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When do you think we'll see MLP's heartwrenching episode?


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Sometimes, a cartoon has an episode so emotionaly tearjerking that it makes you want to buy tissues. For Adventure Time, It's Simon & Marcy. For Teen Titans, it's How Long is Forever?. For Hey Arnold, its Pigeon Man. While there are emotional moments in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, I don't think any of them were necessarily tearjerking. Considering FiM has continuity, story, and character development like the 3 shows I mentioned, how long do you think we'll wait untill we see a genuinely tearjerking (as in, no emotionally manipulative garbage Family Guy's Life of Brian pulled) episode of MLP?


I think we may see it around Season 5, particularly when it comes to Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. While the rest of the Mane 6's background and family were established in Season 1, we still don't know much about Rainbow and Flutters aside from going to flight school together.


Considering how in the dark we are about their background, I feel like there's something deeper going on with these two. Why does Rainbow want to be the best flyer in Equestria? Why does Fluttershy have a crazy side? Obviously, this is still a children's cartoon, so there's going to be hoops the writers have to jump through. But if they can pull it off, then it could make Season 5 my favorite season.

Edited by TheMisterManGuy
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If they do an episode like this, it'll probably be related to Applejack's parents, though personally I'm kind of burnt out on that idea. I do like the idea of them using it as a way to explore Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy's unfortunately lacking background

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MA Larson has confirmed that he is doing a sad episode in Season 5 at MLP-MSP, which he said was one of the most difficult episodes that he ever wrote.  


As for what the episode in question is going to be about, it will indeed be about Twilight saying goodbye to the Golden Oak library.  


Doing an episode about Applejack's parents would be kind of dark for a show like this, but you never know.

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As for what the episode in question is going to be about, it will indeed be about Twilight saying goodbye to the Golden Oak library.


How do you know that? :o He only said the episode he wrote isn't funny. Edited by Blobulle
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Sad??? Why sad??? This topic alone is going to make me cry!!!

Just kidding! I would love a sad episode! Don't expect me to cry though, I've read hundreds of books and so far only two of them have managed to make me cry. Also, only call me Twilight if you can't resist.

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I've already been moved by MLP:FIM on several occasions lol.  And it's not because I'm such a sensitive guy; I've reacted less emotionally to some real life occurrences. xD


I don't want a straight-up sad episode.  Some sad and / or serious moments are fine (though I prefer stuff that's moving in a satisfying, triumphant way), but there'd better be something to temper that sadness and / or seriousness.  I mean, I watch / have watched the likes of BSG, GoT, The Walking Dead, True Detective, etc.  I don't watch MLP for outright sad lol.  I don't need too much sad in mah everything.


Though I think there should be an episode where Diamond Tiara is hit by a train.

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It should be the episode, because it is the only piece of season 5 that has been out there.  Still, we should get some more details about season five in two weeks at San Diego Comic Con.


FYI, don't believe what you see and hear about there not being a season five preview and only a preview for Rainbow Rocks.  They did it last year as a surprise and I believe that they are doing it again.

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idk , the reason those shows pulled it off is because they are darker than MLP (yes even adventure time)


BUT i think MLP could tackle some pretty grim topics if the writers handled it correctly the way Teen Titans did with racism


like this



(we all thought cyborg was gonna say "I'm black")

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idk , the reason those shows pulled it off is because they are darker than MLP (yes even adventure time)


BUT i think MLP could tackle some pretty grim topics if the writers handled it correctly the way Teen Titans did with racism


like this



(we all thought cyborg was gonna say "I'm black")

To be honest, Adventure Time began as wacky and lighthearted, it didn't start getting darker untill after season 2.

Edited by TheMisterManGuy
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I don't see the staff actually tacking something like that.  It would be too sensitive for children as this is a family oriented show after all.


Think of all the other shows that dealt with the same subject that MLP is going to come up with:


"I Remember Meville" from Rugrats.


"Forget Me Not" from The Wild Thornberrys


"Kenny Dies" from South Park


"Code of Honor" from Beast Wars


That's just to name a few and they all have one thing in common and that is dealing with loss.  When the library episode or whatever episode airs in season 5, it will be added to this growing list.

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For Teen Titans, it's How Long is Forever?


Haunted would like to have a nice little chat with you in the dark while you're full of hallucinogenic drugs. 


I wouldn't mind them exploring some darker themes with Season 5, but really, it's not like we don't already have those elements in the show proper. They're just underplayed. 




Or not. 

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There're some sad moments in the show, but I don't think they'll do a sad episode. MLP:FiM is above all a light-hearted show.

The show doesn't have to give up its lighthearted episodes, but I would like to see some darker themes explored.

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I'd love for this to happen, it would really show how good these writers are and just how much stronger MLP is compared to most of today's competition if they were allowed to pull this off.


Alas, Hasbro standards & practices have the final say on this, and I'll let DrWolf and CloudCuckooCountry explain why that barrier makes this idea that much harder to go through with.


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While I don't think a "sad" episode would translate well for mlp, (Crying kids, upset parents, and irreversible outcomes) a serious episode would be welcomed. Like I said in a post similar to this, they should tackle a social issue and ponify it. Say the CMC has a new exchange student who is gay/a foriegner/doesn't have parents. The show could be typical lighthearted MLP while still showing kids and adults alike that "issue x is possible to overcome." Or, just have a two parter episode that isnt back to back. Say the CMC breaks up for a bit, and then 5 or so episodes later somehow rectify the situation. That would be awesome because for a while we wouldn't know if they are actually getting back together or not.

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I wouldn't exactly call the library farewell a sad episode, but more of a "letting go" style episode.  The lesson would be that just because you lose something physical, it doesn't mean the memories will ever be lost.  


I also like the CMC idea that if one of them earns their cutie mark before the other two, it would indeed cause a rift and the viewer would be left wondering whether this would truly be the end of the Cutie Mark Crusaders (although they would ultimately get back together and reconcile in the end)

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First thing which came to mind would be one of the Mane 6 leaving the group, maybe Fluttershy is required to help rehabilitate an endangered species faraway or Twilight becomes trapped away from Equestria in a sacrificial attempt to save everyone in a apocalyptic finale. I doubt either will come into existence though :blush:

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Scoots episode: she can't fly without an expensive operation, she finds this out the same day her parents die in a fiery explosion, then she's forced into the labour force to support herself....

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While I don't think a "sad" episode would translate well for mlp, (Crying kids, upset parents, and irreversible outcomes)

I think a sad episode can work. Girls can appreciate sad moments just as much as boys. Besides, a sad episode doesn't have to be about death. It could be something like, say.... Fluttershy's family? Also, Transformers Prime can kill off characters, be violent and have serious moments, and parents have no problem with it. And no, don't use the "Its for girls excuse" because that's just using your target audience as a cheap cop out. Yes, MLP is a kids show, but other kids shows have tackled death and sad moments before. So FiM has no excuse.

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I think one sad Scootaloo episode is enough, especially after reading a summary like that.  


FYI, you are probably wondering why I think the library farewell episode is the sad episode that is being talked about.  It's because I felt that "Twilight's Kingdom" ended prematurely as we never got to see the aftermath of the library.  But, we will see it in season 5 either as the two-part season premiere or as the first slice-of-life episode of the season.   


Think about it for a moment, Twilight lost everything when her home blew up (books, clothes, pictures, letters to Celestia, etc.) all those memories and artifacts that she treasured since she became Celestia's student were all gone in the blink of an eye and it would strongly affect her greatly to the point of going into a depression.  To repair the void, all of Twilight's friends would band together to help her replace all that she lost:


A. Applejack and her family would return Smarty Pants to Twilight


B. Rarity and Fluttershy would work together to create new replicas of Twilight's dresses


C. Rainbow Dash would give Twilight her entire Daring Do collection (Twilight had her own collection that was lost in the explosion)


D. Pinkie Pie would give Twilight pictures of certain parties and events that they had all taken part in together (Grand Galloping Gala, Royal Wedding, Princess Coronation, etc.)


Don't forget about Spike as well as he lost everything in the library as well.  I wouldn't be surprised if the Crystal Empire helps him recover all that he lost too.  


Although, I must admit that he would not feel sad as Twilight would be, but be more concerned for her than himself.  


As I have said before, the episode would be about keeping the memories of physical objects alive.

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