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Everything posted by Astralshy

  1. best ship? but there are so many .. Big Mac and Sugar Belle Lyra and BonBon Vinyl and Octavia Shining and Cadence Starlight and Phyllis * never ending list * but I have to decide on one, right ? Okay, I say: Derpy and Dr Hooves https://derpibooru.org/313034?q=doctorderpy
  2. This is really awesome. Especially considering this fast song. It's creative and technical well done. Wonderful job <3 This goes into my collection, for future use :>
  3. That's quite a pie video. You did really well with this. <3
    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Sunyay. Best yay. Praise Celestia. B)
      The city Bath is known for the Roman Baths, so much so that it inspired the city's name.

    2. Astralshy


      Thank you so much.

      I can make a German fact out of this one

      There are many Germany cities with "Bath" (or germ: "Bad") in their names for the same reason you explained. Often (but not always) even founded by romans back then.

      Here's a list:



  4. I also wrote a few letters. I hope I find more time later to write some more
  5. Finally, I have some time to sit down and type a reply in here ♥ From the top of my mind, hereare some acts of kindness I did in the past week I saw a stranger losing his id card on the street without noticing. I picked it up and brought to the person I connected a person with a big technical issue with someone im sure they could help him I brought one of the neighbors in my apartment some groceries since they were ill I brought more potatoes into Dynamos life
  6. Aaaaaargh,

    welcome on board, lad



  7. Time for some adorable charachters



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tacodidra


      Very cute one I don't remember seeing before:


      Art by BeesMeliss

    3. Astralshy
    4. Tacodidra


      Indeed! ^_^ A relaxing time spent with friends is always amazing. :rarity:


      Art by JowyB

  8. Double hot chocolate

    would this be your .. facial expression ?



  9. And suddenly,

    it was time for your 




    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine


      Celestia wants an audience with me?! :pinkie:

      Oh my, I have so much to do! I need to roll out the red carpet, I need to set the decorations, and I need to make sure there is music for her entrance~! I hope there is still time to buy her favorite flowers.

    2. Astralshy
  10. Ive heard that it is snowing in New York



    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Yes. I have a friend in NY. And he's miserable right now. :please:

  11. :blue_baloon: H a p p y   B i r t h d a y  :balloon:

    I hope you have a great day

  12. You visited my profile

    For you 







    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Astralshy


      No, there is no cheese involved :>

    3. SparklingSwirls


      It's a Giotto? xD Took me a moment to realize what it was :laugh:

    4. Astralshy


      It is :3

  13. Hi and welcome to the herd I hope you have a great time here Always so nice to see new ponies join us!
  14. Hello and welcome to our little community :> I hope you have a great time here with us
  15. Hi and welcome to our community :> We are always happy to see new ponies joining us! I hope you have lots of fun here
  16. Hello and welcome! I'm happy you joined our community. No worries :>
  17. Hi and welcome to our little community! It's lovely you found the way. I hope you have a lot of fun here ♥
    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      I think I'd prefer to give Flutters hugs and head pats. :BrightMacContent:

    2. Astralshy


      you may <3

  18. :balloon: H a p p y  B i r t h d a y  :blue_baloon:

    I hope you are doing great ♥

    1. Rethajni


      Thank you very much! Thank you thank you!


    2. Astralshy


      of course ♥

  19. ♥ Happy Hearts and Hooves day ♥

    I hope you all are doing great



    1. Tacodidra


      Happy Hearts and Hooves Day, my friend! :yay: Thanks, I hope you are too! :squee:

    2. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Happy Hearts & Hooves Day, my cosmic friend. :pinkie:
      London had the first-ever subway system.

    3. Astralshy


      Thank you all ♥

      @Samurai Equine

      Here's one for you

      There are over 2100 castles throughout Germany

  20. Henlo,

    My life cooled a bit down, sadly still rather hectic

    But I think I can be more online again now

    Have some Rainbow



    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Take your time, my cosmic friend. All things in time. :eager:
      BTW, the UK has a garden with more than 100 different species of toxic plants called the Alnwick Garden, nicknamed "the Poison Garden".

  21. :blue_baloon:H a p p y    B i r t h d a y  :balloon:

    I hope you have a great day

  22. until

    Ummm .. Well .. I meann .. umm *squee* You know how I feel about this ♥ https://derpibooru.org/images/3264043
  23. Hi lovelies! I got @River wisp. I dont know much about them but I did some research and they love with what I came up with and I love the one Ive got. Whoever got the idea - Thank you so much ♥
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