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Everything posted by Teller

  1. 1: OctaScratch 2: It all started with a series of hypotheticals exchanged between a friend and I, about "What if X and Y were shipped together, and how would it play out?" When we eventually got to Octavia and Vinyl Scratch, it played out like, "Well I'd see Vinyl Scratch as being a total lesbo, considering that Skrillex is gay and they're both pretty much associated with Dubstep." followed up by "Octavia is totes in the closet- just look at that pink tie." 3: Teh musiks. 4: I've actually only read one after getting a recommendation of it, that one being Allegrezza. It was faaaaaantastic.
  2. When I became a brony, I've met a ton of cool people to chill with. Being a brony has also helped me weed out some of my "friends". The ones who criticize and insult me in a non-joking manner for being a brony were in my mind, "Never friends in the first place," while the people who stick by my side and don't mind/care that I'm a brony are real friends. So really, being a brony has its benefits.
  3. You must be the square root of 2, because baby, you make me feel irrational.
  4. I pirate software all day, er'day. I really like to think of it as an extended trial to get myself acquainted with the program or determine whether I like it or not. Some program trials lock out all the features that I actually want to try, so of course I'll be willing to try more drastic, less legal ways to use said programs for the full features. If I don't like the program, I'll just delete and and move on, knowing that I've saved myself hundreds knowing that I would've been disappointed with the program if I bought it. If I do like it, then I'll delete the pirated version of the program and go buy the full version of the program, knowing that it's money well spent. Also, since I respect Hasbro as a company, I buy all my MLP episodes on iTunes.
  5. I use all my non-thumbs to type the letters, and I use my left thumb to hit the space bar. My right thumb is completely useless whenever I type. Also, all 10 fingers isn't necessarily the correct way to type. In most typing classes, you type with your non-thumbs and hit the spacebar only with the thumb on your dominant hand. Which is weird because I'm a righty.
  6. Back when I was in Algebra, I didn't really need to use calculators because I could do most of the problems in my head. Calculus, though, a calculator is a must. If you expect me to find the volume of the largest rectangular parallelepiped inscribed in ellipsoid x²/9 + y²+16 + z²/36 = 1, you better hand me a calculator.
  7. First off, I'd pay for my college. Afterwards, I'd create the most expensive gaming computer one could ever build. (2tb ssds, tri-SLI GTX 680s, anyone?) I'd then buy a small house to cram full of nice things, and save the rest of the money in case I ever need to buy some more stupid things along the way. c: Oh and of course pony products.
  8. A wise woman once told me this, and to this very day, I live to these guidelines. "Use the force, Mr. Potter!" -Gandalf the White, James Cameron's Avatar: The Last Airbender
  9. I'd marry that above fool just for the awesome avatar. :<
  10. This device and I have gone through thick and thin. On numerous occasions it has saved me from certain doom, and good fortune always seems to roll my way whenever I have it in my pocket. It has also gone through the wash so many times and it still miraculously works.
  11. I sit with my legs crossed all day, every day. Why should society try to make a comfortable sitting position exclusive to the female gender? I want to sit comfortably, too. :<
  12. The only time I ever see myself using caps lock is when I have to enter product keys for various programs, even though it's not case sensitive. Other than that, the caps lock key is completely useless, as far as I'm concerned. Perhaps there's a job out there that requires someone to type in all caps, I dunno. ;<
  13. Granola bars, all night, every night. Well, not necessarily all night. Rather, I limit myself to one every other night so I can still comply to my 1200-calorie diet, but I digress.
  14. Behold, the magical prowess of my sloppy handwriting and awful wordplay! I apologize ahead of time for the eyestrain and possible head tilting.
  15. Awwwh yeah, unicorn powers are a go! Telekinesis- Pretty much a necessity if I want live with a sedentary lifestyle. Magic Barrier- Another necessity if I want to live my sedentary lifestyle, coupled with the alienation of the world. c: That's pretty much all I need. It's not like I need to go save the world any time soon.
  16. I tried that and all that occurred was a hodgepodge of US dollars started flying out of my disc drive. :<
  17. But in all actuality, I'd probably be the element of Curiosity. I always meddle in people's businesses, whether they want me to or not. (Sometimes they don't even know that I know everything.)
  18. I'd always do it on the balls of my feet. While normally I do one step at a time, there are times when I like to challenge the staircase, skipping every other step, feeling quite like a boss. Sometimes I push myself even harder, skipping 2 steps while clinging on to the guard rail for dear life. The real challenge is skipping 3 steps while trying to not do a split. The guard rail at this point is the only link between me and a near-disastrous backwards tumble.
  19. I was never in the stable. I would watch My Little Pony in class on my iPod, and if any wandering eyes with a sense of curiosity results in a confrontation of questioning, I will tell them, "Yes... yes I watch My Little Pony." And now pretty much everyone in my school knows that I watch MLP, and they're okay with it, for the most part. Any neighsayers (forgive me for that awful wordplay) who have a problem with it are left unsatisfied in their attempt to garner schadenfreude.
  20. I'm currently playing Pokemon Black 2. I actually just beat the game, but they provide so much to do in the post-game. c: Soon enough, the Wii U will take over my life.
  21. hgyjfgbhgtbhj Thanks a lot, man. Now I have hairs on my laptop keyboard. :<
  22. Since my OC is a guy, his dress would require sequins. Lots of sequins. Even sequins on the sequins. You could shine a candle light on it, and it would not only be dazzling, but quite blinding, actually. People will waltz into Gala and wonder, "What the hay is the disco ball doing, walking around like that?" And someone would promptly reply, "Oh, that's just [insert OC name here] and his sequined dress." And then everyone will live happily ever after.
  23. My biggest regret is taking Spanish class. Es muy triste. waiting a year to finally start taking art classes. Unless I manage to be so mind-blowingly awesome that I can just skip a level in art, I'll graduate by the time I finish Art III, but not AP 2D Design. :<
  24. When I signed up, I originally tried to use the username Tom, but some fool (or brilliant mastermind) has already taken that. After much weeping and bawling, I executed "B nalP", and just reversed it. Whoever has the Tom username, I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you are looking for ransom, I can tell you I don't have money. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills; skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you let me be Tom now, that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will kill love and tolerate you.
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