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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by DJShy

  1. Well, you got opportunity in this very community...
  2. AYYY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Glad to see this site's still going strong 'cause it's got heart. as strong as a horse. :3
  3. I exclusively use PC. I actually know someone who uses Macs, and they once had me try to fix and/or find something for them (It's been too long, I don't remember specifics) because they are, to quote the person in question, "computer illiterate". I was very confused and figuratively dizzy at the interface.
  4. Yes, however the people I live with refer to it as 'thinking out loud', for that's what it truly is.
  5. :balloon::mlp_pinkie::blue_baloon:Happy Birthiversary, man! :blue_baloon::fluttershy::balloon:

    1. JonasDarkmane


      Thank you my dude~ ^u^

  6. If I'm lucky, finished with the scavenger hunt, but I doubt I'm that lucky. lol
  7. A Pinch and a Punch for the first of the month, @Aticus the Adequate!
  8. DJShy

    mega thread What are you thinking?

    "I can't believe it took me so long to get over this hump!" (The hump in question is how awful 'Father Knows Best' makes me feel internally and how it kept me from continuing the show) "The episode isn't even that bad! Why did it take me literal years to continue the show?"
  9. After what felt like forever (or at least since 2018), I finally got past a certain episode! :squee: Now to continue before this entire place dies for real...

  10. Oh, this episode. Oh, this episode. Let me tell you something about this episode. The story involved has a random lazy bum dragon pretending to be Spike's dad to get stuff and take advantage of him. I have a very neutral opinion of Spike (never really felt much towards or against him), so I can't say much about how I like or dislike this episode on the idea that he hurt Spike alone. But me, let me tell you a few somethings about me: For starters, I can't stand misunderstandings. Whether they be anything from mind swaps to any kind of miscommunication error, they make we either wanna rip off my skin in discomfort or pause whatever I'm reading/watching etc and escape into my head/music until I calm down. Now, I can't even begin to tell you why (because not even I fully understand it), but this episode? This episode was truly godawful in that regard. I used to watch these episodes as they air every Saturday with the rest of y'all over on that one live-streaming site we used to watch together on that I can't remember the name of anymore (or find on the site, assuming it's still around). And then this episode aired. It messed with me so hard, I had to take a break, I told myself I'd watch it later that day. Then the discomfort came back when I tried to resume, so I put it off for tomorrow, then 'tomorrow' became 'the next day', then 'next week'. It took me until yesterday to finally sit down and finish this monstrosity of internal torment. And all the while, the show continued, the fandom continued. And because I am who I am about spoilers, I had no choice (from a certain perspective) but to go dead silent and blind until I finished it and played catch-up. All because of my issues (which I'm still working on). All because of this. episode. I still have not caught-up with the show, but I finally finished this... thing that held me back for literal years. And I hope to finish the show and reconnect with all y'all before the fanbase goes from 'died down' to 'died'. 1 out of 10 stars, I usually watch reactions right after each episode, I refuse to do that with this one. The faster I can leave it behind me, the better.
  11. Mine was definitely "Rainbow". I feel as if the only thing I need to say is that, celebrities usually get famous for a reason. I dunno what Sia's reason is, but I wanna assume it's her voice.
  12. Who else but The Man, The Myth, The Legend... Weird Al Yankovic
  13. DJShy

    mega thread Answer the question above you.

    ^Dis one Thoughts on Peni Parker?
  14. I mean, that's fair, but at the same time the comparison was about the plot/storyline, not about the current popularity of the material getting a movie.
  15. I hear what you're saying, but consider this: Jeric
  16. I'mma be real with you: That is beginning to sound like That other Sony movie I don't wanna remember, so hearing that sony was gonna do that again, but with ponies... Also, I'm too lazy to find it. If anyone can find that one Pony Thread Simulator where 4Chan makes a movie trailer ala "Smurfs", but with ponies, That'd be great.
  17. I mean, it's definitely the least flattering view for the ponies, I'll give you that, but I wouldn't say it's ugly. Lemme put it like this, I've seen both Deadpool movies in theaters, and the second one is definitely much better than the first. But just because I view the 2nd one as a 10, that doesn't really change how the 1st is a 9. It's not bad, just comparatively worse.
  18. I mean, that's a fair criticism, but I still see this as a situation of creativity and imagination VS efficiency and simplicity. And with that viewpoint, I see the "name mashing" style of naming to be boring, very "cookie cutter"-esque, and lacking a lot of heart, which is very funny and ironic to me considering the topic of relationships, which is the point of shipping. Or at least my point. Yes, it makes things easier, but you know what else is easier? Not getting out of bed when you're too tired to go in to work. Not showering because you just don't feel like it. Not eating because you're just not in the mood, or eating too much. All these things are technically easier, but they're not necessarily better. And that's exactly how I feel about ship names as they are. And besides, when I joined the FNDM, I learned a lot of the main ship names long before I even thought of getting into RWBY shipping myself. If the community is large enough and has enough fanart, it becomes increasingly harder to not find ship art with fancier names, because you already get familiar with it though pattern recognition and familiarity. Now, if a community is too small to make such a thing work, I can understand using the name fusion method. But fanbases like us for example, who are or used to be well known for being very creative, have very little reasoning in my eyes to be lazy.
  19. Reviving this thread with another alt ship name of more effort, Maud X Starlight Glimmer: "Power of Rock", as it references not much Maud's thing with rocks and how Starlight is just straight up super powerful, but also how they first met: Starlight asking about a rock powerful enough to hold a bunch of cutie marks.
  20. Yeah, but again, social anxiety and fear of being different.
  21. Basically, yes. As I see how I made this thread, there are no wrong answers to ship names, other than mashing character names together, especially with how low my standards are. As long as the made up ship name has some form of meaning behind it and relates to the characters, I count it as being more creative than the “copy/paste character name fusion” system everyone ever uses. Yeah, you definitely got my concept down. Because in the end, this isn’t about good or bad ship names. It’s about having some creativity. As long as it’s not “character name + character name = ship name; wash, rinse, repeat”, it’s what I’m looking for. —- Anyways, I like the logic you had going with “Book of Life” and it fits with what I’m looking for in this thread, so lemme give you an alternative idea with the same general vibe, because discussion of ideas: “Zoology” and/or “Zoologist”: It’s the study of animals, which fits with Fluttershy’s love for them and fits with Twilight’s love of learning and studying.
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