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Everything posted by Teller

  1. If I couldn't wish for unlimited wishes, then I'd wish for some ungodly amount of money. Mo' money, mo' problems. Luckily, I can deal with problems.
  2. 'Ay gurl. If I could rearrange the alphabet, I wouldn't change it at all.
  3. Sorry, I just wanted to join the bandwagon of posting semi-relevant image macros.
  4. The fandom would try to assemble a team of semi-competent writers and animators and attempt a fanseries. And then go on an indefinite hiatus.
  5. Well one is for keeping your friends in check, and the other is for telling your friends about every single step you take. Why not both?
  6. Throughout my life my nickname had been Tom. When my brother became engaged, he started calling me Uncle Tom.
  7. Ever since I got Civ V, it has become my all-around favorite strategy game. Though Fire Emblem: Awakening is a close second.
  8. Gosh, everyone who wears argyle must be slendermang, amirite?
  9. Nevermind that you only hear this music while facing the most difficult boss in videogaming history, but... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VYoH2Z6-g5k
  10. I like to identify myself more as a geek. People wouldn't think I'd be fascinated with computers and ponies, that is, until I open my mouth.
  11. This one always gives me the giggles whenever I watch it.
  12. I love bronies and all, but really, the last image should be this:
  13. Sonic & Knuckles on the Sega Genesis. I would always play it to hear the music in Flying Battery Zone Act 2.
  14. Let's all cry about the new design because it's different.
  15. Because it has been used and abused to the point of becoming trite.
  16. No, but I sometimes hum the songs while I'm in the shower. Best song so far is Smile Smile Smile, Smile Song, C'mon Everypony Smile, whatever the official title is.
  17. I daydream about art history. Or sometimes computer components.
  18. The only advice I can give you is to not use the words "lavender mare" or "cyan pegasus".
  19. Gotta get that Super Smash Bros. and X mang.
  20. I thought they were a bunch of weirdos. And to this day, I'll keep to the promise I made to myself to never become an introverted neckbeard and fit into the brony stereotype.
  21. A full game is much better than a game currently in alpha . The game is pretty great, and I love how easily moddable it is.
  22. I would be a Specialty Phone Operator. I would probably be a unicorn so I can levitate the phone to my ear, and not use my hooves like a filthy plebeian.
  23. "Alright, see you later." I'm a normal person.
  24. You can totes buy the episodes on iTunes, so you don't have to miss out! They'll be yours and yours alone and there ain't noone who can stop you from getting your fix of ponies!
  25. When it comes to YouTube monetization, copyright infringement is a very touchy subject, and it's defined in the terms that even simply humming your favorite song is considered grounds for copyright infringement. Proper crediting doesn't count, unless you're given express permission by Hasbro/The Hub.
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