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Everything posted by chaoticgeek2

  1. It sucks that you're feeling lonely, I hope you feel welcome here, make some friends, and feel belonged
  2. I'd find it funny tbh But yeah D because I already do that
  3. I did it. I caught every Pokemon.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Skullbuster


      all 600+ of them?


    3. chaoticgeek2
    4. Mono_Chrome


      In light of your profile pic, I've deemed this appropriate. "WOAH! Hey Guys! Check it out! Chaotic caught a shitload of Pokemon!"

  4. So after transferring Pokemon and trading, evolving etc. I now have 716/718 Pokemon. All I need is Manaphy and Meoletta to catch 'em all
  5. I wish you could nickname Pokemon with different OT's

  6. Oh God I can go on and on Alright for starters there's Tension Rising from Kingdom Hearts 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XQFHv4GOwlM The final Vanitas battle theme (I think it's called Unbreakable Chains) from Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep Solaris Phase 2 from Sonic 06 Dark Gaia Phase 2 from Sonic Unleashed Sonic Colors final boss phase 2 The Ultimate Showdown from Super Paper Mario Bowser's Inside Story final boss Pokemon HeartGold/SoulSilver Champion Theme The Other Promise from Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix
  7. I'm really glad Lucario was confirmed; I was getting worried he might get cut. Now that he is in all the vets I wanted are back. For newcomers I hope we see Paper Mario, Kat & Ana, Ridley, Little Mac, Pac Man, and King K. Rool. Some of these are unlikely but regardless I think they would make great fighters.
  8. The Goof-Off song from Pinkie Pride, it was one of my friend's birthday today so I sent the song to him and it's been stuck in my head since.
  9. I thought the remix was great, it really got me interested. It gives me chills sometimes when I hear/watch it But as much as I like the remix, I love the original way more. It's so charming, catchy, and upbeat. Compared to other MLP themes it just sounds more adventurous and appealing but also cute. I love listening to it every week! Some people think it's too girly but hey if you heard the other generation themes you'd notice a big difference.
  10. Maybe I am, but I wouldn't know for sure because I never reach out and ask if other people share my interests. For example, recently I found out one of my best friends likes My Little Pony. I would never have known if his other friend didn't say it.
  11. I was once held over a balcony I was choking on food quite a few times I survived 2012 My dad once told me that when he was a kid he and his brother were fighting and he accidently got pushed on the road of a highway
  12. In 9th grade once I was leaving Math class holding my lunch bag and I ran so fast out the room my lunchbag hit the wall and my pepsi can started leaking everywhere
  13. Browsing MLP forums on my Wii U. This is literally the only thing I'm doing, I'm about to go to bed.
  14. Did somebody say Rarity? Lets be friends
  15. So quite often there are things that make me laugh so hard I cry, but those don't count. I also occasionally get teary eyed when I think about friends or family and how I miss them. I think the last time I really cried was when I was thinking about my childhood and how much things have changed.
  16. Pokemon, the future, the past, internet, just stuff
  17. Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Pokemon HeartGold Can't think of anymore, I should play more video games
  18. 1. I get jealous easily 2. It's very easy to stress me out or make me nervous 3. I own every season of South Park on DVD 4. My favorite soda is Dr. Pepper 5. I'm trying to write a book 6. I like making friends 7. My favorite pony is Rarity 8. I prefer video game music and TV show music over regular music 9. I have 0 pony merchandise 10. I don't go out much
  19. I'm just a fan of cartoons I like shows that have fun and catchy songs, I've always liked friendship-related plots, and the characters are really cool and entertaining.
  20. Well since EG doesn't count, it was Too Many Pinkies, but I wasn't really paying attention to it.
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