Some of the answers in this topic are trying to dig too deep to find something that isn't there, my response to such answers:
How was she abused? Because that's what you figure would be the catalyst for her wanting to be happy all the time? Because her parents were shitty to her? What is this -- a fucking teen drama? Really people..she lived on a bloody rock farm, that's sort of -- you know; boring. And her parents were clearly of amish influence, and thus, carried the traits of the amish people. Are some of you suggesting that amish people abuse there children because amish persona reasons? I doubt it. But sadly, that seems to be the thought process gone into some of these answers. Just because a family is strict doesn't equal abuse, just because her family din't know what fun was til they were thrown a party, doesn't mean they were abusive or bad parents. Stop trying to put Pinkie under the 'happy person with a abusive past' cliche' , get outta here with that shit people, we can do better than that.