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Sugar Cube

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Everything posted by Sugar Cube

  1. Spoilery banner is spoilery. But If we're gonna go Halloween themed early, adorable Lionjack is totally best way to go. ;D

  2. Well, I'd still have all of those great memories at least.
  3. Actually, this current one says a lot. I grew up in Arizona and spent most of my life there. The desert is something I'm quite acquainted with, cacti, heat, and all. The cow in my avvie (Arizona) is basically Applejack's spiritual successor or "counterpart" in Them's Fightin' Herds, so that makes her my automatic favorite by default. And cows bless this Earth with milk, and I do love my milk and all things dairy.
  4. I had the unfortunate experience of growing up in some fairly druggie environments in my life, and seeing the negative effects these things had on people was more than enough to convince me to steer clear. Luckily for me, the schools I attended were very good at warning about the dangers of drugs, and I've always had a good head on my shoulders to know illegal drugs were nothing to mess with. And I don't cave in to peer pressure. Ever. And I don't even dabble in most legal drugs. I don't and never have smoked, and I don't drink alcohol. I can't say I've never consumed a small amount of alcohol, but I do not ever go out of my way to drink it. I do have a bit of a caffeine problem though. Gotta have my coffee... As for prescription and over the counter drugs, I only take them when I feel it's absolutely necessary. I am prone to headaches, so I might take an aspirin or two if I suffer from a really bad one, as it's by far the quickest and most efficient way to alleviate the pain. I do not make a consistent habit of it though.
  5. I'm a proud resident of the USA, or 'Merica, as I like to say. The Southwestern part of it to be a little more precise. I'd love to go and visit many other countries in the world, but my home will always be right here in the States.
  6. If I'm really pumped up and excited about my victory, I always go into embarrassing dork mode and belt out an "Aww yeah!" I say that quite a bit for whatever reason. I also might hop around and make some goofy gestures. Once I wind down though, I'll be humble about my victory saying how lucky I was, and congratulate the other competitor(s) for their excellent effort.
  7. I think it just depends on the situation. How severe is the crime? Who is the one responsible? I mean, sometimes mercy is great and can go a long way, but other times you're dealing with people who just won't change, either because they choose not to, or they just can't. When crimes are really severe, ie. murder, rape, etc. I almost always prefer cold hard justice.
  8. Yay! I've always wanted a sister, and I think you'd be an awesome one!
  9. I gotta ask, how was the new episode? :3

    1. Sunset188


      Definitely one of my favorites this season. Featured the whole mane 6! And we haven't had a Pinkie Pie episode in awhile :)

    2. Wingnut


      I missed it too. I was supposed to wake up at 11 and didn't get up until 1. :P

    3. Adamgreen


      It was awesome!

  10. *Joins Fightin' Herds bandwagon*

    1. Dark Qiviut

      Dark Qiviut

      If I get enough time, I'll consider drawing Wise Ox in the TFH art design.

    2. Sugar Cube

      Sugar Cube

      I'm sure he'll look awesome. :D

  11. I loved Crusaders of the Lost Mark for more reasons than I can count, but when Applejack said that about her parents, (after I actually absorbed what I had heard) I was all kinds of touched. Just a beautiful moment in so many ways. I've lost important loved ones in my life too, and I desperately would love to see an episode that touches upon Applejack's deceased parents. In fact, it's my "dream episode" if you will. I'm sure it can be done without being too terribly depressing. Season 5 has been breaking ground in the feels department anyway, so I don't think it's even a stretch anymore. Oh, and it's totally happening.
  12. I have good faith in the writers that they don't construct their stories in a way that panders to every whim of the fanbase. I know they do love to sprinkle in a lot of fanservice, but come on now, are we so spoiled that we believe even major story arcs are resolved just to appease us? Think about the theme of the season. There's been tremendous focus on Cutie Marks. On top of that, the CMC have been growing up steadily over the prior four seasons and they're just not the same mischievous fillies they were in the first season. This show has defied expectations of a slice of life series and put the kibosh on the status quo before, what with Twilight's ascension to alicorn princess and all. Realize that the writers come up with their ideas as they go, because they have no control over how many seasons the show will continue for. They plan out the main ideas for each season before the episodes even get written. So chances are a lot more likely that they just decided this was as good of a time as any to have the CMC earn their marks, and I think it was a good call. I was apprehensive at first, but after seeing how beautifully the Crusaders' arc was concluded, along with the brilliant potential for new kinds of adventures for the fillies, I'm glad the writers decided this was the season. This really isn't any different than Rainbow's inching forward to become a full-fledged Wonderbolt or Rarity's progress in the fashion world. MLP is developing its characters and building on its world to keep things fresh and exciting. This isn't the end of the Crusaders as we know them. It's just a new start.
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