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Everything posted by UserNotFound

  1. Filli Vanilli or It Ain't Easy Being Breezies... Which of these upcoming episodes do you think we'll see Fluttershy's element put to the test?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Moaning Myrtle

      Moaning Myrtle

      Hmm...Probably Filli Vanilli

    3. Wingnut


      Hmm. So far, every rainbow episode had the pony's name in the title. Are we sure Fluttershy's is one of those?

    4. UserNotFound


      True true... But then again I don't know if Twilight Time is gonna be twilight's because it states it's about the CMC and their popularity... We shall see...

  2. I used to love Yogi Bear when I was little! I've not seen it in such a long time though so I don't really have much to say on it... However... On a side note whenever I see your username I find myself singing "She's an evil enchantress and she does evil dances!" xD
  3. I wouldn't say it's a religion... sure the ethics and morals are good to follow but they are just common sense and decency... If it were classed as a religion I wouldn't identify myself as it... I'm a Christian and that's what I will always call myself!
  4. Goodnight everypony! :) sweet dreams!

  5. I tipped the vote!! Granny votes 58 to Button's 57!
  6. Rarity's country voice made me think of her parents... Weirdly...
  7. I feel so sorry for Spike in this one... Rarity's like "Oh the pain of being ignored and rejected!" and Spike's like... 'yeah... I wonder how that feels...' Loved AJ in this one xD
  8. Watching an MLP stream and seeing all the commercials! Wow!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Wayzer


      Maybe they're shorter because it's a kids channel? :P

    3. UserNotFound


      Even here on kids channels they seem longer... D:

    4. Wayzer
  9. This is the first time I've ever done this... I'm usually awful at impressions http://vocaroo.com/i/s13YN6Y26Vjf
  10. Yes! Anyways what should I say? Suggestions?
  11. No ya don't! You sound Welsh... Welsh = Cool I should do another recording at some point... But I wouldn't know what to say
  12. This is weird but you sooo remind me of my friend xD I love it Wub you QuirkyPie XD
  13. Well chances are I would struggle to carry them if they are about the size calculated by people who've posted above me... Since I can't carry too much more than my own weight and I weigh less than that... But I figure for those who can, it would be fairly easy to do... Then again they look to be about the size of a medium/large dog say a Labrador/Newfie... Maybe? I dunno xD
  14. Actually if you input this code it will be centered... [center][img=http://i.imgur.com/RWEwbBm.png][/center]
  15. Had a quick read through and this seems like the kind of stuff I've been told to keep up to avoid depression... it's just healthy to do in general even if you aren't depressed!
  16. I was wondering is this still open? I'd love to make a request if it is I'd love a 600x100 signature of my OC JellyBean, here's the pose I want If I could have her horn glowing magically in... This sort of colour With her name floating in the magic bubble? For a background... something that compliments her colours I'd like it to be animated slightly too so the letters float gently... Many thanks
  17. What are the chances! I watch two completely random episodes of MLP and BOTH of them have a mule with one of the mane six saying "No offence" to him and the mule replying "none taken"

    1. Wayzer


      Cuz mlp is full of equine racism

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