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Sovereign Leader Rarity

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Everything posted by Sovereign Leader Rarity

  1. Happy holidays!:balloon::raritysillyhat:💗

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    2. Sovereign Leader Rarity

      Sovereign Leader Rarity

      You too. 

      I'm glad that we can share it together!:grin::balloon::oneheckofahat:

    3. TheRockARooster


      Awwwwwww, you’re lovely.

    4. Sovereign Leader Rarity

      Sovereign Leader Rarity

      Merci. As are you.

      It means so much to me to get such a warm welcome back!:raritypleadhat:

  2. Good morning everypony!

    Well, I'm back to work at college once again, and although that situation seems rather morose, I'm really attempting to enter the 2020's with a fresh and vibrant sense of optimism.

    Anyhow, good luck with your own endeavours everypony!:grin:

    Image result for mlp good morning fanart

    1. Tacodidra


      Good morning, my friend! :grin: While that doesn't sound particularly fun, I hope your day is a good one at any rate. :kindness: Thanks – the same to you! :)

    2. EpicEnergy


      Good morning, good luck with college! :fluttershy:

  3. I'm thinking about how this is both my first post of 2020, as well as my 1000th post overall. Now I'm thinking about how old I feel...
  4. Happy New Year everypony!:balloon:

    May this new decade bring fresh new joy, excitement, surprises, prosperity and an even more powerful sense of community to all of our lives, and to this lovely sanctuary on the internet of which we all create our brony homes together!

    *2020 boops* Sparklefan1234, @Tacodidra, @TheRockARooster, @The Recherche, @Prospekt, @Meemfestivefox, @Silent, @Cash In, @R.D.Dash, @Phosphor, @SolarFlare13, @Treeglow Flicker, @Will Guide, @Flutterstep, @ChB, @Dark Qiviut, @PoisonClaw, @Altastrofae, @Gabosor, @Pat Thundersnow and  @Jonny Music.

    Here's to a wonderful 2020, for all of you!:grin::wub:


    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Sparklefan1234


      @Rarity the Snowperior




      My Friend!

    3. JustGaby


      Happy new year!!! :wub::wub:

    4. Phosphor


      Happy New Year!  *Squeezes Rarity the Snowperior :grin:

  5. Well everypony, it's time. The final day of the decade.

    Tonight, I'm going with to the cinema with my brother to watch Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, which, although I have heard is not a very good movie, out of tradition and interest, I'll go and give it the benefit of the doubt until I've seen it myself.

    Anyhow, this is a monumental occasion and I wish you all a fantastic finale to the year 2019, as well as the 2010s in general. See you all at midnight!:grin:

    1. Cash In

      Cash In

      I enjoyed the film personally, despite being a bit rough around the edges. Enjoy!

    2. Tacodidra


      I hope you have a fabulous last day of the year, my friend – the movie should certainly help with that! :ticking: And may the 2020s be even more awesome! :yay:

  6. If I still had to undertake P.E, than the answer to that inquiry, my friend is a resounding no. Now if this was changed to college, well then that's another story entirely.
  7. I mean, YouTube is the only one of these that I do use, and its community is expectedly dreadful because it's just so mainstream, and therefore can be easily accessed and subsequently poisoned by the lowest standard of intellect and manners.
  8. In the right situation (with a cold drink and an engrossing novel, for example), warm weather is an absolute blessing. That said, if you ask me the same question when I'm trapped in a hot car after college, waiting for my mother to finish up her grocery shopping, my answer may be not be so radiant.
  9. I agree that Sci-twi is fairly different from her Equestrian counterpart, but that's primarily because her role as the group's leader has already been taken by Sunset Shimmer, and Princess Twilight before her. As for the others, they are allowed to have interests in areas not seen in the main series as a result of their more contemporary settings, but the personalities of most of them remain fairly identical. Fluttershy having an affinity for heavy metal ad video games, while an interesting distinction from the pony character, is more of an obscure factoid than an actual personality trait, for example. I understand what you're getting at, but I personally see this comment as more of a commentary on the world of EG, rather than its characters.
  10. I got £200, a miniature fridge and something called a "ketchup pistol", which is exactly what it sound like, but has still somehow managed to take me completely by surprise and changed my life forever.
  11. I mean, as the Equestrian Girls are just human counterparts to the Mane 6, it would stand to reason that I have pretty much an identical opinion on this group as I do with their pony alternatives, with Rarity being my favourite (and objectively the best character), and Applejack probably being my least favourite. With that said, I really like Sunset Shimmer as an addition to the main cast, and have her as a close second place in my rankings. She's honestly the primary feature that differentiated Equestria Girls from the core series and made it worth watching for me.
  12. Pokemon Black and White 2 was my first Pokemon game, and it still has a special place in my heart as one of my personal favourite games of all time. That said, I had been a fan of the show for years prior, beginning with the Diamond and Pearl series, which I watched religiously when I was a child.
  13. Super Smash Bros. Brawl is a better game than Super Smash Bros. Melee, which is very overrated in my opinion. The worst generation of Pokemon is Gen 1 by a mile, and Sonic Heroes is a bad video game. On the flip side however, Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon is underrated. So is TLoZ: TP.
  14. I'm an intense spender, somewhat of a pathological shopaholic, in fact.
  15. "Urgh...I DEFINITELY had too much to drink last night."
  16. Does Santa's flesh taste like milk and cookies?
  17. I always just base my decision on the designs. If I were to select a starter for every region in the series, they would be as follows: Kanto - Charmander (Fire) Johto - Totodile (Water) Hoenn - Treecko (Grass) Sinnoh - Turtwig (Grass) Unova - Snivy (Grass) Kalos - Fennekin (Fire) Alola - Litten (Fire) Galar - Scorbunny (Fire) Overall, I definitely do tend to have a predilection for the fire types, although, for me, my starter choice is usually completely subjective from game to game.
  18. The most ardent neigh that I can physically conjure up. Cold showers are a cruel, deeply harrowing experience.
  19. All right, Pinhead. Your time is up. An A tier Christmas gift. Not a waste of £8.99 at all.
  20. I'm a middle-class, British college student. Profanities make up around 75% of my daily vocabulary.
  21. On one hand, this is the first Christmas I've had to deal with my parents being divorced. On the other hand, now they're both giving me money separately, so I would say that my universe currently balances out.
  22. I assaulted a shrimp platter and fell asleep on the shower floor. Pretty standard Christmas overall.
  23. Hello everypony, and merry Christmas!

    So, it's late, and I was brushing my teeth, just about to pop into bed, when I suddenly remembered that I had yet to wish my equine associates a very joyous December 25th. It's been a pretty manic year for me overall, and it's days like this where I just feel so appreciative to have you all as my friends.

    And thusly, whether you're celebrating Christmas, an alternative holiday, or just frolicking in the cold weeks of the wintertime, may you all have a tremendous time this festive season!

    *Christmas boops* @Sparklefan1234, @Tacodidra, @TheRockARooster, @The Recherche, @Prospekt, @Meemfestivefox, @Silent, @Cash In, @R.D.Dash, @Phosphor, @SolarFlare13, @Treeglow Flicker, @Will Guide, @Flutterstep, @ChB, @Dark Qiviut and the abundantly talented @Jonny Music

    Thank you all for making the MLP forums a place worth visiting.:grin:


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    2. Prospekt


      Merry Christmas, my friend! *boops*

    3. Tacodidra


      Merry Christmas, my friend! :raritypleadhat:

      *boops back* :P

    4. Sparklefan1234
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