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Foxy Socks

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Everything posted by Foxy Socks

  1. Just wondering, even if the submission period is over, are minor edits like spelling/grammar allowed if found?
  2. @Blitz Boom While slightly relieved, Foxy still felt uncomfortable with the presence of such a being, dormant or not. Besides, what if something happened to the Evergrown? Foxy knew she had limited understanding, but she did not feel what had happened was right. "What made you decide to alter the paths individuals make? Wouldn't it have been better to let things play out, to make it more natural? Even at worst, it still wouldn't seem worse than what you have already done," questioned Foxy. She did not know what to think of Zhu anymore. He seemed to be trying to to what was best, but it didn't seem justified to her. Not even Draconequui interfered that much with the lives and development of others. The only thing Foxy was sure she felt for him was pity. It must have been a sad life to do the things he did, and continue for eternity. To constantly see the things that Foxy only had a brief experience with, and to cause all the suffering. Foxy looked down at Brittle, feeling bad she was disappointed. Foxy wanted Brittle to come out of her shell, and Foxy knew she wanted it too. Lightly hugging Brittle, Foxy said reassuringly, "I promise you'll be more confident soon, especially with someone as nice as Brittle. Just be patient."
  3. Alright here's my Fluttershy drawing, though it looks like a six-year old drew it :P 


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Flutterstep


      I use to draw since I was in school, but stopped after that. It's been at least 4 years and have tried to start doing it again.

    3. Foxy Socks

      Foxy Socks

      Ah cool. I have never drawn much, but I want to get into it.

    4. Flutterstep


      Same really. It takes so much time practising. I always seem to have good days and bad days too - with anything I try to make. I've thrown out 90% of the suff I draw.


  4. I have three favorite animals, two not really specific to a species. I love foxes, snakes, and many types of birds equallly. I don't know why, but they all seem beautiful to me, even pigeons or venomous snakes. Perhaps I like animals who are misunderstood.
  5. I love the proportions! I've tried drawing ponies, most recenrly her, and I would rather not show my poor attempt. Another thing I like is the detail in the eyes! How were you able to do that?
  6. I somehow lost most of of my fox pictures because I somehow deleted the album on my phone :(

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Fluttershy Friend

      Fluttershy Friend

      Young fox to your new collection.:)


    3. Macavity Wilko

      Macavity Wilko

      Cuteness... overload.... why do you do this to me...

    4. Sparklefan1234


      An adorable skulk.



  7. While mine may not be that good, I am glad to be able to participate in this. Don't mind the shameless OC mention in mine
  8. I never had the issue as I am fine telling most people about it. I don't really have many friends so no one really knows.
  9. full_size_1327458327.thumb.jpg.7863ac320c460fb9de41d16f1559a4d4.jpg


    Happy snek

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Foxy Socks

      Foxy Socks

      Do you have a favorite snake? 

    3. Mesme Rize

      Mesme Rize

      nah, no particular species. I like almost all snakes equally, even cobras. I just think Snakes are very fascinating creatures, as eventhough they have no arms or legs, they still managed to become one of natures most feared predators, while also still being a very underrated pet animal. :)

    4. Foxy Socks
  10. @Blitz Boom When Zhu revealed his head for a moment, Foxy was in awe of what she thought. His head was a mixture of viper and elapid snake traits; a deadly combination. Foxy wasn't intimidated much by his appearance because she had experience with snakes, and had no fear of them. In fact, she loved them. She could see slight traces of fur, but being covered she had no idea what Zhu was beyond a serpent creature. "So that's why Brittle is the way she is? I see..." Foxy was slightly disappointed that she was only acting like that because of the spell, and not really that close to Foxy in reality. It was a nice gesture though. "I still don't like that creature though. I don't care how helpful she may be, it isn't right to harm others." Foxy had a simple set of morals, strongly abiding by them. They grew as she spent time with animals, giving her strong views.
  11. image.png.fba341d3d1366eb022c3017e8147d560.png



    Don't judge me I like shipping my OC with two canon characters. :blush:


    1. Johnny1226


      Nothing wrong with that 

    2. Little Snowdrop

      Little Snowdrop

      Fluttershy and Luna, huh? Are these your favourite canon chars? :D

    3. Foxy Socks
  12. I am surprised I can't come up with much. Maybe making the terrible fanfic I made with a shameless OC x Canon part for the Summer fanfic contest.
  13.  I have written the most cringeworthy bad fanfic. I am worried about entering it into the Summer Fimfiction contest :adorkable:

  14. I would love it, but for the target audience, I doubt there'd be much demand for what we want anyway, especially with online interaction. It's hard to control those things, and it would be too big a risk to put effort into if it could fail and hurt their reputation for any bad experiences online.
  15. @Blitz Boom Staying completely silent as her eyes were covered, Foxy took in the images against the black background. What she saw terrified her too much to scream, gasp, or move. She felt completely immobile and helpless as the images and accompanying voice went on. Even if she knew these were not real, they were a possibility, and the threat could still exist. Foxy panted heavily, gasping a few times. It was a lot to take in for a mortal pony, and she couldn't imagine how Zhu could handle it. When she regained her breath, she shakily asked, "Could, could they... come back? After all... it seems like they were just stalled. Is there no way to defeat them?" She looked back toward Briar. "Does this also mean Briar... worships such a creature?" Sure he was a rogue, but if he had ties to the creature, he may not have abandoned them.
  16. I don't think it's supposed to be too realistic. Besides, I love the map style. It really fits the show.
  17. @Blitz Boom Foxy tried to catch Agni as she launched from her, but she was only able to watch in fear as the phoenix attempted to attack Zhu. She felt relieved when all she did was assault him with ash. Foxy never wanted to harm anypony, and even now was not an exception. She felt horrified that her actions had led to it, forgetting her anger briefly. "Agni, thank you for trying to protect me, but please don't harm him," Foxy said in a soothing tone, stroking the bird gently. Foxy knew Agni did only what she thought was right, and didn't need to be yelled at. In a way Foxy was glad Agni grew closer to her. Foxy jumped when she felt her leg tugged. She jumped again when she realized who it was: Brittle. Brittle was never one to get that close, much less ask her something like that. Foxy smiled, replying kindly, "I won't hurt anypony, Brittle, I promise. I'm sorry if I scared you and the others, I let my feelings get the best of me. I am not sure what to think of Zhu, but I would never think of hurting anypony." Any anger Foxy felt had completely vanished. She felt happy even. She looked down at Brittle, and couldn't stop smiling at the cute changeling, then turning to Zhu. "I am sorry for losing my temper Zhu. I still don't understand your reasons though. What greater good is there? Did you know what would have happened?"
  18. Well, um given the options... Okay I'll be honest even without them I'd probably do it. However I'd much prefer if it was Luna instead.
  19. If you want one with what you exactly want, a good paint program. If you want to settle for an easy general one, I prefer Ponytown, as I am not a huge fan of the Deviantart one. At least it doesn't look nearly as bad if you mess it up. I couldn't get her mane exactly right, especially with the side "foxtails" or her hair curl. Her tail also lacks the fluff I prefer to have in it, and finally the wings can only be a single color. However I actually like it because my OC is a bit specific, and she looks mostly like her, still looking adorable. It is a bit simplistic style, but it works.
  20. Wow, I really like this. It's pretty cool for a show like this to have a map like that. I wonder if there is any more to add to the map. It looks like it runs from far north to far south now, though it is still a bit difficult to tell. Judging by the angle and sizes, at least two or three major continents or landmasses could be added.
  21. Has she ever been shown making pies before? I know she is good at baking, and that it's in her name, but perhaps it's something she just isn't good at.
  22. At least the bottom three and Rarity look alright, but it may be the angle.
  23. Finished mine, so I should post it soon hopefully (only have a few days of course). I will say mine is probably pretty bad and cringeworthy (especially one part), but I want to participate, so I will post it soon.
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