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Sovereign Leader Rarity

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Everything posted by Sovereign Leader Rarity

  1. What's with all of these hygiene discussions all of a sudden? I'm not complaining, it's just a little out of nowhere. As for the question, no, I don't eat food after it falls on the floor. I live in a household of anywhere from 4 to 6 people, and therefore the thought of doing so kind of disgusts me. And I don't know if the "five-second rule" has any truth to it or not, but I'm too scientifically ignorant to bother finding out right now.
  2. Yes, I absolutely do wash my hands every time I use the bathroom. Just saying though, that poll, saying that 100% of people wash their hands is not reflected AT ALL in real life, especially at secondary schools and colleges. Teenagers are disgusting.
  3. Hey there everypony, and congratulations on making it to the weekend!:grin:

    I woke up today, feeling FAR better, and absolutely gorged myself with cereal. I honestly don't have a lot to add aside from that, I just forgot how much I enjoy food.:D


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Cash In

      Cash In

      It's nice to hear that you are doing well. Also, cereal is the food of champions. :D

    3. The Recherche

      The Recherche

      That's great to hear! :darling:  If I may ask, what kind of cereal did you decide to overindulge on?

    4. Sovereign Leader Rarity

      Sovereign Leader Rarity

      @The Recherche

      Reese's Puffs, the only viable cereal on the market. God's breakfast, I tell you.:wub:

      Did Coco Pops ever have a signature rap made for them? I hope not, because otherwise it blows a hole in this analogy.

  4. Welcome to the forums @ElCoru! A privilege both, to make your acquaintance, and also to meet a fellow hispanic pony on the forums!
  5. Good morning everypony, and happy Miércoles!:grin:

    Still ill, the sickness escalated very quickly after the last time that I saw you all, and, while it kind of sucks, hey, not having school is pretty neat no matter what the circumstances are. It's great seeing you all, and, reading your comments from Monday, you all make me feel a little bit better, so, sincerely, thank you for that.:wub:

    Currently looking up pictures of enchiladas, mussels in a white wine sauce, and COLOSSAL pizzas, because I've barely eaten in several days, and I guess that I somewhat hate myself.:D


    1. Tacodidra


      Good morning, my friend! :rarity: Good to hear you see the positive side of it all – hopefully you'll get better soon! :kindness: It's great to see you here too! :grin: *hugs*

  6. Good afternoon everypony!:grin:

    It's my first day back at school, I got zero sleep last night, and, if that wasn't bad enough, I'm pretty sure that I've got tonsillitis...AGAIN.:pout: Oh well, things could always get worse, I suppose. At least this way, a day off is probably (DEFINITELY) in my near future.:rarity:

    Preparing to take the train home. Never before have I desired my bed like this.

    Image result for mlp rarity bed time fanart

    1. Tacodidra


      Good afternoon, my friend! :grin: I'm sorry to hear your day wasn't the best. :sunny: I hope you get better soon! :kindness:

    2. Phosphor


      *gives @Rarity the Superior a squeezing hug. 

      Get well soon!  :coco:

  7. Good evening everypony, and happy Nightmare Night!:grin:

    It is very late right now, and my bed is positively yearning for my presence, but I couldn't pass up the opportunity to wish you all well this dank, dark and eerie night.:grin::ithastolookpretty:

    *Spooky Boops* @Tacodidra, @TheRockATrice, @Phosphor, @Cash In, @Nightmare Recherche, @Madam Rarity, @R.D.Dash@Jonny Music and the Pumpkin King of the My Little Pony forums, @Sparklefan1234.:yay:

    And with that, I vanished, like a picturesque phantom swiftly swept away by the night...

    Related image

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Madame Rarity

      Madame Rarity

      Happy Halloween

    3. Sparklefan1234



      Pumpkin King of the My Little Pony forums, @Sparklefan1234.:yay:


      @Rarity the Superior HAPPY NIGHTMARE NIGHT, MY FRIEND! :D



    4. Tacodidra


      *boops back* :grin:

      I hope you had a great Nightmare Night, my friend! :LunaMCM: Derpy cat is cute! :catface:

  8. Greetings and salutations everypony!:grin:

    Well, that's the end of that. College is out for a week, and I couldn't be any more jovial about it. To celebrate my (sadly temporary) divorce from academia, here are some boops for my most valued of allies.

    *Boops* @Tacodidra, @TheRockATrice, @Phosphor, @Cash In, @Nightmare Recherche, @Madam Rarity and last, but certainly not least, @Sparklefan1234.:yay:

    Very much looking forward to Nightmare Night this year. Currently listening to "This is Halloween".

    Image result for mlp jack o lantern

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Cash In

      Cash In

      @Rarity the Superior Heh, thanks. I should probably cram more study time in, but I'm too busy playing video games. :-P

    3. Sparklefan1234


      @Rarity the Superior


       and last, but certainly not least, @Sparklefan1234.:yay:


      Another "Last but not least." to add to my collection! :D

    4. Tacodidra


      Hi, my friend! :D *boops back*

      Great to hear that – I hope you have an awesome weekend! :grin: I think I'll enjoy mine too, especially with another F1 race! :)

      What a fabulous jack-o'-lantern! :pinkie:

  9. In spite of another marvellous day off coming to a close, hey, at least there are only two more days to go until the holidays.:rarity:

    Anyhow, even though I probably will not being getting any sleep tonight myself (as a result of not doing ANYTHING today), I still think that it's only common decency to wish you all a good night's sleep.

    Sweet dreams!:grin:


    1. Rising Dusk

      Rising Dusk

      Sweet dreams! :orly:

    2. Tacodidra


      Good night, my friend! :)

  10. This thread has taken an...interesting direction since I was last on it.
  11. A privilege to make your acquaintance @MapleMoon! May your time with us be long and prosperous.
  12. Good morning everypony!:grin:

    Once again, I find myself residing in the library, merely loafing the hours away, which seems to be what I do best in life. Honestly...I don't really have anything witty or humorous to say right now, so yeah...hi friends.:kindness::D

    Image result for mlp shrugging rarity


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ShadOBabe


      I do love a good loaf myself.


    3. Sovereign Leader Rarity

      Sovereign Leader Rarity

      @Rising Dusk

      Yes, actually, she seems to be trapped inside of something called "Google Images"...whatever that means.:worry:


      Well, here's to being lazy my friend!:grin:

    4. Cash In

      Cash In

      Morning. Being in the library and loafing around are both really solid pastimes - I should know.

      Also, that image is glorious!

  13. Good afternoon everypony!:grin:

    Well, it's finally here. The last week before the half-term holidays, and after eight, long, tiresome and arduous weeks of a brand new course, for sweet Celestia's sake, it's about time!:rarity:

    Currently in the library observing pictures of small felines.

    Image result for munchkin cat

    1. TheRockARooster


      Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww, that’s so cute. :D

    2. Cash In

      Cash In

      Well, that's really good to hear! Of course, I have to mention the level of cute radiating from that image.

    3. Tacodidra


      Good afternoon, my friend! :D Great to hear that – I hope the last week goes well! :fluttershy:

      Thanks for the adorable cat! :catface:

  14. That was a highlight for me as well. I really liked this episode, and thought that it was an excellent way to end the series. I've always been fond of these flash-forward series finales in shows, and this was a really humble, low-key, but still nostalgic and emotionally potent episode that I believe sums up the events and the purpose of the show very well. It's not perfect, no episode episode is in my opinion, but it's a bloody good finish to one of my favorite TV shows of all-time, that I think that anybody in the fanbase can (and SHOULD) enjoy. Very reminiscent of the finale to Parks and Recreation (one of my other absolute favorite television shows), and I mean that in the best way possible. It's odd to me, thinking that this is to be my final episode review of the series as we know and love it. I deduce that my next episode analysis is going to be that of the G5 premier, which I'm sure is going to be interesting to say the very least.
  15. Well, all great things must come to an end, because it's back to school as per usual tomorrow. Oh well, one more day until the weekend isn't so bad, I suppose.:rarity:

    Anyhow, good night everypony!:grin:


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sparklefan1234


      Goodnight, My Friend. :rarity:

    3. Tacodidra


      Good night, my friend! :grin: I hope you have a good day at school, and an amazing weekend! :kindness:

    4. Phosphor


      Have a good night  :fluttershy:

  16. Although I'm not really one who cares a great deal about the "issues", particularly those involving education, I completely encourage my teachers to campaign and riot to their heart's content if it gets me more free days off.:grin:

    Currently consuming a mini-cheesecake.:squee:


    1. Tacodidra


      Another day off? Yay! :yay:

      Sounds like another fine day, for sure! :grin: I didn't get around to watching "Holidays Unwrapped" yesterday, but that just means more fun tonight! :pinkie:

    2. PiratePony


      This is exactly why teachers shouldn't strike. They should be unable to, just like police officers.

  17. The power to turn other people's innards into spaghetti.
  18. You took the words RIGHT out of my mouth. Seriously, how is she NOT the fan favourite?! It IS October after all, so I think that I should keep this post nice and spooky for those looking forward to Nightmare Night.
  19. How do I feel about this show ending, and thusly, no more Rarity? I'm fine. I'm still in denial.
  20. Nice seeing you all my friends, but now, I must make my departure for Dreamland.

    Good night everypony!:grin:


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Madame Rarity

      Madame Rarity

      for some reasons, Applejack reminds me of Star Butterfly.

    3. Sovereign Leader Rarity

      Sovereign Leader Rarity

      @Madam Rarity

      Sweet Celestia, I miss that show.:rarity:

    4. Madame Rarity
  21. Okay, I know that I'm pretty late to the punch with this one, but I'll just give my very brief opinion on the episode(s) anyway. Overall, I very much enjoyed *The End of the End*. I thought that it's plot was compelling, that it was suitably dark for the final conflict of the show without forgetting the fact that, at the end of the day MLP:FiM IS a kid's show and I enjoyed the villains a lot, and I thought that keeping them from being reformed and then being turned to stone, was a suitable ending for their so-called "Legion of Doom". Now I know that one of the largest talking points with this two-parter was the reveal at the beginning of the episode, in which we discovered that "Grogar", the presumed villain of the season, was in fact Discord, attempting to to puppeteer Twilight's coronation and an epic battle between her and the three villains, thus bestowing upon her great confidence that would help her rule Equestria in the future, with Discord himself acting as a self-proclaimed "safety-net" of sorts. As explained in the episode, it is then easy to deduce that this entire season, Sombra's attack on the kingdom included, was all staged by Discord for the purpose previously described. This has been a polarising topic amongst the community, with some enjoying the twist and deeming it to make sense, and others arguing that it makes Discord look like a complete and total dullard. I'm somewhere in the middle with this whole debate. You may recall that I mentioned not finding "Grogar" to be a very intriguing villain back when I did a mini-review of *The Beginning of the End*, and I maintained that viewpoint of him throughout the rest of the season to be honest. I didn't find him to be very entertaining, intimidating, really anything. I didn't think that he was a terrible antagonist, but I was very much thinking "Okay, take him or leave him, I've seen this character before, but he's fine, I suppose". The beginning of the episode had me surprised, even though I knew that something was going to take place between the arch-villain and his supposed minions. And I prefer having The Legion of Doom as the antagonists over Grogar, as I just find them to be far more entertaining personality-wise than Grogar ever could be. I don't think that he was squandered potential in that aspect either, nor do I think that explaining the bell's origins or what became if the ACTUAL Grogar enhances this episode's plot in anyway, since that was clearly never it's focus, intention or responsibility. Now that being said, I do think that this twist DOES somewhat paint Discord in an unflattering light. It makes sense retroactively, and I don't question his motives, as Discord himself says, I'm sure that they were pure, but it does seem to be pretty careless on his behalf, and it does seem that a little bit of thinking ahead could've spared the rest of the kingdom a whole lot of trouble. It very much reminds me of my chief complaint with the episode *Shadow Play* two, in which I thought that Twilight's decision to free the Pillars of Equestria was totally stupid given the context behind it, and it completely undermined the rest on the entire episode for me. It's sort of the same case here, although I will say, nowhere close to the same extent, since I see Discord's intention here a great deal more than Twilight's back then, as it much makes a much greater deal of sense for his character. Twilight is a calculated academic who should have known the risks to her actions as their repercussions were totally expected given the linear situation, while Discord is a emissary of chaos, like a child in the way that he doesn't know his own strength, but at the same time always believes that he has an easy way out with his magic, and so, even though this episode did kind of make him look like a little bit of dum-dum (pardon my French), I personally don't see it as being too out-of character for him. A bit face-palm worthy perhaps, but nothing more. My only other problem with the episode is that I felt that it was SLIGHTLY rushed and/or cluttered. Maybe it could've benefitted from having one more part, but it's nothing too serious, as I do believe that it's perfectly adequate as it is, even with the lofty expectations that it had to live up to taken into consideration. So, as mentioned, not a perfect episode by any means, slightly rough around the edges, but, for the final two-parter of the show, I think it definitely works. Not my favourite of the bunch, but definitely in my top five, if not my top three. Overall, I would give this episode a rating of 8/10.
  22. Good afternoon everypony!:grin:

    I'm currently curled up under a blanket on my couch, eating frozen yoghurt and watching Mario Kart videos. Can't think of a better way to spend my day off.:D


    1. Tacodidra


      Good afternoon, my friend! :D Sounds like a very relaxing day. :grin: I'll probably watch the new EqG special (the last one :sunny:) tonight, besides that I have no real plans. :muffins:

    2. Sovereign Leader Rarity

      Sovereign Leader Rarity


      That sounds like a pleasant evening.:grin:

      I'll have to get to that one (Holidays Unwrapped) myself in due time. It sucks that it's the last one though.

    3. Tacodidra


      I'm sure it will be! :yay:

      Yeah, it's a shame they couldn't do the season 3 they had planned, or even a final special to conclude the story. :maud: But I'm sure it will be a fun one anyway.

  23. Thank you for the follow!:grin:image.png.25142218b85936f0752878d99cfa28c9.png


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