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What, if it is present, do you hate most in a video game?


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Anyone HATE escort missions where you have to protect an absolutely brainless NPC who is utterly unhelpful and runs off into trouble all the time? And the moment you're not watching them, they get killed and you have to do it all over again? Sadly, a lot of games have awful escort missions like these. One of my biggest peeves.

Ah, escort missions. The bane of nearly every gamer's existence.


- Similar to escort missions is stupid partner AI, especially when said partner suddenly becomes einstein when he's paired against you.


- Massive amounts of backtracking between two or more areas with no shortcuts. Twilight Town and Creepy Steeple come to mind in that regard.


- New game+. If the game is long enough and can be mostly completed in one go, then this is fine. But if the sole purpose for this is to shamelessly pad-out the game by replaying the exact. same. game just on a different difficulty...the word "tedious" comes to mind.

  • Brohoof 1

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Having a limited inventory, especially if it is small. It is such a small and simple thing but it makes the game a lot less enjoyable when you cave to constantly choose what to keep and what to drop.

  • Brohoof 1

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Not making a third game in a series (Valve)

Making a third game in a series

Gainax endings

Fetch quests

Heavily disguised fetch quests

Poor game mechanics

A broken, unnecessary feature

Unbalanced multiplayer weapons/characters

Being required to have an internet connection while playing the singleplayer campaign

Comic relief/stereotyped characters in a serious game



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Campers :ph34r:

  • Brohoof 3



"The Gods envy us. They envy us because we’re mortal, because any moment might be our last. Everything is more beautiful because we’re doomed. You will never be lovelier than you are now. We will never be here again."

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Hmm, I hate a lot of things about some video games.

Some have been said already but I'll list them anyway.

  • Escort missions. Having to defend a brain dead NPC.
  • Excessive amounts of profanity. There is a point where the levels of profanity reach unnecessary heights. Shellshock 2 was a good example. There were enough F-bombs in that game to last a lifetime. To the point where the profanity overwhelmed the dialogue.
  • Absurd amounts of backtracking.
  • Games lacking a good story and having great gameplay or vice versa.
  • Overly buggy games
  • Games that rely entirely on their multiplayer and put little development into the campaign.
  • Overly cheesy stories. Gears of War 3 I'm looking at you.
  • Games in which the enjoyment comes only from winning as opposed to just playing.
  • Games with people who take the game too seriously
  • Brohoof 2



LRP's opinions are subject to change without notice. Fees and penalties still apply.

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I just have a few pet peeves really.

  • Games with numerous game-breaking bugs
  • Unbalanced multiplayer
  • Games that are too easy
  • Escort Missions
  • Good stories held back by crappy gameplay

And that's it really.


Signature and avatar made by Arylett Dawnsborough.

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  • Enemies that get into your way when you're in a hurry
  • When you fail
  • Game overs
  • Dying
  • When you think you done something good and something bad comes
  • Hard bosses that do the impossible
  • When you're lost
  • When you can't find shit
  • When you have to do timed events

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Hm. I hate it in multiplayer games like Black Ops when as soon as you use your (female) voice, all of a sudden all these people begin to hit on you. I actually talk in a deep voice when I play so no one hits on me. :lol:

  • Brohoof 1


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  • Unavoidable one hit KOs
  • Endless combos
  • Obviously unbalanced characters
  • Short gameplay
  • Poorly written dialogue
  • Pointless unskippable cutscenes that you can't skip
  • Having to visit the same place more than twice
  • Boring bring me _______ of _______ quests
  • Boring kill _______ number of _______ quests
  • Unfixed game breaking bugs in console games
  • Bugs that cause blue screen of death on windows
  • Linear storylines with no sidequests
  • DLC that should have been included in the game
  • Plot twists that make no sense
  • Requiring some other game to unlock something
  • A single soundtrack that loops forever
  • Not having a pause button
  • Not having dedicated servers
  • Not including fullscreen mode
  • Stupid copy protection that won't let me play a game I paid for
  • No car damage in racing games (I just hit a wall at 100 mph, why is my car still shiny?)
  • Poorly done cell shading

The ones I emboldened



SERIOUSLY, some graphical styles drive me up the wall, but when cel-shading is done poorly just...NNNNNNGH


Also yes unskippable cutscenes, and I just wanna say this from a good game.

Paper Mario TTYD, final boss, 5-minute cutscene.


You BETTER not mess up. Not the worst example, but it is an example in a stellar game just to make it all the more worse.


Another thing I really hate in games lately is when the game SUGGESTS to lower the difficulty. I've noticed games doing this lately. Now, I can understand this clearly in a few games like Super Mario Galaxy 2. Because yanno, maybe it's your first game, you're 7 years old, that's fine. And it's not like it pops up ALL the time, it just pops up whenever you die like...more than six times in one place?


But when it's in a game less for children, like say, Soul Calibur V, yeah I don't like to be patronised, I will take the hand you dealt me game and don't you DARE patronise me otherwise.





OH, also, losing money whenever you "die" in a game. Pokémon did that, but I can handle that because it's harder to be bad at Pokémon than it is to be bad at, say, Borderlands, which EVERYTIME YOU RESPAWN, YOU LOSE 1/4 OF YOUR MONEY.









.....so yeah.

  • Brohoof 1

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I take it you don't like it when Phantasy Star Online takes ALL of your money for dying, Final. xD


Also, Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days does that if you die, they ask you if you wanna temporarily lower the difficulty. I always say no, of course, because if I started on that difficulty I'm gonna do it on that difficulty.

  • Brohoof 1
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During 'story' mode I hate save restrictions or having to find a check-point, I also hate if you die that you have to repeat everything you just did which could be over 20 minutes worth of stuff,


During 'online' play, people who hack or 'camp' and any form of cheap wins (ie claimers) ~

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FFXI taught me to hate... soooo much hate. I hate many of the things you have already said - escort missions, fetch quests, kill certain number of blank (Magian Moogle quests, I am looking at you!) but one thing that has made me want to absolutely destroy my PS2 repeatedly has been EXTREMELY LOW DROP RATES! FFXI as notorious for this (they have improved a bit), you would camp an NM for hours an end only to get... NO DROP. Drop only has 0.000001% chance of appearing - ha ha, keep playing this over and over again and give us all your money! I hate having to do anything repeatedly because of a low drop rate. FFXI - you have given me joy but also so much pain... so much pain...


Oh, and this:



Frankly, that whole game was terrible - it felt like it was made by someone who has never worked with that engine before and was fascinated with how many POINTLESS min-games they could throw in. UGH!

  • Brohoof 1
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When something kills you and there is literally no way you could possibly have known that it was there until you had already done it and died once.


Lazy quest designs in MMOs. In Champions Online I did a quest that had me kill 50 groups of enemies to lure out the boss, then kill the boss who was just one of the same enemies with higher stats.


Oh and the Mass Effect 3 ending. Sorry, had to say that :lol:

  • Brohoof 1

I can't make signatures.

Sooo... yeah

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So most of what I hate has been mentioned... but you guys appear to have forgotten one thing.


Anyone HATE escort missions where you have to protect an absolutely brainless NPC who is utterly unhelpful and runs off into trouble all the time? And the moment you're not watching them, they get killed and you have to do it all over again? Sadly, a lot of games have awful escort missions like these. One of my biggest peeves.


You just won my heart.


What i hate from games is when they have invisible walls, or when you can't get past a plastic bottle or sort because you can't jump.

  • Brohoof 2

"We will, we will rock you" - Kurt Cobain (2003)

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So most of what I hate has been mentioned... but you guys appear to have forgotten one thing.


Anyone HATE escort missions where you have to protect an absolutely brainless NPC who is utterly unhelpful and runs off into trouble all the time? And the moment you're not watching them, they get killed and you have to do it all over again? Sadly, a lot of games have awful escort missions like these. One of my biggest peeves.



OMG this totally. It reminds me of Natalia in Goldeneye... I can't count how many times I shot that stupid ***** when she walks right in your line of fire. Nothing is more irritating than this... :angry:
  • Brohoof 1

¿ʇı ʇnoqɐ ʇɥƃıɟ oʇ ʇuɐM˙ǝzıs ǝɯɐs ǝɥʇ ʇ,uǝɹɐ slıdnd ʎɯ ɥɐǝʎ


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Mass Effect's combat. And the ability to not skip convos if you die.

ME2 was SO much better.

Don't mind loads of detail but crappy combat just ruins a whole game for me -.-

  • Brohoof 1


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>Wobbly cameras (Castlevania Lords of Shadow)

>Third person perspective with the camera really close to the character so you can't see anything (Neverdead)

>Quick Time Events (God of War)

>Regenerating health (Modern FPSes)

>Invisible walls everywhere (Also Modern FPSes)

>Replacing difficulty with lack of checkpoints (Demon's Souls)

>Repeating the same line of combat dialog over and over until I want to fill my ears with rubber cement (Spider-Man games)

Motion Controls.


Those too. Edited by Bames Jond
  • Brohoof 1
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