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Everything posted by DJShy

  1. DJShy

    request shop Requests .:OPEN:.

    If it is not too much to ask, I would like numbers five and six for my OC. http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dj-shy-3-r2223 I hope I added enough information for you to make something.
  2. http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dj-shy-3-r2223 As you can see, I have no picture. It is for two reasons. 1, I'm on a phone and can't get to a computer. 2, I can't draw, even if I can get to a computer! So to put it simply, I need somepony to make one for me. I'm not lazy, it is just if I am on a computer, I only trust Paint. Everything else cost money, witch I don't have, or is too compilation. Please somepony help me.
  3. Banned because I don't know what EDM is.
  4. Ice for me! WYR lisen to: Jonas Brothers' "L.A. Baby" Or Miley Cyrus' "The Climb"?
  5. ^ sorry, I live on Eh. > Finished lisening to 'L.A. Baby's for the 14th time. v misses the Jonas Brothers.
  6. Anyone else miss the jonas brothers?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. DJShy


      My point exactly! I also forgot them until I lisened to 'L.A. Baby' on YouTube. Lost happy memeries recovered!

    3. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Forgot who existed?





    4. Vaporeon


      I never said I liked them, if I did I wouldn't of forgot about them. But that's cool you can..listen to them or whatever.

  7. "whenever you want to, Fluttershy." I say with a compassionate tone in my voice. "Also, I set up a special surprise for you for when we get there." (OCC) Can we say that Fluttershy's birthday is the day we go to the Canterlot Gardens? Because I have a wonderful idea for a birthday present for her.
  8. Peppers peppers peopers O_________________________0 To
  9. In a land far away, there was a pony.
  10. I throw a gas can at you. Whatever set the other person ablaze is now seting you ablaze. Payback is a b&$#@. I take the cookie.
  11. My point is, Scootaloo has a possibly deadly item in her possession. If she drops that doll in a lake, you could drown! If she talks to the doll, you will be forced to say what she says. I need you to go to her Ask forum and get her to give you that doll. I would do it, but she might not give it to me.
  12. It is for emergencies, now if we can get somewhere important, have you said or felt anything unusual lately?
  13. The way I see it, Discord isn't evil, just misguided. He is just a creature looking for fun, even I'd that fun comes from other's suffering. That is not evil, that is just being a bully. Plus, You can tell Celestia that I said "Why did you break Discord's heart?" And be sure to show her the video. And if the video speaks the truth, then tell her I said, 'You are responsible for Discord's actions. It is all. Your. Falt.'
  14. I don't know about everyone else, but I was just messing with you.
  15. That has nothing to do with what I said.
  16. What are your thoughts on rule 34 between you and Rainbow Dash?
  17. Yeah, listen to Discord. Lol *insert trollface here* u mad, bro?
  18. I was thinking more upon the lines of 'love' love and the rule 34 kind of love. *insert trollface here*
  19. I'm in the mood for pancakes, so I will cook. WYR See canon FlutterDash Or PinkieCord (Pinkie and Discord) Note: which ever one you pick, the other two now hate each other.
  20. You do that, and i'll get Zecora to make a Scootaloo voodoo doll. I got some ideas as to what to make you say to Rainbow Dash. All involving the word 'love'.
  21. Michealangelo WYR be the element of laughter Or Kindness
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