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Rhythm Red

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Everything posted by Rhythm Red

  1. This is what I'm starting to think myself. To be honest, after looking over the leaks, I'm not buying the g5 stuff. Sure, the season 8 leaks certainly do SEEM legit, but that doesn't mean everything else is. Of course, until hasbro comes out and says something, we shouldn't make any assumptions.
  2. 1228 maybe... It IS the last page! *conspiracy music plays*
  3. I don't like Christmas music... I love it!
  4. Man these leaks have me down I don't want FiM to end:(

    1. CypherHoof


      Even if true, not set in stone. lot could happen between now and then.

    2. Rhythm Red

      Rhythm Red

      All we can do is hope:adorkable:

  5. I really, really hope they keep FiM going more than anything. If for some reason they have to go to a g5 (which I don't think is smart for them as a company) then I am a little on the fence about them keeping the same characters. These are characters we have gotten attached to, and changing up their appearances and character traits just changes the characters completely. I would rather them make new characters than change the old ones we all know and love. But man, I don't want this show to end. Just the idea of it ending...
  6. C'mon I just joined this fandom! Don't end it now! Please!!!
  7. Amen. This is what's bothering me as well, three people doing something despite basically everyone wanting them not to is not how democracy should work.
  8. Good points! It does still have to go through congress. Kinda sucks how the VAST majority of people want it to stay but three people were enough to kill it.
  9. Awwww! I'm gonna kiss, cause it's a cute lil baby pony
  10. Net neutrality just got killed today, is anyone else scared about what that could mean? I'm afraid something will happen to sites like this one, and I don't want anything happening to pony stuff on the internet. What do you all think?
  11. I don't want to make up a lie about myself.
  12. I had a neighbor who was a brony several years back, I hung out with him back in 2011-2013. I thought it was weird how he had profiles on games named after ponies, mlp shirts, etc. That was my first time meting a brony. I haven't seen him in years, unfortunately, but I had seen a ton of mlp stuff on the internet. I watched some videos about it and thought 'hey, maybe I should give the show a try? It must be good if all these people like it!' So I watched the first two episodes of season 1 and thought they were alright. By the end of the next week, I had seen all of season 1 and a good portion of season 2. I was hooked! A week or so later I joined these forums! I just feel really bad that it took me all this time to get into it. I wish I could go back and relive the 2011-2013 hype again.
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