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Everything posted by VoxelBrony

  1. Doesnt it hurt when one of your best friends you always talk to about ponies isnt a brony anymore? It did to me. - Feeling Sad. :(

  2. I have exactly 99 notifications... Thats what happens when im gone for two days. One time I had over 400 notifications...

  3. VoxelBrony

    request shop I draw your OC

    Can you draw my OC as in a profile picture way?
  4. Who knew making music could be so stressful?

  5. I went to a facebook page and found this... "Bronies consider a bear named pedobear a hero." This person posted two pictures of pedobear into a scene in the show and said that the creators put him in there. wtf? That's the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard from a hater.
  6. Fluffle Puffle dances on rainbows with a fake unicorn horn on. What's more to say? The small episodes with Fluffle Puffle are actually quite entertaining and funny. Fluffle Puffle is one of my favorite OC ponies.
  7. hours. hours and hours and hours. I'm not too, too obsessed with My Little Pony, but I have a lot of friends who like it too, and we usually always have pony stuff to talk about.
  8. My opinion is, do what you want. That site can try, but i'm with being yourself. I don't clop, but still. Be yourself.
  9. Obviously, some people's friends try to talk them out of being a brony/pegasister, resulting in a decrease. But, the fandom is increasing. I think it should be fine.
  10. When I first became a brony, I was way too embarrassed to tell ANYBODY. Now i'm very, very open about it and always wear at least one pony shirt a week.
  11. Before I start this fan-fiction, I would like to credit my friend on MLP Forums named "Red Lotus." He/she sent me a picture of his/her OC to include into this fan-fiction. One cold winter night in Equestria, nopony was awake, no sounds made, nothing. Except for that of Ocelot. Ocelot has rich, creamy vanilla coat, fuzzy ears that are similiar to a cat, a shade of brown for the eyes. Ocelot is very talented at hunting monsters, which is shown perfectly by his cutie mark. Ocelot never misses a chance to have some fun. Any bruise or cut, Ocelot carries on, no questions asked. Ocelot was out late at night searching for animals to eat. Ocelot is very talented at staying hidden from wandering animals, especially in the darkness. Ocelot crept behind every tree. He tends to find various monsters in the dark. Ocelot scouts the area. He spots a pony-like figure, but he knew that nopony was up around this time. He couldn't tell what it looked like. For hours he stalked it. In the morning, he decided it was about time to attack it. He transformed into a lion, and hopped around the corner. He tackled the wandering animal. Before he killed it, he made sure to take one last look at what he was killing. "NO!" The helpless pony screached. Ocelot looked at the pony in confusement. He hopped off of the pony and transformed back into his formal self. "Sorry." Ocelot said. "Nopony usually wanders around in the Everfree all night except for me." "How did you turn into a lion?" She asked him. "Well, a zebra taught me how to." Ocelot responded. "Oh sorry. My name is Clarity." She said. "My name is Ocelot." Ocelot turned around. He started to walk back to the Tree-house village he lived in. Clarity stopped him. "Wait! You musn't go yet!" She exclaimed "I believe you me and Equestria with something." Ocelot grinned. He loved to help other ponies out. "What do you have in mind?" Ocelot asked in glee. "Well, everyponies dreams have turned into nightmares with wierd hypnosis inside of the nightmares. This hypnosis can very easily make anypony crazed and marauding." Clarity told Ocelot. Ocelot's smile faded a little bit. "Crazed? Marauding?" He thought. "Deal!" he exclaimed. Clarity grew a large smile. "Every one million years, thy dream controller becomes corrupt. The dream controller has been dubbed The Dream Catalyst." Clarity told Ocelot. "Where is it?" Ocelot asked. Clarity pointed at the most steep mountain in Equestria. "Toxic Peak." Clarity nodded. Ocelot had never explored Toxic Peak before. Toxic Peak had the craziest monsters, such as hordes of hyenas, timberwolf dragons, dream chimeras, and lots more. Ocelot couldn't wait to solve Equestria's problem, and he also couldn't wait to slay all of those cool monsters! "Before I go, please let me return to the Tree-House Village so I can gather some things. Ocelot pleaded. "Hurry, the longer we wait, the more home as we know it becomes a wasteland." Ocelot turned into a lion and dashed as fast as he could. Those monsters may be a problem; but not a big enough problem for Ocelot. Ocelot made it back to Clarity safely. Clarity carried on, no questions asked. Ocelot changed back into his pony form and followed. Great challenges awaited. Ocelot and Clarity were on their own to make it to Toxic Peak's Catalyst. They started to travel up the steep, wretched mountain. Ocelot spotted hyenas in the distance. They continued on, but soon enough, the hyenas left into an abandoned house on Toxic Peak. They continued, Ocelot had no worries. However, Clarity noticed occasional light beams coming from The Dream Catalyst's location every five minutes. These were vast energy pulses produced by the legendary Dream Catalyst. This signals at least 50 more ponies crazed. And then it would increase in production. The insanity level would go beyond Equestria. After a while of traveling, the beams started to burst out red energy beams from the west and south. Anypony would be worried. "C'mon." Clarity said as she started to speed up. Ocelot took the lead. About half-way up the mountain, hyenas confronted them. They stopped dead in their tracks. The beams sounded once again. A wall appeared behind them. They could not run. Ocelot quickly changed into a lion and took Clarity by the hoof. Ocelot ran as fast as he could to get away from the hyenas--if they were hyenas. They could have been a new mythical animal produced by the catalyst. After the hyenas decided to leave, an avalance took place cross the mountain side. Huge, crumbling rocks tumbled down toward them. Once again, Ocelot took off with Clarity. But this time, Clarity's wing got stuck in a rock. Clarity tried her hardest to pull her wing out. "Assistance please, Ocelot." she asked politely. Ocelot rammed his lion head into the boulder and breaking it. "Thanks." She said in a faint voice. "Dont mention it." Ocelot replied. Another boulder came hurdling toward them. Clarity flew off, as Ocelot ran out of the way. Ocelot and Clarity were worn out during this point. "Good think I brought some water from my Tree-House Village." The two ponies continued on to the three and four quarters mark. They were so close to the legendary Catalyst that could save Equestria! Once again, the beams shined. This time, a blue aura surrounded the beams. About 30 seconds later, a group of ponies flew to them. There faces were pale. Each one of them took out a very sharp weapon. "Can you be my torture doll FOR LIFE?" One said. Another said, "The end is near for you!" Clarity squinted. They were obviously infected by The Dream Catalyst. The ponies jumped on Clarity, but Clarity jumped away in time. The horde of twisted maniacs followed them to the very top of Toxic Peak. The Catalyst shined bright, and had an interesting array of green inside of it. The group of maniacs stopped dead in their tracks and stared at The Catalyst. Their faces turned to their original color. They dropped their knives. "Why are we here?" One asked. "This Catalyst that protects Equestria has been corrupted, and my friend Ocelot and I are here to purify it." Clarity explained. "Seems interesting." Another one said. "Can we help?" "Of course you can help!" Ocelot exclaimed. "We need all the help we can get." Clarity turned to The Catalyst. A book sat on a somewhat rust bar attached to the wall. The book was entitled "Crazed demise, turn back to normal." "Ocelot, read this book, figure out a spell. Thats why I needed you here." Clarity ordered. "Right on it." Ocelot replied. Ocelot looked closely at each and every word in the book. "Spell incantations... Blah, blah, blah... Ahah! I found it!" Ocelot exclaimed. "We have no time to lose!" Clarity screamed. "Use the spell!" Ocelot's horn glowed an array of purple, black and green. He concenctrated his hardest, and used the spell on The Catalyst. The Catalyst floated in the air. A tornado of the sweet color green and the flourescent yellow surrounded the Catalyst. The skies turned bright. The sun was out. Birds chirped. Grass grows. The majority of ponies killed by crazed are the most unlucky, but they all lived happy great lifes. Every single maniacal pony that was infected was turned to normal. Judgement desire no longer lives inside them. Clarity and Ocelot smiled at each other, and observed the great birds that fly high. "Thank you. Without your help, Equestria would have been eradicated." Clarity grinned. "My pleasure!" Ocelot smiled. Clarity jumped down the mountain. "Catch you later." Ocelot said as he turned into a lion. Clarity smiled, and went back to her house, as well as Ocelot. Ocelot returned to his normal being, and feasted on some mythical hyenas when he got back. Clarity took back her normal days into studying. The END! I hope you enjoyed this fan-fiction. A lot of work is put into this. THIS FAN-FICTION would not have been possible without Red Lotus. He sent me his OC, Ocelot, who as you can tell, served his purpose in this fan-fiction. Ocelot: Clarity:
  12. Thanks for clicking on this fanfiction. The Valor Chronicles 2: Greater evil Valor stared at the evil pony as she dissapeared into an array of ash and withered away soul. Valor grew confused. Floor Burner was no more, but something bigger, badder, and better had arisen. Valor regrouped with her friends, and her long lost mother. "What do we do now?" Winter asked. Everypony thought hard and long, (thats what she said) and somepony finally came up with an idea. Blood Shed spoke of a friend she had, DJ Hazard. DJ Hazard knew all about the history of the Burner family. The evil family had hunted their ancestry for years and years, and never succeeded. The ponies went to DJ Hazard's Bass Base all the way over in Manehattan. Valor walked up to the door. The echo of the awesome, blaring sound of the wubs. Hazard noticed some pony folk at her door. He pranced to the door. "Hello?" He whimpered quietly. "Hey, Hazardous!" Blood Shed exclaimed. "Long time, no see!" "Shed? Oh, its so great to see you! Please, come in!" DJ Hazard's Bass Base was actually in the middle of nowhere about 20 miles past Manehattan. Her house actually looked like a huge bunker built into the ground. But once you go inside, with the push of a button, the whole placed turned into an epic array of wubs and glory. Neon lights sprayed throughout the room, changing colors to a perfect tone and frequency. "So, what brings you and your friends here today?" Hazard wondered. "We're here to know the history of the damned Burner family." Valor explained. Hazardous known everything about the dreaded Burner family. Their ancestry was hardly enough for these demons. He explained how Floor Burner never was supposed to be a demon, but as the family history shows, there is no stopping it. "A passage engraved in their old home, it said the last born family kin, once defeated, release an evil of great vigor and aptitude. Hatred runs through our kin." Hazard explained. Winter felt like she was being watched. A pony's shadow beckoned outside the window. Hazardous stared at the window. "Bitches got shadow." He said. Hazardous went outside to see who it was. A black pony tackled Hazardous, and in a weird, hillybilly like voice, he said "I'm gonna rape you!" DJ Hazard pushed the dark pony off of himself. "Who and the hell are you?" Hazardous said. "I'm D.U.P, or Dark Unrealistic Presence." "Sex addict much, kid?" Winter said. "Hey, Valor, wanna get it on?" Dark Prescence asked. "What the fuck?" Valor replied "You know... where the thing goes in the hole?" Dark Prescence replied. "God damnit, I know." Valor replied again. "So..." Dark Prescene wondered. "Fuck you." Valor said, and violently broke Dark's hoof. Dark Prescence fell to the ground. Valor spat on her and walked away. The ponies went back into Hazard's house. "Guys? Can I come in now?" Dark banged at the door. "Piss off, please kid." Valor said. "Damnit." Dark said. Hazard told them the rest and joined on their adventure for marijuan-uh, I mean killing the greater evil.' They all had a pretty good idea of what it was, but they have no idea whats about to hit them. Thanks for reading, and tune in next time. Oh, and im definitly making a sequel to Rarity's Christmas. Love y'all, see you next fan-fiction. Main Title, image of Valor by Blitz: Storm Stopper (Deceased): Mine Stack (Quiet): Floor Burner: Valor:
  13. Can you draw my OC Valor? I would like it to be a profile picture type. I'll attach a thunbnail. Oh, and if you can, discard the wings. Thanks for your time, if you cant, it is 100% ok. Don't feel obliged if you cant.
  14. Did everypony enjoy? I haven't posted one of these in a while, and I'd love some reviews. Just so I don't make the same mistake, or so I do the same every time.
  15. Before I start this fanfic, I was helped out dearly by some of my friends who go by the names Kyle and Dakota. They both made two OC ponies in this. Also, thanks to every brony out there for the support and extra motivation. I feel I finally have a meaning to life. To entertain. The Valor Chronicles Storm Stopper crashed from the air. The relentless winds held her back from getting anywhere. The giant wind storm raged on as Storm Stopper struggled to prevent herself from getting hurt any further,. Any sudden movements would damage her wings so much, that she might just die. Storm Stopper crashed through the roof, as Valor and MineStock rushed to help her. Storm Stopper strugged to get back on her hooves, as a huge tornado started to form around their house. They have worked so hard on their house three years ago, all that hard work put into losing everything. You see, years ago, a devious mare that Valor had beaten in a tournament was so overwhelmed, she began to go insane. The mare killed their friend, Blockwin, and blamed it on a colt named Blade. Blade was a colt that had escaped MineStack once he saved Storm Stopper. This mare's name was Floor Burner. Floor Burner could burn the floor with just about anypony. Her skills with a blade are keen. Valor helped Storm Stopper up. Winter teleported to Storm Stopper at her aid, and carried her friends through a teleporting system. Winter's skill with magic isn't too advanced yet, so she can only teleport to urban, arid areas. The place they teleported to, Valor couldn't believe her eyes. She was back in her home town. Valor's parents abandoned her when she was little for unknown reasoning. Her old home was literally burned down, as well as four other buildings. They split up to check the four small cabins for dead bodies, loot, and survivors. After that, they had literally found NOTHING. Not a blood stain, not a piece of fabric, not evem some survivor signs. There were only two building left, so two checked each. Nothing. Just an aroma of roses. It was, unbelievably, smelt just like Floor Burner's scent. Suddenly, lights went dim. Her friends were close outside. Valor braced herself as if she was about to be stabbed. She paced left and right, and noticed bright red eyes at corner of her eyes. Floor Burner was sitting there laughing at her. "I thought we killed you!" Valor exclaimed. Floor Burner grunted. "You think?" Floor Burner said faintly. There was loud banging on the roof, as Valor's friends tried to get in. Floor Burner formed some flames, and carresed her blade in flames. She smiled evily. She lunged as fast as she could at Valor, but at the same time, Storm Stopper fell through the roof, stabbed by Floor Burner. Valor gasped. Storm Stopper tried to speak, but instead let out a muted gurgle, which spewed out blood. The flame on knife has lit her insides on fire. "Motherfucker!" Floor Burner yelled. Floor Burner tried to pull the knife out of Storm Stopper, but not fast enough. Valor pulled the knife out herself. Valor threw the knife at Floor Burner. She attempted to dodge, but her hoof was sprawled out. The knife nailed her hoof to the wall. She couldn't move. Floor Burner created a flame copy of herself, and left the building. Valor thought she was still there, and foolishly tried breaking her neck. Instead, she was caught on fire. Luckily, water was just outside. As she flew out, she caught wind of Floor Burner, being chased by a red mare with a red mane and tail. Suddenly, the swift mare stopped. She looked back at Valor. "D-D-Daughter?" She said. Valor became confused. "Mother?" She replied. "Valor! I missed you so much!" she replied. "M-mother... what is your name?" Valor asked. "My name is blood shed, for good reason. That mare right there is why me and your father had to leave you. "You see, that mare has been around for years killing many innocent ponies." "I know that, mother. She killed our friends, thats why were after her. We thought we killed her!" Valor replied. Blood Shed dissapeared after Floor Burner. The Flitter of winds pressed up against Valor and her friends' faces. "What... just happened?" her friends asked. "Floor Burner is back. Storm Stopper was murdered." Valor said. "Thats your mom?" Valor sighed in sarcasm. "Oh, no." Valor had no time to lose. She went speeding after the mare that had caused her so much pain. She pushed her mom out of the way, and sped up to Floor Burner. She brought Floor Burner to the ground. She stomped her face in about one million times. Floor Burner's body suddenly dissapeared. A greater evil has arisen. A true life stopper. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed! make sure to read the next Valor Chronicles. Remember to read the past series "The Adventures of Valor and her Friends" to learn more about their history and origins. Keep in mind, though. The Adventures of Valor and her Friends" was my first ever fan-fiction. Winter: Floor Burner: Mine Stack: Storm Stopper Blood Shed:
  16. If you have read my "Valor and her Friends" fan-fiction, I am bringing back and continuing the story in my new fan-fictions "The Valor Chronicles"

  17. August 2012. I knew nothing at all about bronies, and I only knew a couple of characters. Being a huge web browser, I found out that bronies are a huge phenomenon and egg made fun of quite a bit for liking a different show. I didn't have a lot of friends, and heard that the show is quite delightful. I then watched episode and love it to death. Brony forever.
  18. Hello everypony. Me and Cloud Chaser are open for questions. Ask away!
  19. Just watched mlp season 4 part 1 and 2. If you haven't seen it, then you'll love it!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AnonyPoni


      I missed it dammit

    3. VoxelBrony


      haha. I stayed up all night waiting. I couldn't sleep. xD


    4. AnonyPoni


      <--- Is in Europe and completely jetlagged

  20. Working on a new fanfic: Grand Theft Pony. I feel I owe for leaving the fandom for 2 days at all and not saying good bye. Btw, I'm still a brony and always will be.

  21. Hello, Everypony. My name is Flutter Wonder, and before I start this fan-fiction, I would like to tell you how much I appreciate you. There is nopony else who is nice to me in my life, except for the ones in this fandom. You all are like family to me. So without further or do, I present this fan-fiction to you all. I so do hope you enjoy. Also, I'm never leaving the fandom. Anyway, I dedicate this one to you. Hope you enjoy. It won't be a long one, but I will still put as much detail I can into it. WARNING: CONTAINS HOLIDAY SPOILERS! I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE IF YOU READ THIS! ONLY 13+ Genre: Humor Rarest of Them All twas the night before Christmas, Rarity watched the snow slowly drift toward the ground. As peaceful as it was, Rarity almost fell asleep. Her friend was coming to visit her for Christmas, but Rarity did not know it yet. Her friend's name is Emerald. Emerald was a mare, with a bright green coat, mane, and tail, Except blue stripes ran through her tail. After about 45 minutes, Emerald shown up at the door. Rarity's eyes grew big. Rarity gracefully opened the door. "I haven't seen you in four years!" They both said at the same time. Rarity began to show Emerald her sweet new fashion line. "It's called Fat Mom!" Rarity said. "Fat Mom, huh?" Emerald replied. "Well, check this out! this one is called Horn-E Pon-E. Rarity laughed and both went outside to play in the white snow. In the morning, Rarity realised she had forgotten Sweetie Belle's presents for Christmas. Rarity then became worried, she didn't know what she was to do. Sweetie Belle atleast got six presents every year, a book from Twilight, and any other thing the rest could think of. Except, this year, Rarity wouldn't be getting her a present. She knew Sweetie Belle would be upset, so Rarity had nothing else to do but wait until Sweetie Belle got home from her sleep over at The Cutie Mark Crusaders' Clubhouse. After about 10 minutes, Sweetie Belle returned. She only found FIVE presents under the bed. "Huh?" Sweetie Belle wondered why she only had five presents instead of six. "Hey, Rarity, doesn't Santa Claus bring me five presents, plus yours equals six?" Sweetie Belle asked. Rarity sighed. "Look Sweetie Belle, darling, I forgot to give you a present this year. You see, my old friend, Emerald, came over and we both got really drunk and high, so we passed out. I forgot all about it. Sweetie Belle's eyes started to tear up. "B-b-b-but how could you forget your own sister?" Sweetie Belle started to gain a larger tone of voice and again, her eyes teared up even more. "Well... atleast I have these.... But i'm not letting this go yet." Sweetie Belle opened her first present. It was a book entitled "Young Unicorn Magic." "That's funny, I always get a book in the same exact wrapping paper..." Sweetie Belle opened her second present. It was a card which held 40 bits. The card said "Remember, Rainbow Dash is the most awesome, daring, outrageous, dynamic, high-flying pony ever. Have a great Christmas, kiddo." "How come I always get a present that says how awesome Rainbow Dash is?" Sweetie Belle wondered. She started to open the third. It was marijuana. Sweetie Belle smiled. "SCORE!" She yelled. The fourth present was a certificate. It said "turn this in to Fluttershy, and you will get a free pet bunny! if you'd like..." Sweet! another rabbit out of the other 3 i've gotten over the past holiday. The next present was the fifth. Inside was a buttload of poop. Sweetie Belle gasped. "Oh! Its poop! I love poop!" Sweetie Belle ate the nasty, green, soft poop. Sweetie Belle was now ready to give Rarity the beatdown of her lifetime, but instead did something different. Sweetie Belle instead yelled at Rarity. Sweetie Belle went all up in her face. "HOW DARE YOU FORGET ME! I COULD HURT YOU! BUT I WON'T BECAUSE I ACTUALLY CARE!" Sweetie Belle shouted. Rarity began to tear up. "Im so sorry, Sweetie Belle. You see, Santa Claus... isn't actually real. It's actually been me and the others giving you presents. Darling, we aren't made of money and we can't get too much... "Wait... He isn't real?" Sweetie Belle said back. "No, Sweetie." "Okay... but that still doesn't have anything to do with you and Emerald getting high." Sweetie Belle replied. "Oh yeah... right." Rarity said back. Later that night, Sweetie Belle took out her marijuana. She smoked and smoked and smoked... then she started hallucinating. "I'm freaking out!" she said, but then she fell down on the street and got mugged. The End This is tributed by Flutter Wonder to bronies everywhere, who treat me like family, and you all are like family to me, and I couldn't be any more greatful. Thank you, so much. -Flutter Wonder
  22. forums.... happy birthday to the forums

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