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Jimmy Bronymian

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Everything posted by Jimmy Bronymian

  1. I remember when I was like 4 I would get my toys out put them all in the corner and then pee on them. Makes me a little depressed that thats my first memory..
  2. This one for sure, followed by Winter Wrap Up. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ssl1RxwMWNA
  3. 7/10 because I've heard the spartan remix so many times.... would be a 5/10 but 7/10 because Fluttershy was involved.
  4. The day that happens will be the day I stop watching MLP
  5. welcome bro! I'm sure you will make many new friends here, and have lots of fun
  6. Welcome bro! You'll have fun here, its a pretty sick forum....sick in a good way
  7. Scientific American is awesome, I get that one and Foreign Affairs. Other ones I get and enjoy are Rolling Stone magazine, Mojo magazine, Game Informer, and National Geographic
  8. Sorry for double posting that topic guys :( I didn't know there was already one

  9. Go for it! its so much fun and oohh really? I might have to buy that too..
  10. Lily Sapphire sounds pretty cool in my opinion.
  11. I wake up, go to hell...whoops....I meant to say school there, where I sit on my phone browsing forums and facebook for a majority of class. (first class is at 7 AM )
  12. I like to make it as ackward as possible for everyone around me just for fun I always look the cashier in the eye and smile to let him/her know yes, I know what I'm buying, and yes, I am a brony.
  13. I have an unhealthy obsession with blacklight posters, blacklight beer pong balls/cups/ and blacklights themselves. They're not even that cool, but I can't stop buying them.
  14. Night everypony, its time for me to listen to some flim flam brothers, go to sleep, and end up having weird dreams involving cider.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Key Gear

      Key Gear

      Dude, that is an awesome way to go to sleep.


      If I wasn't a bit of an insomniac, then I would try it as well.



    3. Key Gear

      Key Gear

      (Good night, by the way!)

    4. Jimmy Bronymian

      Jimmy Bronymian

      Thanks guys ^.^ it was a great sleep. I'm an insomniac too :/, but my body/mind can only take so much not-sleeping

  15. I was literally linking that as you posted it Well, welcome Pixi! Nice/funny future signature you've made there
  16. Welcome man!! 3DS' are surprisingly adept at posting and browsing the web I became a brony a long time ago, after reading about it online. At first it sounded really lame, but then I watched the first one and it was good (so good I ditched class and watched the rest of them through the entire day lol). Anyhow, I'm sure you will have a good time here, everyone here is really friendly and nice.
  17. Steam: Jimmy The Brohemian Xbox Live: TheBossBrony 3DS: 4296-3659-7426 I'm going to try to add all you guys, but it might take awhile So many Codes and Live accounts and such
  18. Nope any sex is allowed here, I just call everyone dude or bro I'm sorry its almost second nature to me by this point
  19. Did ranked for you go like it for me? I tried a couple of games in ranked I really did...but it made me too angry and the people were just so much better than I am at the game
  20. Welcome dude, I like your username sounds very cool. I hope you have a lot of fun here bro!
  21. My username is Leagueolas. I only play the 5vs5 normal mode though
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