Well, I don't really have many but here goes..
1. I strongly dislike intolerance/hate, I mean it is okay to dislike something and have boundaries and all, but it irks me to see people spread pure ignorance and hate among others and target them as an attempt to ruin their life and make it hell for them. To me, hating on someone or something is just pure negativity that is unnecessary and only damages your self-character and others around you. Everything ought to be approached with some sense of reasoning before harsh judgement. I have nothing against people that do hate and are intolerant though, but it just bothers me sometimes.
2. I strongly dislike drugs and alcohol as well as smoking. I have nothing against people that consume them and I have no intention on creating or being associated with campaigns to make it illegal and what not, I may support the notion to quit and live a sober and straight edge life, but it's not on my agenda right now. Not everyone that consumes these kinds of substances are bad and can still live on successfully in life, but I would prefer to stay sober n such.
3. I dislike coercion and control, everyone should live their life the way they want without much interference. Live by the golden rule and the non-aggression axiom and you should be able to life your life the way you want it.
4. Gender Roles, again, people should be able to love and enjoy what they like and desire, even if its something unusual to someone else. As long as it isint harming anyone else, it's completely fine. There is no need to judge them negativity or think of them any different. Live and let live.