attention this year being an extremely visible "Last hurrah" for the fandom. Around that time I imagine everyone else will catch on that it's ending.
  13. I guess the sobering reality is that the lack of coverage right now is all the more evidence Hasbro needs that it's time for a reboot. But there'll probably be more general media attention around the time the final episode is actually aired, especially since Hasbro will likely start getting into cast/crew announcements for the movie around that time. Retrospectives are still kind of premature when we still have a season to go, and it very well may \shape final thoughts on the series significantly before it's done.
  14. Being Boulder's first longform project with the franchise I'll be curious who the creative talent is. May give us a preview of what to expect from G5.
  15. I would suggest you seek out support in real life if this is truly how you feel. It's not healthy to rely on a TV show for emotional stability. There is a lot of beauty in the real world if you're willing to see it.
  16. Honestly, in the real world long-distance friendships are becoming a lot easier to maintain. I think there is an important lesson in not letting your self-worth be adversely affected by your friends' personal ambitions, but it's not that hard to spin it in an upbeat way.
  17. With a planned endgame, I'm mainly hoping they now have the freedom to wring as much drama and emotion as they can out of the characters' long-gestating insecurities. Now's the time to dive head-first into stuff rather than just hinting at it.
  18. Honestly she's probably the one who has the most roots in Ponyville now. It'd be more poetic if everyone else is who has to leave, or at least some of them.
  19. Also Lauren Faust's next project (DC Super Hero Girls) debuts in March. I feel like Hasbro has an interest in maintaining fan engagement even after the series ends, so I wonder if it'll ever really "feel" like it has truly ended before they start promoting the next movie. Guessing that was the strategy behind these shorts they've been putting out.
  20. I don't know how much of the leaks will end up legit but I just find it hard to imagine Hasbro moving away from these characters right now. The current likenesses have become ubiquitous on merchandise, especially Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash; and they still are pretty strong sellers. I feel like they'll have a Snoopy or Bart Simpson like longevity. So I'm assuming this will involve G4 in some form unless official announcements imply otherwise; especially since Twilight and Spike are on the graphic (They could just as easily have used Micronauts or GI Joe if they weren't planning to do G4). That being said I do hope they make narrative execution a higher priority next time. I don't really care if it's 3D or 2D animation, as long as it looks nice and is as entertaining as the series' better episodes. Travis Knight's work on Bumblebee gives me hope that Paramount may prioritize artistic quality more than Lionsgate now.
  21. Yes. If this is really the quality entertainment we want to prop it up as, the execution of its morals - its main reason for being - should be evaluated at that standard.
  22. Sparity isn't a subplot so much as a very long running gag. The show hasn't shown much interest in depicting a serious perspective from Rarity on it; even though she's clearly been aware of it at least since The Secret of My Excess. Inter-species isn't the issue so much as their complete lack of compatibility. Spike hasn't given much thought to what having Rarity as his girlfriend would actually entail on a day-to-day basis. Their personalities, interests and ambitions are almost entirely at odds with each other. Sometimes I feel like the writers intentionally had him crush on the pony he has the least chemistry with just so no parents would send angry letters about shipping a child. But that's why I also think the best way to conclude that narrative would be to have someone else confess to crushing on Spike. I can't say who for sure, but there are a bunch of characters in the show who could convincingly pull off an "I had a crush on him for years but didn't want to risk pushing him away" story thread. Let both him and Rarity move on from it without bogging the show down with any hard feelings between them.
  23. Best way I see the cartoon dealing with it while still maintaining its tone would be to have a different character develop/admit to a crush on Spike, and as they spend more time together Spike realizes he has a better chance with her than Rarity. Eventually they hook up while Spike and Rarity maintain their aunt-nephew type friendship and silently drop the issue. Perhaps it's not melodramatically satisfying but I'd rather it be handled that way than deal with 22 minutes of angst and discomfort. It's a thorny situation as it is.
  24. Twilight - Adult contemporary, classical, stage/screen scores, obscure folk RD - Rock, alternative, synthpop Rarity - Classical, opera, swing jazz Applejack - Alt country, bluegrass, southern rock. Feel like she wouldn't be so much into the bro-country stuff on the radio. Fluttershy - Folk, new age, downtempo electronic Pinkie - Polka, edm, power pop
  25. The Pinkie / Yakyak dynamic has always had an uncomfortable "white man's burden" subtext and I really hope they move away from it. I feel like it's a thematic dead end and more interesting Yakyak episodes could be done with Yona.
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