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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Singe

  1. Rainbow Dash: Discord was faking this whole time. Discord: Oh don't act so surprised Rainbow Dash. I'm just following what you do with what's his name Wonderbolts friend of yours. Rainbow Dash: *Shocked.* Iron Will: Are you sick of being wimpy? Fluttershy: Yes. Iron Will: Then take steroids! Applejack: Sweet Celestia! What happened to you two? Flim: We cheated that minotaur of his cut. Flam: And he went for broke... Flim and Flam: On our backs!
  2. I would do an alternate reality story where Twilight has no friends and her life is difficult. The Mane 5 are actually her imaginary friends which help her become more sociable to make real friends. Then at the end, she moves on from imaginary friends where the Mane 5 kinda 'die off' at the end.
  3. With FIM going 9 seasons there could be some complaint G5 rehashing ideas from FIM. Though it would be fine if it was a do over of like bad ideas with different outcomes.
  4. Rainbow Dash: At the Gala, I'm going to impress the Wonderbolts and they'll have to let me in. Rarity: In short, Rainbow Dash is saying she's going to shortcut her way in by singling out one of the Wonderbolts and personally impress them for the night. Pinkie Pie: Talk about bow chika wow wow. Rainbow Dash: Exactly. Pinkie Pie gets it. Twilight Sparkle: Well this is the end. I've been very happy to have been with all of you. Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie I will always remember you all as you've helped me make real friends. Good bye, my imaginary friends. Smolder: Why are you picking on Spike? Garble: It's because as a believer of dragons being with only dragons, Spike's attraction for ponies is disgusting and if consummated would lead to an abomination of nature that should never exist. Smolder: I can't argue with that. Spike: You're kidding. Ember help me out. Ember: I have nothing to say except, you disgust me Spike.
  5. I'm sure the Equestrian Kingdom would have been steamrolled less if there was an able Prince Adam around to protect it.
  6. Usually my biggest concern of a cartoon now a days is the possibility the staff injects their politics or cultural beliefs into the show to cater to a group. Neighsay in Season 8 was the biggest offender being a one sided magnet for the fans ire for challenging Twilight Sparkle instead of being an actual debate over a bad history vs easily trusting them as allies.
  7. Rarity so far has had good fortune with her fashion business. She could have been given a serious curve ball dilemma like the fashion world turned upside down by a new trend that disgusts her or a rival shop that is doing so well it threatens to run one of her expansion shops out of business.
  8. A new experience I came across when rewatching the show is doing it with 0.90 speed. The slower speed changes the audio where the female voices sound completely different. It's like they all have different voice actors.
  9. Rainbow Dash: My big wedding day is coming up. Fluttershy, is your brother attending? Fluttershy: Oh no, Zephyr Breeze said he was going to skip it and.....hang around some where else. Rainbow Dash: That's odd. Twilight said the same thing about Spike when Rarity got married and we haven't heard from him since. Twilight Sparkle: Oh I'm sure he'll return one day. Rainbow Dash: It's been two years. Twilight Sparkle: Years are like minutes to dragons because they live a very long time.
  10. Pretty late in the series since the school was brought in to give Twilight Sparkle and co. something to do after being tapped out of ideas to fill time. The Student six just came with the school and tend to serve as token creatures to sell the idea her school teaching to non-ponies.
  11. Twilight should have had a friendship ideology rival. It would have been neat to have someone else that helps others with friendship as they challenge each other's approach and methods. I just don't like the concept of everyone else is pitiful until the Mane 6 comes in to fix their problem.
  12. Twilight Sparkle: It's the elements of harmony. Rainbow Dash you have the element of loyalty. Rainbow Dash: That's lame. I'm only loyal to myself, my family, Scootaloo, and the Wonderbolts. I don't owe any of you my loyalty. Twilight Sparkle: Um, we can work on that later. Rarity you have the element of generosity. Rarity: I don't care about giving charity to the peasants. Twilight Sparkle: Another one to work on also. Applejack you have the element of honesty. Applejack: You're kidding. I cut corners and get around regulations everyday for profit. Twilight Sparkle: So we'll need to learn some business ethics. Pinkie Pie you have the element of laughter. Pinkie Pie: Why? Is it because you think I'm some clown here to amuse you for your entertainment? Twilight Sparkle: Someone has self esteem issues. Fluttershy you have the element of kindness. Rainbow Dash: Hello. Have you seen Fluttershy's house? Fluttershy: She right. I horde animals against their will. Twilight Sparkle: Okay. Another problem pony to fix. I have the element of magic. Applejack: Typical of any unicorn that does magic. Rarity: Seriously, Twilight. Have some decency to not stereotype us unicorns. Twilight Sparkle: *Sigh.*
  13. Instead of another season, I would rather just go with a new series to follow up in the Equestria universe. They need to change it up with using new characters to learn things instead of teaching the same ponies the same tricks for another Season.
  14. I always seen it as a flaw that Twilight makes friends with the Mane 5 too fast instead of pacing it on a slow steady build up. Also Twilight doesn't actually work on making new friends and sticks within her circle most of the time.
  15. Discord: The deal is off Twilight. Twilight Sparkle: Why? Discord: I would rather be a statue than stand being in Fluttershy's house for one more sec. She keeps animals in there. It's complete chaos and not the good kind. It smells like a barnyard married a back alley pet seller and it was a mistake. Twilight Sparkle: I've always been a good friend to Spike. Spike: Not when you locked me in that cage in the dark cold basement for days. Twilight Sparkle: I told you that if you burned anything, you would get a time out.
  16. From the looks of it, the setup of Twilight having her friends participate to assist in governing Equestria could be the start of moving from a monarch ruler to a ruling party with Twilight has the head of it.
  17. Cadence: We're going to need more than the Magic of Friendship to defeat him. This calls for the power of love. Shining Armor: Are you going to cheat on me again? Cadence: We need to teach the power of love to everyone. Shining Armor assist me. Shining Armor: We talked about how I'm not really into these sort of exhibitions in front of everyone. Sunset Shimmer: Trashing the dance and faking photos of Twilight is going to take too long. Let's just go hit the dealer and plant some contraband on her. Twilight Sparkle: Now that we got you to be our friend, maybe we talk about quitting the smoking. Sunset Shimmer: The deal was I stopped being a total *** and got to keep the cigs. Starlight Glimmer: I placed Twilight's friends under my control. They'll do anything I say. I want all of you to kiss each other, it will please me. Applejack: Twilight don't you think you're taking this whole making them be friends too far. Twilight Sparkle: I'm just giving them an ultimatum. Become friends or I will wipe them out along with their family bloodlines.
  18. https://boundingintocomics.com/2019/07/23/candidate-dedicated-to-fighting-against-censorship-of-manga-anime-and-video-games-wins-election-to-japanese-house-of-councillors/ The anti-censorship campaign stance of Japan House of Councillors candidate Taro Yamada appears to have resonated strongly with his constituents, as it has been reported that Yamada has won his bid for election Yamada’s election campaign greatly focused on standing against the censorship of comics, manga, and video games, appealing greatly to the otaku community. Nice to finally see an anti-censorship movement. Hope this keeps going and doesn't fizzle.
  19. To be up to the current market Hasbro would need to invest in a VR MLP game. It would be so awkward to have one of the Mane 6 in your virtual room talking about Equestria stuff.
  20. This would have to be Avatar the Last Airbender.or Pokemon anime.
  21. Fancy Pants: You do know the Princesses don't do the work. They have others do it. Twilight Sparkle: Delegation. Oh, so that's how they do it. Fancy Pants: How do you not know this? You run a school....the same way you just did here. Twilight Sparkle: Oh no, I run it differently. Right every pony? Spike: I'll make a reminder to hire some real staff. Rainbow Dash: It's Zephyr Breeze. How are we going to get past him? Rarity: I have an idea. Zephyr Breeze: Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash: Oh, me so pony. Me love you long time. *Gag.* Zephyr Breeze: I knew you couldn't resist me.
  22. Instead of the aunts coming in to save Scoots from leaving. It would have been more awesome if Rainbow Dash stepped up and asked to be her legal guardian.
  23. Also how are the Mane 5 on board running a kingdom while they have their lives and the school. Rainbow Dash would end up outranking Spitfire.
  24. It would require redoing Moon Dancer to have a better reason to be a villain besides just being brushed off by Twilight. Maybe if Moon Dancer was also jealous that Twilight got to be Celestia's special student and was being Twilight's friend to gain favor with Celestia to accept her as a student also. Having Twilight brush her off and leave would throw it all into disarray for Moon Dancer.
  25. So here is an angle I would change. Instead of Twilight being handed the succession. Celestia and Luna reveal there were other candidates that the sisters have been grooming along with Twilight though separately and secretly. It would be a way to give Twilight some legit rivals. Succession cannot be handled over, it has to be proven to the populace one can lead with their trust. So Twilight's objective would be to put her friendship to the test to get support from the populace.
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