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Everything posted by Boofyhooves

  1. I liked the ones from the 80's but I was just a filly back then.
  2. Bridle Gossip was my first episode. It worked wonders, and helped me convert two of my bronies irl!
  3. Aww Slender you brokeded his lil heart!
  4. Banned because it looks like Rainbow Dash is trying to tackle Fluttershy.
  5. Is this a upside cross on my head, or am I just happy to see you?
  6. Cast level 10 Party of the Infinate! NLR -40 (-) SE - 32 DDL - 25(-) RE - 27 PPCPL - 42 (+) :Fluttershyyay:
  7. Me (and my grandmother who was watching that episode with me) Both turned and laughed at Spike's Doughnut hankering. I expressed my sorrow that doughnuts cannot get you drunk, and we both had a good laugh over it. You have to remember that the show's writers try to throw some jokes in there for the adult audiences. Remember Bridle Gossip when AJ is shrunk down? He called her a Appletini. It's just good harmless humor that hits for it's intended 'parent' viewers. I can recall many tv series that have used this gag in their episodes. The Spongebob one above is just one of many.
  8. Manning signed:"A five-year deal for $90 million, or $18 million a year -- equal to what New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady is making." This was current as of July 2011, so yeah.. he was due a lot more. As a Manning brothers fan, I think that while this was unfair, it had to be done to Peyton, the nature of his injuries is going to make it hard for him to ever play to his full potential again. That being said, I do wish Luck.. well lots of luck in his endeavor to fill the shoes that Manning left behind. After all, it was his wins and the combined efforts of the team that helped build that stadium fans now plop their kiesters in.
  9. Thank you for this wrap up it was nice.
  10. Welcome Welcome Welcome to pony forums today! I hope you like it here!
  11. International Business Machines Co. Capitalism at it's finest.. or worst? Btw, thanks for selling off Lexmark. Coca-Cola.
  12. I call songs like those Earwigs, they just burrow in and you can't get them out. I usually just let them run their course and sing to my hearts content.
  13. Welcome, welcome, welcome, to pony forums today! I hope you like it here, you'll see we're a nice little community and so happy to meet new people here! Yay!
  14. haha thanks for making this topic. Iron Will Memes, love them.
  15. This is part of why I'm called Boof irl. I luffles rafting so much.
  16. Yay! Friendship is magic after all!
  17. A ponyfied version of a Siren would be pretty cool. Minus the drowning people part.
  18. Oops. My forever alone face is showing.
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