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Everything posted by Pinkamena-Pills

  1. That Maud & Toph drawing made me laugh, and that last one i swear has a Frost Demon in it, which made me chuckle. Good job on all of them.
  2. Eye-catching style their, i like it. Great job on the drawing!
  3. I don't look much at all the fanclubs these days..but their was no RariPie fanclub? That's just madness! This is one hell of a ship, tho, i might be abit biased since i love Pinkie & Rarity, and what they represent. This ship is epic, i love it! The perfect combination of joy & generosity! It just can't get any better!
  4. I like it! Im assuming this OC drawing it's based off of the 'Super Rainbow Dash' concept. Even tho it's on paper, i can tell the coloring is fairly well done, and i do like the general overall color scheme, especially in the mane. So ya, overall, good job, not horrible. You did well.
  5. George Clooney, because he was the most goofy & terrifail Batman, and it was bloody hilarious. For that, he is the best Batman to me. The other Batmen are too serious, they honestly bore me. Yes, im serious.
  6. I actually like how you captured the image every 30min, those 4 photo's together are quite a accidental art in my eye imo. Anyways, great job, love it, you did well.
  7. First off, lovely cutie mark. It's certainly a improvement, however, depending on the 'style' you draw your OC in, the never version might be too 'out of place' as far as the surrounding art(the OC in question ect), i only say this, because the new version is pretty damn detailed, and in a way jumps out at you. Regardless, it looks lovely, all of em' do. Good job.
  8. Pinkie is a great role model for me personally, aa i find her ability to by joyful and spread joy something we all can learn from in varying degrees. But for other's it could easily be another mane 6 that they find as a great role model, or hell a little bit of all of them, or someone else entirely having nothing to do with mlp. Greatest role model of all time? Yes, for me atleast. For someone else? That depends on who the person.
  9. When i get angry.. Planets, solar systems, galaxies vanish in the blink of an eye.. That's how bad my temper is. But don't worry, i rarely ever get a temper, in fact, it's been about 14 or so billion years since my last tantrum. (disclaimer:the above may be a dramatization of my temper, but i do get quite furious, like Pinkie Promise broken furious, yellow eyes and everything!..after i put in contacts.)
  10. Im all fine and dandy about new Dragon Ball stuff. What im not too found of is so far most of these 'new' aspects are just reskins or revisions of old. Look at the last movie, Fukkatsu No F. They bring back Frieza...again. This is his 3rd time being a canon villain, and the 5th if you count the other movies he's made a appearance in(tho small tbh). Than theres the glaring new form similarities. SSJG Look familiar? SSJGSS Look familiar? I will always be a fan, but i feel like things are just going around in another big circle. And the prospect opened up by BoG and their being other universe, does that mean we will see SSGSS Goku vs Perfect Cell from another universe? Then a different Buu? The inevitable SSGSS3? SSGSS Vegito/Gogeta? Fucking LSSGSS Broly?? Im not afraid to admit DB as a whole might be beyond it's prime, especially since the only thing new it can do is give us a blue SSJ and 2 new admittedly interesting charasters (Beerus&Whis). Okay , BoG was fairly different, and it's been a dang long time since we've seen Goku training under anyone, Vegeta's never trained under anyone that i can remember. But, will the new outweigh all the recolored and reused for the fans? Only time will tell.
  11. Super Saiyan is already watered down, hell it's worthless battle wise now. Even Super Saiyan God is tossed out already, replaced by Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan(yes...that's its official name) and it's just been only 2 movies. Oddly enough im already seeing a laughable similarity between SSJ & the God SSJ forms, so much so that it's starting to seem like it'll be just the same stuff with a different color and a higher power level. I bet 'Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan 2 /3' will eventually show up, because all SSJGSS is is Goku/Vegeta going SSJ while after obtaining Super Saiyan God(form from BoG movie), which honestly should've just been called "Saiyan God" so this other stuff would be less silly sounding...even explaining the forms with all these SS's, G's, J's and SSJGGOMG's everywhere is irritating.
  12. Oh boy..Not sure whether to be excited, or worried the only useful characters will be Goku and Vegeta due to the last movie, or both..probably both. Well, atleast i can look forward to possibly more super saiyan forms, and the inevitable SSJGSSAMUOLH3 form... (Super Sayain God Super Saiyan Ascended Maximun Ultimate Over Limit Hyper 3)
  13. So the one who wrote Pinkie Pride is leaving huh.. Well, good for her. But damn you Disney..
  14. I see no appeal. Tho i do admit i do like watching woman's tennis if i so happen to stumble upon it.
  15. Depends. Usually 4-9hrs if i need. Tho, i prefer to sleep for 20+hrs.
  16. *resisting the urge to say Pinkie Pie because obvious bias* Well, i personally use to think it was Pinkie & Rainbow Dash, since before i started to spy follow on the fandom, they were the only ponies i'd see in memes ect often, so i figured they were the most popular, and figured it would be the same for the target audience. I honestly din't even know the other mane 6 were important characters til i saw the 1st episode.. Now I'd say they are all equally popular within the shows target audience, maybe Twilight edges out due to the princess stuff but who knows. As far as in the brony fandom..who knows, i'd say it's equal also.
  17. Rainbow isn't "losing" anyone, i hardly doubt losing a friend for 3 months to allow them to fucking go through the natural cycles they need to is considered a loss in the way her actions would lead me to believe. We have no idea of truly knowing whether or not her mind was being affected the second she cast the spell or not, hell, the first few seconds after which, her eyes glowed green. It was his dragon instinct. Why do you think he was driven to keep collecting crap? It's clear he rather have no been doing what he did in the end. Dragons aren't show in the best light outside of Spike, and honestly, just like a lion killing it's prey, they may be driven to do such things unfortunately. Who knows. lol yes, yes, she was. Enough to fucking sing about it. Oh she clearly was influenced, and certainly acting irrational. This somehow makes it better? She should know better as a damn pegasus stopping winter is ridiculous, and could possibly serious harm to the land, and creatures of Ponyville. Well, if she cared so much about Tank, perhaps she should've perhaps understood he needed to hibernate, not be in denial that he was sleepy because hibernation time, and not hatch a whacky plan to try to keep him from hibernation--and im no animal expert, but that might have done him harm.. And with all due respect and appreciation of your friendship, and to prevent us from just going back n' forth due to one of us clearly loving this episode, and the other clearly despising it..
  18. Well, it's too late now. Any consequence or remorse for her actions should've happened in episode honestly. Perhaps she'll gets a slap on the hoof in a later episode. This is mlp after all. She had no intention of causing such madness, she just wanted a simple, albeit even stupid friendship problem. And her punishment was the following scene were Celestia spoke her name, bright light flashed, everything was solved, and Twilight thought Celestia was gonna scold her to kingdom come, she felt remorse, then her friends stepped in to apologize for her and Celestia din't go so hard on her. Fitting punishment? Maybe, maybe not. You can't blame Spike for being ignorant to what some random spell book does, he's not the first person i think of when i figure someone well versed in magic/spell books. He figured it was just a simple spell book to help Rarity, he had no idea it would inadvertently possess her, and turn her into one of the most op beings ever conceived by Gen4. He can't be held responsible for his Dragon instincts, which he clearly couldn't control until the last second when he became conscious of what he had most likely become, and thus reverting to his normal size. It's like blaming a cat for having claws. He did however, acknowledge the damage he did. My point is Rainbow indented to do what she did, and din't give a flying fuck about the repercussions. Hell, it was even in her song. I know it's wrong, but what does it matter? 'Cause nothing's gonna stop me now I'll change it all, it's only the weather And nopony's gonna bring me down Not only does she understand that it's wrong, but she doesn't even care. And what makes this ever more odd is that she only thinks 'hey it's just weather', this is weird for a pagasus who should understand the impact of weather, especially when shes the one who was leading the team to make sure winter came around the year before in Winter Wrapup. We've seen the ponies do stupid shit before, but something about her lack of empathy towards those that could've been hurt by her madness rubbed me the wrong way this go around, and you know me Ziggy, im pretty lenient on episodes because it's just a show. I admit tho, i found Rainbow's tunnel vision determination to stop a turtle from sleeping quite the feat. Blah...but when i see this face, perhaps that it was a inevitability she would give no fucks.. Do i really only have those two options? Because i seriously dislike option 2.
  19. Either Pinkie figured Twilight should be sad because her friend was sad, thus making her sad. Or, Pinkie understood the only way to stop the madness, was for everyone to cry it out with Rainbow til she accepted the fact Tank is a damn turtle and isn't dying. I personally believe its latter.
  20. Clearly i must've lost my soul between my laptop and the TV, i'll try to find it later but...i din't find her crying and whining about her pet hibernating sad. At all. Fluttershy's going and basically pointing out 'get over it, its what turtles do' basically hit the nail over the head for me. Then everyone started crying at the end because Rainbow was crying. Well, crying solves all problems, and negates the fact that you tried to "stop winter"(lol wut), and sabotage the water supply, possibly hurting or killing some animals or ponies. Perhaps it was about acceptance in the end, accepting that Tank is a fucking turtle...and does turtle related things..like Fluttershy tried to explain in the first 5min. You'd figure that would've been a easier road to accept for Rainbow. But, nothings ever so easy when you need to make a episode about it, is it.
  21. I love how she wanted to stop winter from coming -- oh and sabotage the water supply, possibly killing animals and ponies if she succeeded!(tho she was never going to succeed this nonsense) GG Rainbow, you're bat shit crazy.
  22. That irrational, yet emotionally understandable anger.
  23. Im already pink so it's not like it would be such a shell shock. I would however seek out the darkest place i can in public, and sit there, staring at passerby's, glowing...menacingly..
  24. Our galactic empire would be the Eternal Party, an empire which sole purpose is to ensure you are joyous throughout all time. Obviously, Pinkie would be at the helm of such a empire. We would not bring war, famine, or confusion. We also hold galactic parties & interstellar celebrations on a constant basis! Oh and cupcakes; plenty of those--muffins and pies too; especially pies! All we would ask is that you look into our eyes, and see that we only bring joy, everlasting. Resistance is pointless, as joy will consume you in the end. So come, sing with us in eternal harmony, and you will smile--bathing in infinite bliss.. ...what.
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