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Sovereign Leader Rarity

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Everything posted by Sovereign Leader Rarity

  1. Trust me, I feel your pain there. I'm thinking about how on Earth I'm going to get my college project completed by the end of next week.
  2. An Oreo ice cream sandwich. Not the most nutritious breakfast, but it got the job done. I could REALLY go for some cheese and crackers right now.
  3. Well, my younger sister fancies herself as a bit of a singer, so you can imagine what a joy that is to woken up by.
  4. That probably won't be necessary, but seriously, thank you so much for showing compassion. It really means a lot.
  5. I'm feeling somewhat better. Last week was pretty rough, but things have mostly returned to normalcy. I hope that they stay as such.
  6. I'm nineteen now, and anyone who is around that age knows that getting a pimple on your nose is basically on par with a nuclear winter.
  7. I skated inside a Toys R' Us once, without any practice. I did something a little like a kick-flip, accept I landed on my face instead of my feet.
  8. I've felt better. Not go into too much detail, but my parent's divorce has just become a fiery train-wreck, and it's rather confusing and painful to sit through. I just want all of this conflict to subside.
  9. Actually, whenever I'm alone in the house, all I wear is underwear. I have yet to gauge if I feel embarrassed of that fact or not.
  10. Yes, my great-grandfather served in the army during the 1950s/60s and died in action. My grandmother talks about it all the time. I wish that one some level I could have known him, but I get a lot of face-time with his daughter, so in a way, I do.
  11. Yeah, during special occasions. Yesterday for example, I got a little inebriated and started dancing to that one song by Vanilla Ice that everyone claims to like ironically.
  12. I just wanted to take the time to genuinely thank everyone who wished me a happy birthday yesterday. Life is really hectic for me right now, and so your kind words and continued support mean the world to me. Seriously, I know that I proclaim it a lot, but having friends who cherish me the way that you all do is just so special to me. :grin:

    Just putting it out there, I simply cannot believe that I'm already 19 years of age. Like, where does the time go? We're going to have to start planning for my 60th at this rate. 

    @Tacodidra, @Sparklefan1234, @Monotonality, @TheRockARooster and @Denim&Venöm, you are all amazing in your own right and I wish that I could thank you face to face. For now, I hope that this suffices.

    Thank you Hugss for being My Friend & A Follower too | My little pony  friendship, Mlp twilight sparkle, My little pony

    1. TheRockARooster


      You’re welcome, RTS. 💜


    2. Sparklefan1234


      @Sovereign Leader Rarity You're Welcome, BFFFF! :D



    3. Tacodidra


      You're welcome, my friend! :pinkie: Time certainly flies... :adorkable:

      Thank you, too! :kindness:

  13. I meant to post this on Easter, but the internet scuppered those attempts. So, happy day after Easter MLP Forums!:grin:

    Bunneh | My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic | Know Your Meme

    @TheRockARooster, @Sparklefan1234, @SpongeBobsLittlePony, @Splashee, @RDDash, @Will Guide, @Tacodidra, @Califorum, @Kyoshi, @Dark Qiviut@Flutterstep, @SolarFlare13, @Platinum Night. @Nightfall Gloam, @raykv423, @Prospekt, @Rising Dusk, @Treeglow Flicker , @Wannabrony, @Sonic5421, @Shrug, @ShinGojira and anyone else I may be forgetting!

    I know that I haven't spoken to a lot of you in a long time, but regardless I hope that you had a phenomenal Easter surrounded by your friends and family! I wish that I could spend more time on this website than I do, but nonetheless I consider you all to be my friends and I look forward to enjoying the future alongside you wonderful people!


    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Sparklefan1234


      @Sovereign Leader Rarity I'm convinced that Rarity in any form makes everything better! :D

    3. Shrug


      “I'm convinced that @Sparklefan1234 has a genuine superpower in morale-boosting.”

      I definitely agree with you there. ^_^

    4. Sparklefan1234
  14. I just beat The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword for the first time. The final boss doesn't mess around, but it is SUCH a good encounter.
  15. Every single 3D Zelda game is at least somewhat overrated. Not going to go into too much detail about it here, but I wouldn't give any of them above an eight out of ten. Majora's Mask, The Wind Waker and Skyward Sword in particular, have serious problems that are never addressed.
  16. I just finished Skyward Sword. The final boss was excellent, but as for the larger game at hand, I am admittedly somewhat glad to be finally done with it.
  17. That. Stupid. Vacuum. Literally kept me up at night.
  18. Please have it be the latter. I already have a name and weapon picked out.
  19. I try not to be, but when confronted, fairly or not, I can turn into a real jerk.
  20. Basically just @TheRockARooster. Always there for me, never judges me for my idiosyncrasies. Just a great person to have in general.
  21. I'm feeling mixed. My mood is pretty good right now, but I know that my return to college, and by extension, reality is imminent. This is my last time in education before my year off, so I'm trying to look at the glass as half-full for once.
  22. There are some absolute truths in this often morally complex world. Twizzlers are better than Red Vines, there's just no debating it.
  23. YES. I consider myself a fairly laidback individual, but if you come after my food, your confectionary will snack on my wrath.
  24. I thinking if there's any way I can slip out of attending a work-call tomorrow.
  25. I am feeling frantic today, for we have two realtors looking around, which is twice the fun, obviously.
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