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chirox the pony

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Everything posted by chirox the pony

  1. Derpy Hooves could be renamed to "that pony that people obsess way too much over".
  2. After reading the comments on this: https://twitter.com/cartoonnetwork/status/699277082333831168 I have never had such a strong urge to kill myself.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ThatOneComrade


      I absolutely LOVE that animation. So fluid! So pretty... The song though is a C-

    3. chirox the pony

      chirox the pony

      I'm hearing the shorter intro might not feature the origin story. They better feature it or I'm going.... to be mildly pissed off.

    4. ThatOneComrade
  3. It's simply impossible to be part not human. The soul is supposed to represent the mind (at least that's how I've read it) so to say you are part wolf is simply ridiculous. Do you mean these particular kins or just kins in general?
  4. A lot of the kins are actually real. I don't know if these guys are real or not but considering the way a lot of other kins have acted I wouldn't be surprised.
  5. Alright congratulations bronies. You actually made a change.
  6. At this point I'm willing to believe anything is real on tumblr. Simply put I have no idea if this is a joke or not. The one where they get triggered by TF2 is just so tumblr like that I don't know.
  7. I have actually come across ponykin in my exploration of the pit of the insanity that is tumblr. The blog I remember seeing doesn't seem to exist anymore. Although I can't be bothered to look for ponykin I do know of a blog with someone claiming they are Bubbles from powerpuff girls. If you're interested I'll just leave a link to that right here: http://twooppressedkins.tumblr.com/
  8. Plus there's the fact that there's people who will complain about this shit being inappropriate but don't even touch on all the porn of MLP.
  9. I am disgusted with the reaction to this. You guys screamed fair use when that Button Mash thing got taken down (which also featured a similar animation style) but when it's something you don't like you people are completely alright with that and come up with excuses as to why. I don't really care for cupcakes but the guy had full rights to make such a thing. But it is completely hypocritical to now all of a sudden love censorship because it's something you don't like. This entire topic has just worsened my view of the brony fanbase even more. And I already had a pretty low view.
  10. The CMC. These bland idiots who are pretty much defined by the fact they didn't have cutie marks.
  11. An excuse to sell crap to people that I refuse to take part in.
  12. I thought it was strange... for about two seconds. I came across the concept at first and I thought it was a joke. Then when I found out it was a real thing I was like "oh so that's what it was". Then came the two seconds of confusion followed by "well if that's what they like, besides there's loads of kids shows with adult an audience, and I like/liked (don't remember which word I said) powerpuff girls, I can't talk". I excepted it and went about my life until the frustration of seeing it everywhere got to me and I felt obliged to watch MLP. Said liking would last about 3 years.
  13. Are you talking about me personally or just as in general membership numbers? The general is largely filled with topics I find uninteresting and I've gone to other forums to talk about the things I normally would in media. And I made one friend here (said person I now talk to through steam).
  14. It may not create a monopoly. Lego are currently the biggest toy company in the world. I imagine if they are going to merge it's likely to compete with lego.
  15. The entire point you seem to make here is that "fanbases can't ruin something because reasons". You see if you're commonly exposed to the idea that "my little pony is modern day lord of the rings" you might start to get the idea that you're watching something that's better then it actually is.
  16. Well you must know so much about a guy you've never met. TBH I don't solely blame the fanbase for my loss of interest. After season 5 ended I decided to go back and re-watch powerpuff girls. Then I started watching Steven Universe. After the realization that I've watched much better in the past and can watch much better now sorta brought down my interest. You see to have a bunch of people hype a show which is just average kinda makes you think you're watching this god-like show. But then you start to realize it isn't as good as that. I might have been able to continue liking MLP. But with all the mental images that franchise now brings to mind it gives less reason to watch it. And you say I never cared for it huh? To be honest if anything I think I was more of a genuine fan then a lot of people who are obsessed with this show. A lot of self-proclaimed bronies tend to get into largely due to the culture surrounding it. I on the other hand decided to watch it, not because of popularity, but because a lot of the people who worked on powerpuff girls work on this show. Plus I didn't need the support of some community to continue my interest because I actually enjoyed it.
  17. For those of you who actually care (all one of you) recently I have been losing interest in my little pony and this forum. I have had a decreased will to post and the two post a day rule I've set for myself has become increasingly like a chore. As far as I'm concerned my decreasing interest in MLP is due to how seriously certain people take it. Often times when watching it I'll think to myself "oh I wonder where I can spot the fan theories that are gonna be made", "oh that's gonna become a meme" (you get the picture). You could argue that it's due to season 5 ending but my lack of interest has gotten to a point where it now takes me a minute to remember the character names (something I used to be able off by heart). Plus I just didn't feel that interested when I was watching the end of season 5. Due to these things I am pretty much ending my MLP reviews and won't likely do them again unless I regain enough interest to do so. I plan to make it to pony rank as I still care about this forum enough and unless I completely lose interest I will likely stay around until at least spring in order to meet that goal. So in short I'm losing interest and will likely be leaving within the next year.
  18. My friend started watching Steven Universe last Friday. In a matter of two days he decided to change his avatar to Steven. That is the power of SU.

  19. Remember when Learn Colors for Toddlers 3D Rainbow Donut Mountain Surprise Eggs Ball Show for Kids and things of the like wasn't a thing on youtube?

    1. ThatOneComrade


      You just find the weirdest stuff

    2. chirox the pony

      chirox the pony

      I found it in a comment. I've generally not bothered with this shit.

  20. OMG MILD TOUCHING OF THE WAIST, OH NO!!! Seriously little girls likely don't think about "booty" that often and a slight tug of the shirt is nothing. You've really gotta be digging deep to find something controversial in something that plays it as safe as my little pony friendship is magic.
  21. Wow, you want legal action because some people called you names online. Again I'm gonna go back to powerpuff girls and say, when I was six years I was mocked for liking PPG. I continued to watch it and it didn't effect me too much (and I was six or seven years old). There are far worse things the governments need to deal with. It's not like there's mass discrimination in the jobs market or in education over this. I have Bubbles (the powerpuff girl) as my avatar on the school computers and I've gotten next to nothing over that. Though to be fair it would be pretty funny to see Obama or Bernie Sanders make a speech over this. Like: I have a dream, where a man is not persecuted because he likes pink horses!
  22. Whilst these videos do seem like clickbait I don't see what the big deal with them is. Repzion is known to be a huge hypocrite anyway. He just posts some videos of bronies acting cringey (one of which was a parody) and then points out how cringe-worthy it is. Honestly the video is so stupid I don't see why anyone should get so angry over it.
  23. The reason people would talk about this is because it's likely to actually happen. The characters you mention only exist in the toyline hence people will talk about a character that is likely to exist within the TV show. Make sense?
  24. And what about VR. That's a thing happening this year and Sony are looking to make their own VR headset. That quote could mean all sorts of things. From what I heard Nintendo sent out the development kits in 2015. Two years is the minimum amount of time it takes to make games these days. So I'm still convinced it's 2017.
  25. I remember still relying on VHS back in the early to mid 2000nds. Whilst there is a nostalgia factor to it I can hardly justify using my last working VHS player these days. They're just outdated and are way too inconvenient.
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