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Here No Longer

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Status Updates posted by Here No Longer

  1. When somebody gets offended over 1 small reference to a gay couple in a TV Show and starts using that to act like there's some conspiracy in Hollywood to force an agenda on people.

    It's actually pretty hilarious, especially from people who act like people shouldn't get offended by anything if they say it. It's just a bit hypocritical, isn't it?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Scrubbed user

      Scrubbed user

      First they made the frogs gay, and now our children!

    3. Here No Longer

      Here No Longer

      @Vulon Bii I certainly hope they'll go away. I'm getting sick and tired of it, even with how hilariously hypocritical it is.

  2. The far right is downright embarrassing. Apparently I'm being accused of being a communist that believes there are 76 genders, and racist trees just because I point out the fact that the fringe right's narrative about immigrants is totally insane, and is totally ignorant of the fact that immigrants kill LESS people in this country on average than citizens! Oh and also apparently being called smart is an insult to them. Wow... I don't know what to say... :laugh: i can only keep pointing out how ridiculous that sounds for so long.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Limestone-Pie


      Yeah, but don't tell them that. The cognitive dissonance will be so intense they'll have an aneurysm and begin screaming something about the "libs" and the "deep state". 

    3. AveryGamerDude


      I feel you man. They're seriously worse than pricks. Those a-holes accused me of being an ANTIFA agent, and they also called me a "dixiecrat" that's racist and supports slavery. (Which is hilarious considering most people on the right are located in the American South, but I'm sure if you could read everyone's minds, almost all of them wouldn't support slavery or racism.) But the good thing is that I know that they're wrong, and no matter how much they call me a terrorist, racist, or SJW, it doesn't make me one. :proud:

    4. Here No Longer

      Here No Longer

      @AveryGamerDude Frankly none of them can talk about being racist OR supporting slavery. Because they are BOTH (even if it isn't actually 1800's type slavery, it's wage slavery they support). Maybe they don't realize the latter, but I know they know they're the former.

  3. If anyone says that Trump sticks to his promises, they have to be utterly and totally deluded. To anyone who isn't a sycophantic psychotic Trump supporter, this should come as no surprise as he already has BROKEN most of his remotely decent promises on SO many occasions and ALMOST CONSISTENTLY flip-flops on issues.Remember when he said he would take troops OUT? I do.  Those troops aren't going OUT at ALL. They're going IN and getting sent OUT of the ONLY part of the Middle East they have ANY RIGHT of being in (thanks to previous presidents' stupidity of course)... 



    Trump is so clearly an example of a bad, scratch that, DOWNRIGHT ATROCIOUS president to anyone who isn't brainwashed or believing in "alternative facts" (I swear Conway should get f***ing slugged a good few times, maybe she'll be less stupid and @$$-backwards)... F*** at this point, if BIDEN were the nominee, I'd consider HIM the lesser of two evils and that says A F***LOAD because he's a corrupt evil man with blood on his hands... Like most presidents in the last 50 years have been of course... And 99% of politicians in America if we're being honest...


    Message: Please DO NOT let this CLOWN become president again. Let Bernie beat him senseless instead of nominating a worse candidate than even Hillary was. Send Biden to the nursing home instead of the campaign trail. He's going to get absolutely DESTROYED if he's nominated. Of course Democrats won't listen to reason, they'll only listen to money. THEY allowed this to happen. Either they're losing on purpose (which is more than likely) or they have the IQ of a rock. I would be quite sorry to insult the rocks, by the way.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ShadOBabe


      Not really offends. Posts like these are positively common. But just, JEEZ, buddy. Every time I see a status from you, it’s usually something like this. Don’t you get tired? I mean I have political figures that get under my skin too, but I don’t put so much of my energy into it. Hatred and anger are exhausting.

      What are some things you like? That make you smile?

      EDIT: And NOT a bitter smile! A real, happy one!

    3. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      It is entirely understandable frustration. We're talking about the man who is in the supposed "most powerful position in the world" and THIS is what he does with it. This presidency has been a total shitshow and then some. If we don't speak out, then what changes?

    4. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Also, I just watched Kyle's video myself and yes, this IS an issue that people need to be very pissed off about. Trump is playing everyone like a goddamn fiddle. He says a while back that we are getting out of Afghanastan, he doesn't do it. He then recently says we are getting out of Syria, doesn't actually do that and instead moves some troops out and into Iraq so they can do more war stuff, all while doing absolutely nothing to prevent the Turks from moving in and causing even more problems. This is all on top of him desperately trying to start a war with Iran too. This isn't just a simple case of Trump being the brain dead dipshit that he normally is, this is Trump being a war-mongering bastard. He is an atrocity of leadership that only serves to profit from anything he can and if the American public continue to let him do this, then they are just as stupid as he is.

  4. I don't like CNN but wow Trump is being a massive crybaby, because he doesn't like their polls. Not unexpected, but sad and hilarious simultaneously nonetheless.



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dark Qiviut

      Dark Qiviut

      It may be simplified, but the fact that four out of five say America's out of control really shows just how much America as a whole doesn't like how he's governed the country. Him hiding in a bunker while typing in enraged caps makes him such a coward.

    3. Here No Longer

      Here No Longer

      @Dark Qiviut All while he calls the military on peaceful protestors simply because they don't like the idea of a police state.

    4. Dark Qiviut

      Dark Qiviut

      Eeyup! And has been much harsher on protestors, BLM, and Antifa than the Nazis who invaded and killed in Charlottesville.

  5. This is a joke of a video, even for Screen Rant.


    Problem isn't that they say Adam Sandler is a good actor, the problem is the way they support it, purely with sales numbers. If that were everything movies were about, I'd hate everything cinema stood for.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Here No Longer

      Here No Longer

      @Renegade the Unicorn I mean there's Happy Gilmore, Grown Ups (which I think honestly is really good despite the bad ratings), and most particularly the recent Uncut Gems. But Click? 50 First Dates? Grown Ups 2? Jack and Jill? Too many bad movies over good ones to say he's good. Either that or he is a half decent actor when he wants to be, and $#!+ otherwise.

    3. Rebel the Wolfgirl

      Rebel the Wolfgirl

      @Dustlicious2020 Don't forget Punch-Drunk Love and Reign Over Me. Those are some of his best.

    4. Here No Longer

      Here No Longer

      @Renegade the Unicorn I've seen Reign over Me, that was fairly good, though haven't seen the other of those two. Point though with him though seems to be he's either really good, or really awful.

  6. Criticism of the game is very much necessary, but I've seen a f***load of bashing of Paladins from the playerbase that is just totally inane garbage. Heck, the Steam Forum and the subreddit are full of it.

    Though the official forum is dead because of a stupid authoritarian mod who finds excuses to punish you when you say something he doesn't like, but you do nothing wrong.

    Why does that sound familiar? :dry:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. AveryGamerDude


      @~Dusky~ Well my experience wasn't on a forum, though

    3. Here No Longer

      Here No Longer

      @AveryGamerDudeMaybe yours wasn't on a forum, but that's sort of missing the point of that. I also have those experiences, and I have had them on almost every forum I've ever been on.

    4. AveryGamerDude


      @~Dusky~ I was just saying that mine was on a chatroom

  7. Trump's version of "Making America Great Again":

    • Making bad trade agreements even worse.
    • Making our foreign relations the worst they've been, probably ever.
    • Even more forcefully seperating families of innocent people for just trying to make a better life for themselves and being unable to pay loads of money for it
    • Declaring war on established science.
    • Giving the wealthy more money and further robbing the poor.
    • In the process, dividing the country so much some people even think Civil War may happen...


    Only a few of many examples of making America "great" is literally the opposite of what he's doing.



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Here No Longer

      Here No Longer

      @Kyoshi Oh and also his blatant disregard for the LGBT community. In fact, he's homophobic and transphobic both and he's made that as plain as day. :unamused:

    3. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      And people were actually convinced that Trump was going to fight to "decriminalize homosexuality around the world". XD Like hell he was. 

    4. Here No Longer

      Here No Longer

      @Kyoshi Trump lied so much it's hard to tell what he'd do. Now that we know, we can tell that if he's saying something that is actually good, he's lying more often than not.

  8. I don't care what anyone says, Shadow the Hedgehog was an interesting step in a different direction for the Sonic franchise that I honestly think is a fairly good game.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ShadOBabe


      @AveryGamerDude Well, not exactly... SA2 didn’t have even mild swearing or a branching morality based narrative, and StH didn’t have the Chao Garden.

    3. AveryGamerDude


      @ShadOBabe Well, yeah... I'm just saying in terms of gameplay and control.

    4. ShadOBabe


      @AveryGamerDude OMG one other difference I forgot about: improvised melee weapons! It’s been over 10 years, but I’m 99% sure there was none of that in SA2.

      That said, that is the one thing I genuinely liked in Shadow’s game: his crazy super strength. That was NOT showcased in SA2. Shadow chucking busses around and slapping enemies with highway street lights was hilarious and awesome!

  9. Me when I can't use "Angel Dust" as your name because "it's already taken...": "Stop this madness right now >m<"

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Splashee


      Use this for now:

      "Angel Dust™"


      or even more powerful:

      "Angel Dust®"



      Show Lucky that you are still the owner of the brand here!

    3. Here No Longer

      Here No Longer

      @Splashee I've already used my last name change until probably a couple of days from now unfortunately, but that's a pretty funny idea... :ButtercupLaugh:

    4. Splashee


      I will always see you as the "real one". And Lucky as the "fake one". Even when I know almost nothing about you. So that's a good thing! You shouldn't worry! ^_^

  10. I just love looking at these political threads and seeing how obviously and intentionally divisive the far right is while also being hypocritical, irrational, and hopelessly bound to emotion over facts and reason.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. J.T.


      Ah yes the Chick-Fil-A scandal. I think a lot of people just feel betrayed, not very many corporation stand up for conservative values. I'm not to surprised though, I know better then to trust corporations in the first place.

    3. Here No Longer

      Here No Longer

      Apparently, they had a stunt where they claimed to stop donating to anti-LGBT organizations, but then started doing it again. The right-wing was legit freaking out. :ButtercupLaugh:

    4. J.T.


      I heard they had stopped donating to the Salvation Army and made donations to the SPLC a group many believe to be anti-christian and racist against white people

  11. Hopefully, the next decade will be full of gay great moments for everyone. :P Of course aside from the bad people of this world, maybe not them. But for the good ones like (most) of you all, I hope the 2020s go well for you. :twismile:




    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Twiggy


      Happy new year. The first word was probably correct lol. 

    3. Here No Longer
    4. Rebel the Wolfgirl

      Rebel the Wolfgirl

      Make America Gay Again :P

  12. I like how rich people lie when they complain about paying so much in taxes. I've heard about nonsense about the government taking all of their money away, and all of this s***.


    There never was anything REMOTELY close to a 90% tax bracket, but sometimes it's almost like they deserve it. Not saying it would be a good idea, but it would seem like poetic justice in an odd,  and kind of funny sense. :laugh: (I say 90% because I've heard that before multiple times, and it's totally ludicrous). 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. JonasDarkmane


      Similar to Iceland then.

      And aye, but I can understand someone feeling frustrated over losing nearly half of what they earn. It is almost they are losing more than they are left with. But yeah, I don't mind a progressive tax at all~

    3. Here No Longer

      Here No Longer

      I can understand that, but I still think they should be taxed pretty close to half. I mean the government needs to pay its massive debt and fix its infrastructure somehow (talking about issues with the US here), and that bracket happens to have a large chunk of the wealth in the country. Also, it would be a terrible idea to burden poorer people more than they are already.


      By close to half I mean like 48 or 49. Over that seems a little ridiculous.

    4. Here No Longer

      Here No Longer

      Though here a big part of the issue is that our government uses the taxes so inefficiently it hardly does anything. Most of it ends up in the pockets of the congresspeople I think.

  13. Yeet.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Xe__or
    3. Here No Longer

      Here No Longer

      @Xeltor New word for the language of YawYeet?

    4. Xe__or


      @Dustliciousthere is no limit to that language, friend :orly: 

  14. Another cold front is coming tomorrow. YAY.:dry:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Uh. Wow. XD I think up here they are forecasting lows about 0 to -5 degrees tonight.

    3. Here No Longer

      Here No Longer

      @Kyoshi Most of the time the lows may get into the mid forties, and that's really it here. In Indiana it's probably more normal to have freezing weather this time of year.

    4. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Yeah, makes sense. This is definitely one of the coldest winters we have had in the state in years though.

  15. There may be a BUTTLOAD of reasons Trump needs to get impeached, but exposing corruption and doing something ACTUALLY GOOD for once is not one of them. All of the reasons he SHOULD be impeached though... Both of these corporate parties are MORE than guilty of. :unamused:

    1. He is MASSIVELY corrupt. He takes LOADS of money from the Saudis, and that's just one example... Literally everyone's guilty of this with a few exceptions (Bernie Sanders and Tulsi Gabbard to name a couple).

    2. Speaking of the Saudis, He's been helping them perpetrate the one of the largest humanitarian crises in history against Yemen. So did Obama... HOW DID THAT WAR HAWK GET A NOBEL PEACE PRIZE?

    3. He's denied climate change, and in fact is actively working to make the climate WORSE...  Obama has done that too, and he even BRAGGED about it!

    4.And the war crimes aren't limited to number 2... He authorizes the bombing of innocent civilians EVERY DAY. But so did Obama and George W. Bush... 

    5. He's basically CONFESSED to sexually assaulting MULTIPLE women. The link even says he "BRAGGED" about it.

    6. He's been eliminating critical programs in our social safety net, making the lives of working people far WORSE than they already were.

    7. His policies on LGBT issues have been BLATANTLY discriminatory. So were Bill Clinton's though.

    8. The Muslim Ban... Now that's unique to Trump. And everyone in this country is supposed to have the "Freedom of Religion." How ridiculous.

    9. Seperating families and caging children at the border, of which Obama is also GUILTY.

    And the Democrats of course don't want to use these reasons... Why? BECAUSE THEY'RE GUILTY OF THIS $#!+ TOO! My goodness, can we get more politicians than I can count with one hand in office who aren't horrible people? Can we get a president who is legitimately a populist instead of a phony (he's just been a more unhinged version of an establishment Republican in his time in office)? Bernie 2020. Seriously, we can't let $#!+ like this stay president, like the Democrats are going to ALLOW to happen with their BS. :dry:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Here No Longer

      Here No Longer

      @Kyoshi That definitely makes him a bad president, but that in and of itself isn't impeachable necessarily... Unlike the other $#!+ he's done.

    3. Megas


      The whataboutism is strong with this one. 

    4. Here No Longer

      Here No Longer

      @Kiryu-Chan ??? There is literally no whataboutism whatsoever. These are legitimate reasons for his impeachment. :dry: Also, the strawmanning is strong there. I'd suggest actually having an argument if there really is one to be had.

  16. Some person I don't know on Steam: *references Hazbin Hotel*

    Me: *Posts a link of the Bolgy Wolgy video* "Angel Dust makes way too many cute faces in this"

    Them: "Just part of the meme"

    Me: "Never said it was a bad thing :catface:"

    Them: *Responds with disgust*

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Here No Longer

      Here No Longer

      Since when was cuteness a bad thing? 


      Enviable is what it really is

    3. StarChargeR


      ponies are cute , the wolf girl from hellova boss is cute ! ^^  xD

    4. Splashee


      Loona has a freaking moon as a cutie mark! :wau::catface:


      (Reference: Fridge scene)

  17. Yep, Rehydrated looks like a hype AF remaster for Battle for Bikini Bottom.,.




    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Here No Longer

      Here No Longer

      Nope. I'm probably going to get the Steam port.

    3. Cash In

      Cash In

      Looking forward for this one.

    4. Prospekt


      They actually did it... they added robot Squidward after he was left out of the console versions. :love:


  18. My dad really p***es me off sometimes. A couple of his pigs die and he's on a f***ing rampage seemingly wanting to kill everything in sight. He's 54 and he acts like he's 2. I shouldn't feel like the adult here but I'm really beginning to feel that way.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Here No Longer

      Here No Longer

      Sure it may be, but he takes it way too far. As in he literally threatens to kill his own dogs over it even though they had nothing to do with it.

    3. Gestum


      Anger makes people act irrational. He's probably just getting it out of his system. I doubt that he'll actually carry out his threats.

    4. Here No Longer

      Here No Longer

      I believe the same thing, but nonetheless... He takes it a bit too far I think.

  19. Yeah, this simp thing has to go. It's a cancer that's actually affecting people's lives. There' one Smash streamer that partially avoided answering a question simply because the act of doing so would likely get him called a "simp" by the more toxic people in his Twitch chat. Wow. :dry:


    At least I'm gay so it can't affect me... right? :lie:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Here No Longer

      Here No Longer

      From the Urban Dictionary: "A man who puts himself in a submissive position under women in hopes of winning them over without the female bringing anything to the table."


      It apparently came from toxic anti-SJWs originally. :dry:


      Seems like there's something inherently sexist about the meme surrounding it.

    3. CypherHoof


      Ok, I was right, I WAS happier for that.

    4. Evil Pink One

      Evil Pink One

      ... the times are weird... A lot of people caring too much from trivial things.

  20. So the far right thinks that hurting, sick people who can't afford private insurance are "parasites?" Wow, it's safe to say that some people are way too far gone, and that some of these same people lack basic human empathy. :unamused:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CypherHoof


      Sure, poor people only have one function, in their eyes - to work to make wealth for the already wealthy (and not for themselves). If they are sick and can't perform that function, they have negative value.

      Here in the UK, healthcare is free at point of delivery - there is no need for insurance, and everyone working contributes (which works out the same, given private companies aren't taking a heavy cut at each step)

    3. Here No Longer

      Here No Longer

      What's worse is the guy I'm quoting keeps justifying it with lies and straw men. Yeah, we're somehow cherry-picking when we're talking about everything that's actually important... Like how our healthcare system is totally horrific, bordering on barbaric in comparison to the rest of the world, how some minimum wage workers can't even afford the most basic necessities, how our national debt keeps skyrocketing because we spend absurd and downright unjustifiable amounts of money on the military so some of our country's young men can bite the dust in a war against somebody who never attacked us... :dry:

    4. CypherHoof


      Not sure what you mean?

      The UK government has been dismantling the social support for the long-term unemployed and disabled for some years now (massively pro-capitalist "tory" party has been in power ,and introduced "austerity measures" which have been poorly received)

      But that is more around paying for food, rent and so forth. Health is still free at point of delivery, although in some cases (such as diabetics unable to obtain accomodation and hence a fridge to keep their -free- insulin in) the dismantling of the social "net" has led to deaths or suicides.

  21. Well apparently the whole "political views" blog post thing became a meme... Okay...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Here No Longer

      Here No Longer

      I posted my actual political views in a blog post and now people decide to ue that idea as a platform to post random junk...

    3. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kind of sad isn't it. It is basically most people on the internet simply laugh at politics while everything crumbles around them. Politics is a total shitshow, but I think a big reason for that is everyone's total complacency now.

    4. Here No Longer

      Here No Longer

      I can't blame people for not caring about it since all it seems like for the most part is a bunch of shit. Personally I don't give it too much thought, because if I did I'd more than likely kill myself. But enough not to be abother fringe right Texan sheep.

  22. I'm sorry, but if you voted for Trump because of tweets, I'd say you might be one of the unfortunate consequences of having a "more democratic" (not really, but whatever) state. Of course that isn't to say I don't support the rights of the people, because I stand by them, but that is to say, there's something very wrong with you. :laugh:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      What I find worse is that it is people basically admitting their own racism. Trump is creating an atmosphere that they love. 

      @Anti-Villain Sadly his policies have been a train wreck as well. 

    3. Here No Longer

      Here No Longer

      @Anti-VillainIMO that makes little to no sense either (considering how often I believe that he lies, and how often I remember him contradicting himself a lot, even on the campaign trail on the subject of policy), but to each their own on that one. At least it's not a dim-witted reason to vote for him.

    4. Here No Longer

      Here No Longer

      @KyoshiOn the subject of the dumb things he says, I am beginning to believe he's doing it on purpose. It's becoming harder for me to believe that he is as idiotic as he puts himself out to be.

  23. So Paladins has officially released its Switch Port.


    That's one more advantage it has over Overwatch.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Here No Longer

      Here No Longer

      Not out yet, but it was officially announced to release on June 12th a couple of days ago. Sorry failed to look at the details of what Ii was looking at :lie:

    3. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Ah, okay. Very curious how this game will be on as Zweetch. 

    4. Here No Longer

      Here No Longer

      Probably a lot like the Xbox One port except on the Switch I'm guessing. Which may make the meta work differently with how the Switch is lower performance and how the Switch's controller is laid out. It was that way when they released the XBOne and PS4 ports, where specifically the easiest characters with the most consistent output did well, instead of PC where utility, sustain, and skill ceiling are more important factors.

  24. NBC have really outdone themselves fearmongering this time haven't they?




    The virus is indeed a threat, but seriously... The manipulation of the statistics is obvious here. It's an issue and it kills people, yes, but do they really think that doing this is helping anyone? From my perspective if anything it's causing more panic which only makes things worse.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Here No Longer

      Here No Longer

      @Bas It's not incorrect what they're saying, but it's absurdly misleading.

    3. Here No Longer

      Here No Longer

      @Bas It gives the impression that all of a sudden everything is getting so much worse than it used to be, when it isn't as the data says. That stat is only accurate because yesterday there were WAY less cases than the day before and I imagine several before that.

    4. Here No Longer

      Here No Longer

      @Bas What upsets me here is just the blatant manipulation of the data designed to instill panic for the sake of ratings.

  25. "The Quartering" More Like "The Whiny Anti-SJW B!+c# Who Pretends that Everyone Else is Offended and has a Brain When He's the One that's Always Offended and He's Also a F***ing Idiot" Wow that would be a long channel name, but a very accurate one indeed.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mini
    3. Here No Longer

      Here No Longer

      @Ninetales Or a Gillette commercial. :laugh:

    4. Libra


      I actually did find a meme about that (sadly it is lost in discord now and i cant be bothered to find it.)

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