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Master List of MLP Ship Names


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  • 1 month later...

:okiedokielokie: How dare you miss the Dazzings?

:lol: Oh well!
So um there are a lot of Dazlzing ships:























So yeah...


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  • 7 months later...

Just because I hate the scarcity of the ship:


Chrysalshy! That is Queen Chrysalis and Fluttershy. Everyone just ships the queen with Sombra, and I'm sick of it.

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Discodash? Rainbow Dash x Discord I don't get why people use Rainbowcord more, Discodash is just too perfect of a ship name. Celestibra,Sombra x Celestia, it is canon in the comics. 

Edited by CookieK
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  • 6 months later...

Sorry if this has been created somewhere before, but I had a hell of a time finding a post like this!


I was hoping you all would be interested in helping created a master list of all official ship names for the popular pairings in MLP:FiM. Other fandoms seem to have one, and just for consistency's sake, I felt like we should start constructing and perfecting one as well!


Keep in mind that these ships do not necessarily have to be romantic ships - some people ship characters in the sense of friendship pairings (brotps), sibling pairings, etc... basically, if you think they have (or would have) awesome chemistry on the show, then they ought to have a ship name! Don't get freaked out just became the word "ship" has taken on negative connotations.


Below I will list the ships that I have heard of at one point or another. However, there's no guarantee they are all correct. Post below if you have a ship name suggestion of your own, or please tell me if I got the name wrong on the list and I can change it! I don't know the proper names for a lot of ships, so please, please HELP! :lol:


I will constantly be updating this post as we collect more ship names.



MLP:FiM Ship Names


Mane Six x Each Other


AppleDash – Applejack x Rainbow Dash

ApplePie – Applejack x Pinkie Pie

FlutterDash – Fluttershy x Rainbow Dash

FlutterJack – Fluttershy x Applejack

FlutterPie – Fluttershy x Pinkie Pie

RainbowPie – Pinkie Pie x Rainbow Dash

RariDash – Rarity x Rainbow Dash

RariJack – Rarity x Applejack

RariPie – Rarity x Pinkie Pie

RariShy – Rarity x Fluttershy

Twarity - Twilight Sparkle x Rarity

TwiDash - Twilight Sparkle x Rainbow Dash

TwiJack - Twilight Sparkle x Applejack

Twinkie - Twilight Sparkle x Pinkie Pie

TwiShy - Twilight Sparkle x Fluttershy


Mane Six x Side Characters


Applejack Ships

AppleMac - Applejack x Big Mac

AppleBurn - Applejack x Braeburn

AppleSpike - Applejack x Spike

CaramelJack - Caramel x Applejack

CherriJack - Cherries Jubilee x Applejack

SoarinJack - Soarin' x Applejack


Fluttershy Ships

FlutterCeps - Fluttershy x Bulk Biceps

FlutterCord - Fluttershy x Discord

FlutterMac - Fluttershy x Big Mac

FlutterSpike - Fluttershy x Spike

LunaShy - Luna x Fluttershy


Pinkie Pie Ships

CheesePie - Cheese Sandwich x Pinkie Pie

CheeriPie - Cheerilee x Pinkie Pie

DerpyPie - Derpy x Pinkie Pie

GilPie - Gilda x Pinkie Pie

PinkieMac - Pinkie Pie x Big Mac

PinkieSpike - Pinkie Pie x Spike


Rarity Ships

Celarity - Celestia x Rarity

RariBlood - Rarity x Blueblood

RariMac - Rarity x Big Mac

RariPants - Rarity x Fancy Pants

RariWhooves - Rarity x Doctor Whooves

Rarixie - Rarity x Trixie

Sparity - Spike x Rarity

Lunarity - Luna x Rarity


Rainbow Dash Ships

CeleDash - Celestia x Rainbow Dash

DaringDash - Daring Do x Rainbow Dash

DerpyDash - Derpy x Rainbow Dash

FleetDash - Fleetfoot x Rainbow Dash

GilDash - Gilda x Rainbow Dash

LunaDash - Luna x Rainbow Dash

RainbowMac - Rainbow Dash x Big Mac

RainbowDust - Rainbow Dash x Lightning Dust

SoarinDash - Soarin x Rainbow Dash

ScootaDash - Scootaloo x Rainbow Dash

SpitDash - Spitfire x Rainbow Dash

SpikeDash - Spike x Rainbow Dash

ThunderDash - Thunderlane x Rainbow Dash

VinylDash - Vinyl Scratch x Rainbow Dash


Twilight Sparkle Ships

ChryLight - Chrysalis x Twilight Sparkle

DaringLight - Daring Do x Twilight Sparkle

DoctorSparkle - Doctor Whooves x Twilight Sparkle

Flashlight - Twilight Sparkle x Flash Sentry

Moonlight - Nightmare Moon x Twilight Sparkle

Spilight - Spike x Twilight Sparkle

SunsetSparkle - Sunset Shimmer x Twilight Sparkle

Twadence - Twilight Sparkle x Cadence

TwiArmor - Twilight Sparkle x Shining Armor

Twilestia - Twilight Sparkle x Celestia

TwiLuna - Twilight Sparkle x Luna

TwiMac - Twilight Sparkle x Big Mac

Twixie - Twilight Sparkle x Trixie


Big Mac Ships (some are repeated from above, just for the sake of having all his ships in one place)


AppleMac - Applejack x Big Mac

BigBurn - Big Mac x Braeburn

CaraMac - Caramel x Big Mac

CelestiMac - Celestia x Big Mac

CheeriMac - Cheerilee x Big Mac

FleetMac - Fleetfoot x Big Mac

FlutterMac - Fluttershy x Big Mac

LunaMac - Luna x Big Mac

MacnCheese - Big Mac x Cheese Sandwich

PinkieMac - Pinkie Pie x Big Mac

RainbowMac - Rainbow Dash x Big Mac

RariMac - Rarity x Big Mac

ShiningMac - Shining Armor x Big Mac

TwiMac - Twilight Sparkle x Big Mac


All Others


AppleSeed - Apple Bloom x Babs Seed

BlueSentry - Bluebood x Flash Sentry

CeleLuna - Celestia x Luna

ChrysaCord - Chrysalis x Discord

DiscoLight - Discord x Twilight

Dislestia - Discord x Celestia

DoctorDerpy - Doctor Whooves x Derpy

FancyFleur - Fancy Pants x Fleur Dis Lee

FleetFire - Fleetfoot x Spitfire

Glixie - Gilda x Trixie

HeartBurn - Little Strong Heart x Braeburn

Lunbra - Luna x Sombra

LyraBon - Lyra Heartstrings x Bon Bon

OctaScratch - Octavia x Vinyl Scratch

ScootaBelle - Scootaloo x Sweetie Belle

ScootaBloom - Scootaloo x Apple Bloom

ScootaSpike - Scootaloo x Spike

Shadence - Shining Armor x Cadence

SoarBurn - Soarin' x Braeburn

SoarinFire - Soarin' x Spitfire

SoarinFoot - Soarin' x Fleetfoot

Sombralis - Sombra x Chrysalis

SomLestia - Sombra x Celestia

SpikeBloom - Spike x Apple Bloom

Spilda - Spike x Gilda

Spilestia - Spike x Celestia

SpiLuna - Spike x Luna

Sprysalis - Spike x Chrysalis

SweetieBloom - Sweetie Bell x Apple Bloom

SweetieSpike - Sweetie Belle x Spike

TrixBlood - Trixie x Blueblood

Twysalis - Twist x Chrysalis


What else...? Please post your feedback! :D

But why not have triple ships too? You just displayed all possible double ones.

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  • 1 year later...
  • 1 month later...
On 6/11/2014 at 12:39 AM, Windseeker said:

Wow, that's a ton of ships.


You basically have an entire fleet here.

Actually It would be an armada. There are about 128 ships on this list (not counting out the repeated ones) and and armada is about 130 ships. A fleet has 430. tbh, i thought a fleet was smaller than an armada xD but i guess not. (i's sorry if this comment bothers you, i was merely satisfying my.....curiosity? tbh idek xD)

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  • 2 weeks later...

2 more ships for you to add:

Twimet - Twilight Sparkle x Comet Tail

SugarMac - Sugarbelle x Big Mac

SweetieMash - Sweetie Belle x Button Mash



Edited by xXSarah456Xx
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  • 4 weeks later...

After reading "Never Made Much of Myself", I decided to add these two relatable stallions together to my possible shipping list:


Which one sounds better?

ZephyrBurst or SunBreeze?


A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively


Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs


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  • 1 month later...


Ooh, I love this stuff.  Count me in.

On 6/10/2014 at 10:15 PM, Jennabun said:

TwiLuna - Twilight Sparkle x Luna

Oh, I'm sorry, but that's incorrect.  It's Tuna.






Ok, here's the other ones I got.  I came up with these.  Don't know if the fandom uses them.

  • Rainbow + Cadence = Radence, buuuut, if you tweak it, Radiance.  Idk, kinda cool.
  • Uh, let's see, I actually thought up Twixie, but you already have that one, so that's awesome.
  • Trixie + Starlight Glimmer = Trimmer (This is actually a ship I could envision on the show.  I think a lot of people are in this boat....er....ship:P)
  • And lastly, hooves down the greatest ship name of all time:  Cloud Chaser + Flitter = Clitter.  Like, OMG, are you freaking kidding me?!  CLITTER.  How perfect is that?!  Lol!
Edited by Justin_Case001
  • Brohoof 1


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I took the liberty of alphabetizing them for you.


Ahuilleron - Ahuizotl x Dr. Caballeron

Arisona - Aria Blaze x Sonata Dusk

Big n Rich - Big Macintosh x Filthy Rich

Cadalis - Princess Cadence x Queen Chrysalis

CaramelPierce - Caramel x Pokey Pierce

CocoPolomare - Coco Pommel x Suri Polomare

CometPierce - Comet Tail x Pokey Pierce

CompassSwoop - Compass Star x Rainbow Swoop

DoubleFavor - Double Diamond x Party Favor

EmberHeart - Ember x Flurry Heart

FashionBreeze - Fashion Plate x Zephyr Breeze

FeatherSqueak - Featherweight x Pipsqueak

Fleurity - Fleur De Lis x Rarity

FlimFlam - Flim x Flam

FlimGalloFlam - Flim x Svengallop x Flam

HoityMac - Hoity Toity x Big Macintosh

IgneousCake - Igneous Rock x Mr. Cake

LightningPolomare - Lightning Dust x Suri Polomare

LunaTrix - Trixie Lulamoon x Princess Luna

ManeHeel - Mane-iac x High Heel

OrangeLight - Uncle Orange x Night Light

Quibbleron - Quibble Pants x Dr. Caballeron

Rich n Fancy - Filthy Rich x Fancy Pants

RumbleMash - Rumble x Button Mash

Shadowburst - Sombra x Sunburst

Shinebra - Shining Armor x King Sombra

ShiningSentry - Shining Armor x Flash Sentry

SilverTiara - Diamond Tiara x Silver Spoon

SkyPie - Princess Skystar x Pinkie Pie

Sombrek - Sombra x Tirek

Sporax - Spike x Thorax

StarRa - Starlight Glimmer x Countess Coloratura

StarTrix - Starlight Glimmer x Trixie Lulamoon

SugarGlider - Sugar Belle x Night Glider

SunsetDazzle - Sunset Shimmer x Adagio Dazzle

Sunshine - Sunburst x Flash Sentry

SweetieBabs - Sweetie Belle x Babs Seed

SymphSticks - Symphony x Fiddlesticks

TempestSparkle - Tempest Shadow x Twilight Sparkle

Thunderin - Thunderlane x Soarin'

TrendyBlue - Trenderhoof x Blueblood

TrenderBreeze - Trenderhoof x Zephyr Breeze

Twabs - Twist x Babs Seed

WindGallop - Wind Rider x Svengallop

Edited by Lord Princess Panzy


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  • 2 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I have a few Twilight ships that you don't have, and then one other.

Twilight x Sombra- Twibra(?)

Twilight x Moondancer- Moonlight

Twilight x Tempest- Twipest

Twilight x Starlight- Twistar

Twilight x Blueblood- I literally can't think of any better name than Bluelight -_-

Twilight x Comet Tail- Taillight (?)

Twilight x Star Tracker- Trackerlight (?)

In one comic I also saw a Fluttershy x Soarin ship. Maybe Soarinshy?

(I'm not that good at coming up with the ship names, I know XD)

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