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Everything posted by Jessper

  1. I'm trying to find out just how you do that for a year now. Everypony goes "It just takes a little practice" but I find it to be so impossible to not feel the pencil and paper. And watching screen instead of my hand. It's kinda like drawing blindfolded with prosthetic hand. If you are drawing with pencil for many years, getting used to tablet is like starting from zero again. Or maybe that's just me. Only practical hint I have is... Don't start in PS. There are programs that are much better for tablet. I had a great one, but then I lost it and can't remember the name. Grand.
  2. Well, feel free to contact me anytime you feel like giving RD toys. Oh my, I'm such a bastard. Or, if you see a nice one somewhere with a reasonable pricetag (and shipping to EU), link it to me, I'd be grateful for that. The only toys I ran in over here look like bloody goblin pained blue, and that's not exactly what I'd like to have in my home.
  3. I'm not sure if it would warp their minds, because as I've said, when you use autism and mean it as an offense, then the chances you know what does it mean (or care) are bloody slim. They just repeat what the -Council of Elders- over at 4chan or Fox News says. I still can't decide which is the leading force there.
  4. Ok, you've just made me feel bad about myself, because If you wanted to send me a plushie I would actually let you and also you have just apologized to a stranger for not being able to give them a gift.
  5. The sad part is that when they say autist, they don't really mean autist, they mean mentally retarded and by that they mean stupid, which doesn't have anything to do with either one and they either have no idea, don't care or do it on purpose. It's actually kind of sad when you think about it. Gee, I guess I shouldn't be overthinking why those people say what they say, because I prolly thought about it more just now than they ever did.
  6. I wish I still believed someone is going to bring me what I want if I'll wish hard enough. Or at least if I could be less cynical about this part of the year. But.... I want RD plushie or toy that actually looks like RD. Feel free to mail me one! Either way, enjoy & survive the holiday, cheers.
  7. Sometime it's actually fun to "engage". It's not like it will achieve anything, but it's fun to stay calm and polite and watch them burn up and / or get very annoyed. Even asking serious questions, such as why would they want to attack mentally disabled people or why they consider gay to be offensive word. You may get answers that will be a bit creepy, but hey, there's nothing like letting people make asses out of themselves.
  8. Well, the implication is that you have a mental disability and that's why you watch the show, not that the show gave you those amazing features and a disability. Just ignore it or make some comeback if you have the mood, tho using disabilities like that is kinda over the edge, but then again, what would you expect from those people.
  9. I would probably start arguing with the God about being such a lousy creator and writer he is, until he'd just kick me out. But for the sake of topic, let's say God exists and I somewhat accept him. Then.... Equestria, even if that meant I'll be the "trash pony" walking around Ponyville. How is that even a choice. Heaven is overrated and ends you as a person (you know, things like losing emotions kinda suck). Who wants to "praise the Lord in bliiss for eternity"?
  10. Not randomness, I actually thought about that too. Discord fits the description of Titan quite well. Luna and Celestia, well, let's face it, they are paragon Olympians and they originally defeated the last Titan who ruled over the world (Equestria) together. And as Olympians they love to have fun with mortals. And fun there was and Cadence was born. Again, paragon demi-god, mixing the attributes of "gods" and regular ponies.
  11. Hey, you are the person I forced to work on my profile. Hello. *cough* Anyway, good points, but as I've missed the particular message you quoted I really feel the need to say something. I'm a clopper. Ok, I'm sorry, I'm sure noone really wanted to know this, but it really interests me as to why I'm a dick and a bad person for *elevator music* to this type of art and perhaps drawing somewhat saucy artwork (as the song goes) myself from time to time. I really like, respect and defend the show too. Separately from the previous issue. I don't see why should one be hiding it either. I mean, everyone does -that- (and if you don't, you are a sad person and I do not wish to speak with you), the only question is what is your object of interest. I'm pretty sure you can find some pretty freaky answers, but why is that bad as long as it doesn't hurt anypony. No pun intended.
  12. "Bronies" is simply a name for the community, it's not telling "I'm a man who likes to call others -bro- and watches ponies". I call myself a brony, despite the fact I hate guys who are all bro-this and bro-that. Pegasister sounds kinda... forced? But hey, call yourself Scootafansupermeister for all I care, just don't go "Flagging me as a brony is sexist and you are a chauvinistic pig." on me. Which I've seen only once in my life, so I don't think it's a problem.
  13. I wonder if it'll ever be released. Feels like years since it was "Almost done". It's still almost done. Yeah, I know, I'm such a downer.
  14. I've ran around, spreading the good news just after I finished watching my first MLP marathon. Frankly, I never really cared what people think about me, but if this bothers them, then I actually want to find out. People treat MLP in such a weird way. It's not like it's some dirty, dark and perversed secret.
  15. You kind of do. It's the hair. Either way, get haircut when you think you need one, not when people tell you you should. Also the band you sent me is kinda cool, I know and like similar things, I just suck badly when it comes to identifying music genres.
  16. Stop calling me gay or I'll hit you with my purse. Either way, the worst part is that it's not even offensive. You can call people so many names, but they choose the one that isn't offensive. What the heck does that tell you about the people who use that? That they are some sort of fundamentalist rednecks who just discovered the internetz? Also, when people watch Transformers, it's dull to question their sexuality, you should question their sanity.
  17. You're definitely not the only brony listening to rock, that I can tell you for a fact. I'm not sure about emo music, since I'm not quite certain what that is. Punk-ish stuff? Either way, no need to feel alone when you have internet. Millions of people at your arm's reach and you can turn the off any time you want. How cool is that? Some people would argue that internet is not a real social place, but that is just not so. It opens doors - it's not always possible to find people like you (or people you like) in your vicinity and that's where internet comes in.
  18. Well, -they- don't have to anything. People who dislike it need to stay away tho. And that is suprisingly easy to do. When it comes to kids, well, when your kid watches porn, it's not the producers fault, it is in fact your fault - just for an example. It's the parents responsibility to know what their young kids do on the internet. You may argue that when you search for ponies, you should never find gory /explicit stuff, on the other hand, there is definitely a hell lot more of Disney porn out there than there is of ponies, but you don't really see many people going after that. You don't want to see it, you will avoid it, you want you kids to avoid it, then you better start taking care of your kids instead of placing them before computer for hours so you can go have fun. It's all so simple and we don't even need to call for censure.
  19. Tarzan, Tenchu and Spyro. I have actually forgot those completely. Thanks for making me remember that, now I feel all warm and fuzzy.
  20. Well, I am bit biased, because I basically like all animals and for whatever reason, most animals like me. Seriously, if someone has a an old dog that is aggressive and hates all living things, it's very likely that it will want to play with me. And when it comes to horses, I'd say that the "communication" between the human and the horse plays much bigger role than with most other animals ... and when horse dislikes you, it has ways of making you know. There is also a huge difference between those "broken" horses you see pulling carriages around cities or being used as a fun ride for kids and horses that were ever ridden by only one person and/or have no real training. And hard to keep it down, well, I find it deeply ironic to see hating thread on brony forums, all things considered.No need for friendship and love, but you know, toleration and moderation is also good.
  21. Honestly, I would argue about whether animals are all the same or have very distinct personalities, because I say they can be very individual, from rather clever and friendly up to troll and an ass. As weird as that sounds when talking about animals. Either way if you dislike animals or particular animal, it's perfectly fine and normal, unless you go out and kill them for that, my "hidden" point I'm trying to show you here is that just because you dislike it, there is no reason to go on about how evil, dirty, smelly, ugly and stupid the animal is, because the chances are some people love the animal and you are being needlessly offensive and irritating to them.
  22. I think about them as about the Olympian pantheon (Greek mythology, the second generation of gods, Zeus and friends). Powerful, ageless, very similar to regular humans, but noone is actually sure how much they are needed in order for the world to work. Also, they loved to troll common people. The similarities are huge to Alicorns, but then again that might just be me.
  23. Well, maybe it was not the experience I had, but you've still limited to that you hate horses, because you hated horses as a kid. And yeah, chances are, if you keep hugging any animal for hours, you will have some kind of smell. I'm still trying to find out why hate, "not very fond of" i can understand, but hate seems a bit excessive. The horses I spent time with were generally more intelligent, friendly and clean than some people are, so I might be a bit confused here.
  24. Fun times. Also raising public awarness. I'm just a bit confused as to why would they want to kick you out, if anything they should be happy for getting free RD attracting people to shops
  25. Masculinity (unless you mean it as a muscular male person) is just an antiquated social construct that never really was accurate and it sure as hell isn't accurate now. If you want to apply masculinity, you should also consider what is feminine and what the traditional gender roles are. Ergo, if man watching ponies is violating masculine behavoiur and it is wrong, that also means beating your wife for not having a dinner ready is right. So yeah, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense and you should be proud for not contributing to the gender role stereotype.
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