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Everything posted by Thuja

  1. Made some coffee cream that I unfortunately forgot to make yesterday ... My landlord came in to test the fire alarms, finally finished my second baby blanket. I'm pretty confident in doing the C2C blanket now so I think I'll be making a huge C2C blanket since I ordered three 456 gram skeins of yarn two weeks ago. I think I'll try making a twin sized blanket but we'll see when we get there. Taking a break from that right now. I also figured out that I could connect my laptop to my tv with the hdmi cable(I know, I know, I should've known that before but it never really clicked...) so I was watching Gargoyles on there for most of the day... I'm pretty sure that when I decide which anime site I decide to subscribe to, I'll just hook my laptop up and watch it on my tv(don't really feel like lugging my tower into my living room so the laptop'll do just fine). So that made me pretty happy. Besides all that, I've been slowing doing dishes, trying to clear up my sink.... Oh yeah, did some cooking today but since I ran out of my chicken bouillon, I used beef instead. It ended up pretty tasty and I'll have to keep that in mind next time!!
  2. I don't think I can complete one crochet project without my cat claiming it. So I made her a little blanket and put it at one of the spots that she likes to nap at, she's currently sleeping on it. I actually made two baby blankets for her to nap on, the other one's on the sofa. Can't wait to see what she'll do when I start my big blanket.
  3. This one sweater I bought from hot topic when they were still gothic af, I used to wear it under my shirts for a layered look. I still think it's a cool shirt so I've never really had the heart to get rid of it or give it away. Sometimes, it might languish in my "To donate" pile and then I run over and put it back in my closet like, "omg, I'm so sorry hunny, I still love you". It's too short for me right now since I'm taller than when I first bought it(I think I was 11??? when I first got it). I'm 29 currently. I'm surprised it hasn't fallen apart yet, though I haven't worn it all that much, maybe 20 times in the time I've had it? I love the shirt though and I doubt I'll be getting rid of it any time soon. I can still fit it, it's pretty stretchy, I think I'll try making an effort of wearing it more, I love that shirt.
  4. The toxic nationalism in my country. Most people dismiss us as "The US polite neighbours", thinking we don't do anything wrong. There has been a stand off between various tribes and the government over racism. Indigenous women are being coerced into sterilization or their children they had just given birth to will be taken from them. The gov wasted 3 BILLION dollars on a pipeline for oil that is garbage anyways(hence the standoffs with various tribes because they're protesting about said pipeline being forced into their land or land of another rez). Police brutality is just as bad here as in the US, etc... But all that's being ignored and more since we're "the polite neighbours" and fellow canadians are ignoring these problems and simply saying "well, at least we're not the states!!!"... I mean, come on, really? Our healthcare doesn't even cover everything yet people say it's the best in the world, like??????????? Maybe compared to the states but my premier, Doug Ford has always tried privatizing healthcare and so do other premiers of other provinces. Doesn't really help things that people vote for the conservatives, get mad at their policies, vote liberal, get mad at their policies, vote conservative, get -.......... Never ending cycle, Canada does NOT have a two party system, NDP's right there and you won't even vote for them??????? The only good thing Justin Trudeau has for himself is being moderately attractive, he's purely for status quo, he ain't gonna change or do a thing he promises he would. Especially if it's taxing the wealthy, he'll never do that. Sorry, this kinda turned into a rant but yeah, Canada is not a great country, we aren't just the polite neighbours north of the States and I wish people would stop glossing over our problems as a country. We have a long ways to go but we need to take the first step to get there in the first place...
  5. I'm currently living in Canada, so yes, we have both english and french versions of our national anthem. My favourite version though, is in Ojibwe!
  6. Got a phone call from my work agency, hopefully we can find me some work at some point... Played some video games, baked some buns, cleaned dishes... Not much that sounds interesting but I'm trying to get into a pattern, probably should get some crochet done today, almost finished with the current project I'm doing.
  7. Should I, or shouldn't I, get a crunchyroll membership...? Cancelled my Netflix and want to try something different. Or do I just want to fill the void netflix left when getting rid of it...???
  8. A cold day, preferably 15 Celsius, leaves changing colour. The heavy rain that rolled in a few hours ago just helped the trees shed some of their leaves, the ground is still wet and somewhat slick with wet leaves. The air has a subtle smell of leaf decay and you can feel just a twinge of winter. The sky is cloudy but sunny and you're baking something in the oven. Perfect day. Also, I love a good thunderstorm, even if it means my cat'll hide under the sink. She might not like the thunder, but I do!!
  9. Mostly everything that wasn't art or gym? How I passed high school with only one repeat year confuses me. I tended to pass everything by the seat of my pants...
  10. Currently it's 23C, it was raining a few hours ago but now you'd never think it was raining. Cloudy but sunny.
  11. I last had some homemade peanut butter frosting that I sometimes like to have as a snack.
  12. A bowl of Muesli, this just reminded me to make dinner, actually lol...
  13. Try to figure out how cats can sleep anywhere
  14. I didn't have breakfast but I did have lunch today as my first meal of the day! I had two pieces of spanakopita I made yesterday.
  15. I only ever turn my tv on when I want to play my switch on it. Sometimes I like looking up stuff on youtube and watching it on tv through my switch. Like, looking for animal crossing ost playlists and listening to it while I do something.
  16. I'm just thinking about this one elderly woman who thanked me for wearing a mask as I was leaving the pharmacy yesterday. I was probably one of the only younger people in the store to actually wear one, most if not all of the elderly in the store were wearing one. I just think that's kinda sad.
  17. Plenty!! I have a fursona, a few Star Trek OCs, Fallout series, Mass Effect, Dragon Age, The Elder Scrolls, Kinnikuman, probably more from other series that I don't quite remember right now off the top of my head.
  18. *Boops @Kyoshi back* Hope you're having a good one!!!
  19. Finally bought some turnips on acnh, watered and weeded my garden(irl, not in acnh). My tomatoes are finally starting to sprout some flowers, I'm pretty excited to see if they grow any tomatoes!!! My parsley is doing well, growing nicely~!!!!! I also just did some cooking. I also turned on the ac since today's 31C. I normally don't do much on the weekend, in general.
  20. Garlic Hummus Spinach artichoke bbq(depends on the type of bbq because some bbq fails miserably at being tasty) Besides that, not much else, I normally don't dip anything.
  21. Here's my song of the day!  Hope you enjoy!!!  Remember to stay hydrated~!!!!



  22. I recently bought some white, blue and purple yarn to turn into a blanket. I've never made a blanket this big yet so it'll definitely be something new!
  23. Got some crochet done today!! Made a little Corner-to-Corner square today and now that I know I can do it, I think I have some yarn that'd be perfect for making a test blanket from.
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