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What accomplishment are you proud of?


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I guess I am quite happy about making a complete telephone system on my property, that you can ring anywhere and talk, just like a real landline.

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Lol I feel like I saw this thread back in the day... apparently I didn’t post :wacko: ?

On 1/17/2019 at 2:22 PM, Angel_Dust said:

Even being a person with low self-esteem, I'll admit that I accomplished quite a bit. Reflecting on my old post in this thread, I'm happily able to say that the project I mentioned is pretty much the same one that I've gotten pretry far on, but it took a few years and several redesigns, so I don't feel awfully proud of that. As for real accomplishments:

  • Although I assume I got last place, I made it to a state-level academic meet in "Number Sense" (Name of the event, the test is based around mental math).
  • I almost made it to the ATSSB (Association of Texas Small School Bands) All-State Band.
  • I beat a pro Paladins player twice. We were both playing Barik both times and I kept beating him on the point. Although he was just a streamer known for his Ying at the time, he became a pro DPS player.

Oh ship hahaah, same-ish. I made 1st-chair all state on tenor trombone my last year in high school (4A TMEA, back when 4A was.... not 5A :wacko: ).

Cant think of other proud distinguished accomplishments :huh: .

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  • 2 years later...

When I was in high school I attended a few competitions and got some award signed by the then mayor of the city. There was some ceremony in city hall if I remember correctly and other people and myself got our awards. That was in late 2004 or early 2005.

Edited by zerox
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i would say my driver's licence the freedom it gives is amazing

also getting the most deliveries of the day done at dominos hehe I'm fast af boy and I'm new there too so makes it feel extra good lol

I don't that many or any achievement's...

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