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Everything posted by Teller

  1. It could be worse. We could be crying about the current quality of the show while having a Lauren Faust appreciation circlejerk.
  2. In the year 2028, the 1 nanometer semiconductor manufacturing process will be a thing. Silicon can't really be used in a manufacturing process smaller than 1nm, so unless we find a different element in the meantime that can take its place, growth in computational power will reach a stagnation.
  3. Things that really earn brownie points for me are high-resolution screens, microSD expansion, and decent battery life.
  4. It was the second grade. My palms were sweaty as I looked at this door, this... one door. This was my one chance to supersede the social dogma that was beset upon me from the very day that I was born. I opened the door, and walked in. "Eww, no boys allowed!" one girl said. "I'm telling the teacher!" another one says. Needless to say, I was sent home for going into the girls' restroom.
  5. "Yeah, my sister's really into this stuff, heheh." "Heh..." "..."
  6. A Samsung SGH-T229 and a Samsung Galaxy Note II. ^Look at that glorious off-center front LCD screen. My SGH-T229 lasted for 5 years before it finally kicked the bucket.
  7. Welp, I'd still have billiards and a public library to keep me sane.
  8. Do these kind folks get hurt whenever they judge a performance?
  9. When I lived near the highway, driving was fun. Speed limit 60. Wind in your face. Excitement. But now I live in the city, speed limit 25. Not quite as exciting, if at all.
  10. He was under the effects of a love potion in Hearts and Hooves day. Cakes of that magnitude have the tendency to be rather heavy. Wheels.
  11. "So why they need a PC release! What is the reason why?!"
  12. If you want peace, why're you slammin' the PCs, then?
  13. LyecOctavia, I am convinced that you are either a really good troll, or you are genuinely trying to convince yourself that consoles are better than PCs.
  14. Generally speaking, an emulator on a pc needs to be at least 10 times more powerful than the console it's emulating to have decently playable speeds. 7-8 times more powerful if the emulator is coded with efficient dynamic recompilation.
  15. Maybe because some PC circlejerkers don't own consoles? (I want it on PC because of moddability and 1080p60.)
  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mG73RwM5Tj0 This mashup is just so damn good.
  17. Snipers add a very welcome challenge to the game. You just have to play while taking into consideration where snipers usually perch themselves.
  18. Hey guys, a little PSA: apostrophe + s ('s) makes a noun possessive, not plural. The exception to this rule is "it's" and "its" where "its" is the possessive form and "it's" is a contraction, meaning "it is".

  19. Do something pony-related. They will eventually catch you, and ask you, "Are you a brony?" Then you reply, "Yeah." But do it neither triumphantly, nor bashfully. Just, y'know, casually.
  20. Death is very commonplace in fiction, and people do tend to exercise their creative liberties. That being said, you ought to hear the very vocal minority who personally take offense to the word "death".
  21. Walking through a doorway and getting a face full of spider web. I'm not afraid of spiders, but walking through a web just ruins my day.
  22. I want a documentary on cloppers. And the rule34 artists who exploit those weird moneybags provide a service to said people.
  23. Teller

    technology Apple sucks!

    Keyword, add $200. Basically you're paying $200 for an additional 8 gigs of ram, plus the base price of the original 8 gigs.
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