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Everything posted by Elsa

  1. "Can I have your daughter for the rest of my life? (Say yes, say yes) Cause I need to know You say I'll never get your blessing till the day I die Tough luck my friend but the answer is no!" It's stuck in my head.
  2. The Land Before Time Titan A.E All Dogs Go To Heaven I've always liked The Land Before Time as a little kid. All Dogs Go To Heaven was pretty good, too. Even though there was a reason my cousins had to tease it.
  3. Tomatoes are fruits, but they are working their way up to making it become a veggie. I love tomatoes. And potatoes, carrots, spinach, lettuce, cucumbers are still fruits. I really like them, too. Eggplants are really good, too. veg·e·ta·ble ˈvejtəbəl,ˈvəjətə-/ noun 1. a plant or part of a plant used as food, typically as accompaniment to meat or fish, such as a cabbage, potato, carrot, or bean. 2. informal a person with a dull or inactive life. "I thought I'd sort of flop back and be a vegetable for a bit" adjective 1. of or relating to vegetables as food. "a vegetable garden"
  4. I use Head & Shoulders, but it's the dandruff shampoo. I don't have dandruff anymore, but I still use it.
  5. I'm awesome 'cause I'm awesome. No further talk about this. I'm nice I'm the top in my class I'm smart, funny, and fit I'm pretty. I'm cool I'm a pegasister. Need I say more?
  6. Well, I'm bored. Since I got no new mail or anything, I wanted to play with a chatbot. I made two on Chatbot4U. It's pretty interesting, but got me bored fast. So, I tried Mitsuku Chatbot. She's pretty cool and all, but this is what happened. I asked her "Do you watch My Little Pony", and she said "It's way too babyish for me". And then she said "What will make you stop watching it?" I got mad, but the rules said "don't be mean to her or else she'll be mean to you". I told her she can't make me stop watching it. Then, I stopped talking to her. I'm also working on my Starfire Chatbot. I will provide the link later. Anyways, I made this topic because I want to know other peoples' encounter with a chatbot. If you have any, please talk about it! I have the link to my Starfire chat: Here
  7. Him not liking Twilight (that's why I hate him), and then him not being so smooth in a backstory or him perhaps doing something with action or something brave. I like the idea of him dying heroically, though.
  8. Hey Scarlet! I'm very happy when we get new members. You're really gonna like it here.
  9. I'm a young pegasister. Go us.
  10. I don't even think it's possible. The reason I didn't like Equestria Girls is because of Flash Sentry. The movie could've gone without him! I'm getting off topic. My point is, I just hope they don't give them love interests.
  11. I wish they were in the same universe as FiM. I wonder if they will look the same! If it gets inappropriate, I'm out. Will the same universe have the same looks? I don't know, but I hope it can take place in another never-before-seen town, same universe in Equestria (maybe exploring life out of Equestria!) and a new set of characters.
  12. Where did you get that pencil anyways? I might as well just go get a slice of pizza from those 100 Pizza Hut boxes.
  13. Well duh. It's not just a cutesy kids' show. It's aimed toward anybody, whether kid, teen, adult OR senior. As Walt Disney said,"Your dead if you aim only for kids. Adults are only kids grown up, anyway."
  14. It was pretty awesome, and it was kind of dark. I liked it, actually. But if they are cursing or anything that isn't appropriate besides a few battles, I'd stop watching the show. I mean, its a kid's show for hell sake! Why would they add serious adult content if the show is aimed toward all ages?
  15. Well, Teen Titans is funny, and so is Avatar. They are dark in some ways, but they have a comedic side, too.
  16. MLP is as dark as it should be. It doesn't have to be darker, especially not full of action. I would leave the fandom if G5 was mature. I'd actually leave if there was a G5 at all! I personally don't like the idea of another generation, because how worse can it get?! Not saying that G4 is bad, but what if it's bad? So, long story short, my answer is I'd hate it. :okiedokielokie:
  17. Well, it's overly girly, unlike FiM. I can't watch it all. I tried to, but I just can't! Boring, girly, just about it! There are barely any non-girly characters. The only good thing about it is all the different characters there are. Otherwise, it's horrid.
  18. Hello SilverComet! Welcome to the forums. I can speak Spanish somewhat fluently when I read it, but I can't speak it alone lol.
  19. Elsa


    Hi Kuyon! Welcome to the MLP Forums! How are you liking it so far?
  20. I'm suffocating.......ice won't do me any good. *sighs*. I had so many places I wanted to go...
  21. What am I going to do? Where am I going to sleep? I need an axe....there is no axe! I want to live! I want to live!
  22. Purple is my favorite color! Not. When I saw that scene, I thought that guy was kind of girly. Thoughts have changed slightly...
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