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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Thunderstorm

  1. I've been watching too many Fighting is Magic videos... :C

  2. Actually.. I've still gots me some Dragonball, Ginga Legend Weed, World's Dumbest.. Yep, it wouldn't really affect me anymore. Why? Because I've noticed the goodness of the series goes down with every season. I'm fine with watching season 1 and 2 over again.
  3. Pinkie Pie. Why? We'd stay up all night and bake cakes and cupcakes and cookies and eat candy and have sugar rushes and play video games and jump around and have a pillow fight and watch YouTube and.. and... So much more... Me and Pinkie'd be up all night :3
  4. lolno. Seriously. I would just feel.. ashamed.. to be honest. I mean really. I find this silly. Like.. Really silly.. I understand everyone has different opinions, but this is very, VERY silly. I would be ASHAMED to be called a brony/pegasister/pony fan. As if we don't get enough trouble.. I'm sorry for the rudeness, but this is my honest feels on this.
  5. Hmm, that's certainly a great design for a character. Would love if she appeared on the show. She can't become one of the mane 6. Mane 7 doesn't have a nice tone to it.. If she becomes one, then so be it, but I'll be superb disappointed about Twilight's disappearance.
  6. A favorite family member!?! How could I choose a favorite!? I hold them all so dear, I just couldn't choose a favorite. They're all the best, therefore they're all my favorite <3
  7. Bleugh, today wasn't a good day. Lunch was late by an hour, tons of stress and I can't walk right due to an angle injury.. 3':

    1. Harmonic Revelations

      Harmonic Revelations

      Today was bad for me too, lost my job.

    2. ~Cider Barrel~

      ~Cider Barrel~

      Aww that sucks, bad days come and go though and sometimes theirs cake! Ankle*

    3. Thunderstorm


      Aww really!? I'm sorry Harmonic :C

      dangit, sorry for the spelling mistake. xD


  8. Ketchup easily wins. Sure, I like Mustard, but Ketchup is soo much better I love it with hot dogs and french fries.. Plus it's made with Tomatoes! I wuv tomatoes!.. :3
  9. Well, I'll be watching other stuff I'm into, work on my artwork, writing my stories a ton more than I currently do, playing videogames, browse the internet, excercise... I'm sort of confused with the topic title though, I don't exactly know what kind of answer you're looking for.
  10. Well I've had about three since I've been here. PinkiePie221 - Pinkie was my favorite of the ponies back then, so I came up with that genius username. Thunderstorm - Simple. The name of my OC. Saiyan Hero - I've loved DBZ for quite the while now.. Grew to have a crush on one of the characters too. I write a fanfic, and you bet a saiyan is the hero!
  11. ...She had it before she was an alicorn princess, so I don't see what you mean. She always had it since episode one basically, while her friends got necklaces... To be honest I prefer the necklaces.
  12. I don't think they executed it right (lolwut)... I mean, it happened TOO fast. To be honest, fifteen minutes after watching the episode, I'm still very confused... but to be honest, I don't mind as much anymore.
  13. That moment when you realize.. I dislike them both... But I've gotta say Dr. Pepper is better than Root Beer.. but opinions are different for everyone.
  14. Heehee, new name. :3 I'd say it fits a fangirl like me.

    1. Show previous comments  30 more
    2. Scootalove
    3. Thunderstorm


      Oddly enough, I expected that answer..

    4. Scootalove


      I knew you would expect it. xD

  15. I'm actually quite surprised at the amount of people who find ponies sexy... But I guess I shouldn't be.. I AM female, and I don't get crushes on animals (GOHAN DOES NOT COUNT.. He's a saiyan not a monkey.. C: ) plus I'm not les.. I don't have a problem with these, but that doesn't mean I am any of 'em. I'm straight and I only like one person, whom you could probably guess who. So I do kind of see where some come from about falling for an animated character... but an animated horse?... I find that a bit odd.. but oh well. lolwat dis post wat my reaction
  16. Pretty much.. I know it seems unfair, but they DO save Equestria from evil'n stuff. But the summary thingy says she messes up the cutiemarks of her friends, therefore screwing their destinies (and her own of course)
  17. Ahah, you caught me off guard. I thought this was asking if ponies are sexy.. ahem.. I will still give my opinion on it. I do not find ponies attractive. Even as a big fan of the show back then, I could never grasp my mind around the fact people find ponies sexy.. does that really make sense? Sounded like a furry to me.. I AM female, however. So that may be why. I do find a character from a show attractive *cough* Son Gohan *cough* but atleast he's... er.. partially human. I find Humanized ponies extremely ugly, to be honest.
  18. It's always been a worry about Twilight becoming an Alicorn.. Really sad to know my fears are comin' true. This is one of the main six... The Element of Magic.. It makes sense to me.
  19. I really don't want alicorn Twilight... atleast not permanent... Please no permanent... Though the way the writers make it seem they always go the opposite direction. Oh of course... I was afraid this might happen. Thanks for answering..
  20. Been gone so long.. Haven't been keeping up with MLP.. darn, now I'm clueless!

    1. Zacharias


      I suggest you to avoid the forum for a bit then lol! Cause you might end up facing spoilers that the OPs didn't intend to be spoilers at all.

    2. Zacharias


      I always know more about new episodes than I want before I watch them...

  21. So Twilight's not an alicorn yet? I haven't been catching up on the show (as I am no longer a big fan of it.. it's more of a hobby I guess) and from the posts I've been reading, I haven't figured out.
  22. Oh.. Did I come off as rude? :c I didn't mean it like that! Of course you don't have to agree! Everypony's different! The world would be a boring place if everyone was the same.. Yeh, I get it. I just don't see them any more cuter than they already are!
  23. It is indeed a mysterious show.. but I don't find the mysteries in it too extreme. But yes, I was surprised at how different it was from most Disney shows! So I'd recommend checking it out. I notice its fanbase is huge!
  24. ...I don't really find it adorable much when they hold stuff with their mouths. I just find them the same cute I do when they don't have anything in their mouths..
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