@@Blitz Boom, "Well... Canterlot is a far more homely place - at least I have found - than many assume at first," Golden Spell began, starting on a major positive about his hometown. "Extremely classy, as you likely know, but not entirely snobbish... like plenty of ponies make it out to be..."
Cyan Flare noticed as her brother's ears twitched slightly, aware of what he could have been thinking of. It had taken place a while ago, and there had not been another issue entirely centered around the changelings since, but Canterlot's most recent royal wedding had been infiltrated and very nearly ruined by a swarm. Both siblings were aware that Happy was probably a changeling, after what they just seen, though they would now consider him a friend - or, at the least, very good company. Still, the unicorn continued to ramble about Canterlot: what he loved about it; how little he disliked, and so on.
"I do suppose that the hustle and bustle can be a little bit of a problem, one might say, to those who are either new, or my sister," Golden continues, gesturing with good humor to the shy and reserved pegasus.
"Funny," she commented dryly, though she was holding back a tiny nod to confirm that what her brother had said about her and dealing the crowds of Canterlot was entirely true. It was, in fact, a major part of the reason that she had chosen to move to the less clustered Ponyville.
"But, if you are able to pick your way past everypony, you'll find the most hidden gems of shops in the business. Like mine, for example (not to sound self centered), is one that receives many returning visitors. New ponies, but only occasionally, which is why I recommend that you take a peek into even the smallest of businesses."
"Okay, that's enough about you," Cyan said, ending his chattering with a joking wave of her hoof. "In other words, he thinks Canterlot is pretty cool."