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Everything posted by daviddaviddavid

  1. 90 mph (144km/h), when I was overtaking a lorry on the motorway and was a bit angry that day. I've been in a car going at 140mph (225km/h) before although I wasn't driving - on a family trip to Germany when we were younger my dad briefly got up to that speed on the Autobahn before everyone else in the car yelled at him to slow down because we were all terrified lol.
  2. Built it myself, back in 2017 when I had more knowledge about self-builds and PC hardware than I do now. All I remember is that it's got an i7 and a GTX 1080Ti graphics card
  3. They met at a bar on a university campus. I don't know specifics, but apparently my dad made some cheesy pun involving my mother's surname as his opening line to talk to her, and they're still together nearly 30 years later. I'm happy for them ofc but personally I think that sounds like a horrible way to meet somebody.
  4. I love Finland, visited once back in 2011 and would love to go again. Beautiful, clean country full of amazing metal bands and people who respect one another's personal space. What's not to like?
  5. I think I pay for 200 download/20 upload, and I get slightly over that. I'm on wifi too so if I were cabled up, the speed might improve a little.
  6. Blue or purple - hard to really pick between the two. The only colour I explicitly dislike is orange
  7. Depends how militant they are about their views, I guess. I'm religious and while I'd prefer to date/marry somebody who is too, the only thing that'd really matter to me is that they'd respect my beliefs. If they don't share them that's fine, just don't insult me or others based on our faith and we're all good. When it comes to raising children, I'd want to educate them about my faith but let them make their own choices about whether or not to follow it (I had religion pushed on me hard as a kid and it made me turn away from it entirely during adolescence, so I'm not repeating that with my kids) - if a partner was dead-set on raising atheist children that would probably be a deal-breaker, as I think giving children the freedom to choose what to associate with (or to disassociate from) is very important. Parents shouldn't ever try and control their child's identity.
  8. I've been in one car accident when I was 7, if that counts. My mum was driving and a moron pulled out on us and she couldn't brake in time. Otherwise no, but I was almost hit on foot when I was 11 by an SUV - my best friend at the time pulled me back as I was about to step in front of it and probably saved me from some very severe injuries, if not worse.
  9. Ironically the best way for me is probably to go out in it and take in some nature. Whenever I feel like life's becoming difficult it always helps to be somewhere that makes me feel small and insignificant by comparison, and realise that any worries I've got are also small and insignificant compared to the immense potential my life has - and being in nature helps me to connect with that feeling. That or weight training - it doesn't really make me escape from anything but it's very therapeutic and a great stress release.
  10. Tired, I've been up since just before 6am and it's 11pm now. Not sure how I'm awake right now :/
  11. Six scrambled eggs with spinach and chorizo, two cups of coffee and a 175ml bottle of pineapple, "golden berry" and ginger juice. Was good
  12. I think it's gross, just completely and utterly disgusting. I've never tried a cigarette before and I will militantly avoid them for life - three of my grandparents smoked heavily and my dad smoked when I was younger, so I feel as though I probably have a genetic propensity.
  13. Tons. Myself, both of my parents, my brother, three aunts and two uncles, my grandfather, four cousins, three of my close friends, almost everyone in my classes at university and many of the lecturers too, and three people have had it at my new job (since I've started, which was in mid-January). Out of all of those people, only one person I know of had difficulties with it - thank God everyone who had it is alive and well today and that most had mild or no symptoms.
  14. Precisely how I feel atm too. Wish you the best of luck with getting there!
  15. About eight hours, but I'd had an extremely long day the day beforehand so I still didn't really feel like it was enough. I'm just trying to limp to my usual bedtime and then get some solid sleep in tonight, since I don't have to be anywhere early tomorrow (for once, woohoo).
  16. Usually only one of three scenarios: 1. Posts that make me laugh 2. Posts that I agree with 3. Posts that I may disagree with, but with points have been constructed eloquently I'm not a huge stickler for grammar when it comes to an internet forum but an exception to the above criteria would probably be made if a post had excessive spelling mistakes.
  17. Water, whole milk (has to be whole milk though, no semi-skimmed stuff) and coffee probably collectively form 99% of my total intake of liquids. I don't really drink alcohol, and haven't done so since July last year, but if I were to do so I'd probably go with cider or white wine (very manly, I know!).
  18. I've been to four - my aunt's (I was the ringbearer although I was 4 so barely remember any of it), my uncle's, and two of my cousins (as in, they had separate weddings - they didn't marry each other). My uncle's wedding was definitely the most grandiose I'd ever been to - he's British but lives in Spain and married a Spanish girl so they had the wedding over there in her hometown. The ceremony was in a small church in the mountains, and the reception was in a fancy hotel in the valley below. The food was incredible (largely, all I'll say is caviar is overrated and gross), the venue was great, and we actually caught part of a bull-fight as the hotel had a huge balcony that overlooked a bull ring. I have absolutely no idea how much that wedding must've cost, but the figure was probably eye-watering. I must admit that while I do like weddings, I find them a bit awkward - especially as every member of my family takes the opportunity to mention to me that "I'll be next" and I never have any idea how to respond to such comments.
  19. Shower every day, sometimes twice a day if I've been active or if it's a very warm day. I pretty much never bath as my bath was built for dwarves, I can barely get my legs in it let alone the rest of my body. I once stayed in a hotel in Germany that had a free-standing two-metre length bathtub and I could fit my entire body in it, it was absolute heaven. I'd definitely take more baths than showers if I had better facilities to do so.
  20. Just depends how tired I am. Fell asleep probably within a minute last night, but I'd been tired for a few hours beforehand. Sometimes it can take about 15-20 minutes if I'm less tired, and I've found that if I don't get to sleep in that time then it's better for me to just get up and try again later.
  21. Not great tbh, probably the facial feature I'm least happy with. It grows all over my face but it's a pretty thin covering, and gets thicker around the goatee area but it still looks a bit pathetic. I usually go clean shaven/light stubble most of the time because that look sort of works with the odd genetics I've been given. I'd consider minoxodil and microneedling (a YouTuber called 'More Plates More Dates' has championed the effects of this quite highly for beard growth), but all the men in my family had similarly awful facial hair growth at my age and were all able to grow real beards in their 30s - not sure if there's some genetic delay in DHT/5a-reductase enzyme production in my family or something. For now I'll just stick with shaving!
  22. The default white one. Hasn't let me down so far, see no reason to change
  23. Nope. I'm thankful that our government are rapidly dismantling Covid restrictions everywhere which will destroy any incentive I may ever have had to consider getting jabbed. I suppose I can't really rule out anything in the far future (if jabs are still necessary for foreign travel in 5 years, for example - hopefully by which time Novavax vaccine will be around anyway), but to address the title of the thread then no, I have no current plans to accept any jabs or vaccines.
  24. Got a 2 inch horizontal scar about an inch below my right eye - I've had it since I was four. I was playing in a forest as a kid and ran into a dead branch of a tree (yes really, those things are sharp!) and it sliced the top of my cheek open. Blood was pouring out, I had to go to the emergency room and get it stitched back together - the scar is still visible today. As horrible as that sounds, I'm actually quite lucky. If I'd have been an inch shorter it'd have got me in the eye and I'd very likely have a glass eye right now as I write this. Thanks be to God that I was spared that fate.
  25. A guy pulled out of a junction without looking in front of me today, and I had to slam the brakes to avoid hitting him, and I yelled a few unpleasant words out the window in his direction. I'm not typically an angry person but I am partial to a bit of road rage lol.
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